
Kristen here, AKA the player of Ichigo and four other characters of far less significance. I just…really, really like Ichigo best.

I am swiftly encroaching upon the age of twenty-two, which sickens me, since I don’t want to grow up. However, I don’t really want to be a Toy’s R Us kid, either.

I go to college (like your mom) and I’m an Anthropology major. And I’m going to stop right there and tell you that NO, I don’t dig up things. My interests within my field are linguistics, culture, forensics and bioarcheology. Which WOULD include digging up stuff. Shut up.

Um, I really like sentence fragments.

And I hate weather.

Sometimes people try to talk me out of hating weather, and I’m just like, “No.” I mean, c’mon. Why would you talk someone out of something that is so obviously meant to be nonsensical?

I care more about Gaara than I do about real people. I would rather buy manga than food, and have gone many a day without dinner but with a new book to curl up with. I frequently make poor decisions.