Full Name: Inuzuka Kin
Age: 16
Personality: Easygoing, mildly sarcastic, has a lazy drawl. If it were an anime, he's speak in an Osaka dialect. As it is, it's something close to a southern accent, though god only knows how he managed to pick that up. Kin's not terribly bright but he is fairly experienced, sometimes if you don't look too closely it can pass for the same thing. Considers himself a ladies man, but he's kind of been tamed with the addition of Michiru. He has an arrogance to him, but it isn't a cold arrogance. He just tends to assume -at least, with his usual group of friends- that he knows better. He likes people, and considers everyone his friend. It takes a lot to piss him off. Unless you're Makoto. Though he is easygoing and a bit of a slacker, he takes his job (Anbu) very seriously and a whole other side of him comes out on the occasional mission he goes on with his friends. He's got no problem with killing and quite enjoys a good fight. Style: Kin's clothes matter very little to him. So they give him an Anbu uniform and he's usually wearing at least the basics of it. Black pants and black sleeveless turtleneck. And depending on what he's doing, he'll wear the grey body armor, shin and wrist guards and even a sword sometimes. His mask usually hangs at the back of his neck, though, and he doesn't have a hitae-ate at all. He proudly sports the Anbu tattoo on his left bicep, and the Inuzuka clan symbol in red on his right. His hair is blonde, spiky and wild, his cheeks have the red triangles and his eyes are the Inuzuka slits, though blue instead of black. Family: Kin's family is very important to him. He's part of the Inuzuka family, and while he'd never admit it, one of his very biggest pet peeves is that Inuzuka isn't accorded the respect that Hyuuga or Uchiha is. His mother is Inuzuka Hana (Kiba's older sister) And his father is an unknown quantity, though odds are pretty good he was blonde haired and blue eyed. He lives at the Inuzuka compound, with his cousins Jakk and Sana and his aunt and uncle Kiba and Hinata. Abilities: Kin is a taijutsu expert, and almost every technique he has is either to take advantage of his brutal speed and strength, or his nose. Though still chuunin, after his Anbu team got dismembered he was promoted to captain, and his skills reflect that. Even without his shikakyu no jutsu, he's blindingly fast and crushingly strong, though his best ability is probably his nose. He and Saito work extremely well together, and one of their favorite tactics is to have one of them hold an enemy in kirigakure while the other uses thier nose to track and beat the opponent into the dust with Tsuuga. He has a crappy aim and has always preferred getting close and settling things with his claws. Recently, he's also finally started to learn how to use the sword they issued him with his Anbu gear. His genjutsu skills are crap, though he's pretty good at recognizing and dispelling them. Pain has never been an issue with him, though, as with all his clan, hurting him enough may lead to a berserk state. Love Interests and/or friends: Everyone's Kin's friend. Except Makoto. But there can be only one Michiru. She got into town one day from Suna and Kin jumped right on that like it was going out of style. Though he can be an insensitive ass from time to time, generally he can at least realize it and apologize. And he does love it when her cheeks light up red. Other then that, he's exceptionally close with Uchiha Rena, whom he referrs to as 'princess' and has declared himself her benefactor in her dream to join Anbu. And he loves his cousins dearly, thinking of them more as siblings. Rivalry: Makoto! The two of them have a long and sordid history. Basically, Kin came awfully close to getting Makoto's teammates killed through a stupid prank. He almost got himself killed trying to rescue them, and has apologized profusely, but Makoto's never forgiven him for it. So he thinks Makoto's an arrogant ass, and Makoto thinks he's an irresponsible jerk. And they fight constantly, which upsets the hell out of Michiru -Makoto's co-worker- and Hakusen -Michiru's cousin and Makoto's boyfriend. Neither of them seem to particulalry enjoy fighting with each other, there's just something about that smug arrogance...
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