-Bonds with Rena in the hospital
-Turns thirteen
-Goes on a mission with Aoba, Sano and Ame
- Bonds x-core with Tenjou
- Goes on the guard the dam mission and gets attacked.
- Turns fourteen.
- Gets stoked for joining ANBU.
- Rolls on in to Konoha from Suna.
- Hooks up with Kin and does lots of awesome things with him.
- Gets caught up in the drama between Makoto and Kin.
-Gets out of the hospital
-Spends time with hospital-bound Arashi
-Turns thirteen, and shows her father her awesome fire jutsu skillz
-Gets a pony, which is named Seiryu. No one knows why.
-Gets BSF necklaces for Nyoko and Tenjou for their birthday. Feels like sibling relationships are definitely improving
-Finds out his mom is interested in Obito. Starts to feel bond towards him, as “Future Possible Stepdad”
-Starts trying to bond with Rena as “Future Possible Big Sis”
-Learns Katon: Housenka no Jutsu from Tenjou
-gets his “Haru-Hair/Tornado Cow” dye color
-Tag-Team Training. Defeats Shinme in battle. Gets in argument with him over the morality of strategically forfeiting
-Goes to Kin’s birthday party, even though he has no idea who Kin is
-Finds out Kin is Michiru’s boyfriend; decides this is a very bad thing
-Michiru heals his leg, with instruction from Makoto
-Kills his first enemy
-Watches Hakusen kill to protect him and falls apart
-Birthday party of twins; IchiNyo relationship A-Okay with Sasuke
-Goes back to Suna for an Exchange Report; talks with everyone over the Hakusen Killing thing and pieces himself back together
-Returns to Konoha
-Father enrolled her as transfer student
-Training with Hikaru
-Clears Sayuri’s room
-Goes on a B-class mission with his father, Morino Yahiko and Yamashiro Makoto to avenge his sister’s death
-Decides to learn Sayuri’s personal jutsu
-Is still in look-down in the Mansion
-Learns that her sister is alive and well, and that she’s coming back home to stay
-End of the war
-Trains in the tag match with the other Genins. Totally pawns Subakuno Michiru before getting pummelled by Tenjou
-Is in the hospital for broken ribs and punctured lung. Is enjoying himself and is pimping the nurses
-Hanging out with Kin and playing Hide-and-Seek with Shangoh
-Talked with Rena,Shangoh, and Ichigo
-Because of the end of the war, work around the clock at the hospital
-Meets Michiru
-Gets into another verbal fight with Kin in front of Michiru. It comes close to turn ugly
-The fight is actually interrupted by the arrival of Sayuri. Makoto has trouble believing she’s truly alive
-Emerges from isolation and meets Hakusen.
-Takes Inizuka blood sample for study.
-Meets Ebisu Akihito and begins research on a counter-seal