Full Name: Uchiha Nyoko

Age: 13

Personality: Nyoko is cheerful, optimistic girl who generally prefers avoiding conflict with others. For the most part, she’s a considerate and caring person who forgives people very easily, though it should also be noted that she sometimes gets extremely angry at and jealous towards someone without even expressing it. She’ll just fume about how awful they are to herself, then forget about her random hatred towards them later.
Nyoko often spends more time than she should doing frivolous things when she could be training. She really does want to be a good ninja, but she tends to have little motivation to really get stronger than those around her.

Style: Nyoko wears a blue, qipao-style shirt that has a large Uchiha fan on the front middle of it. With it, she has matching blue armwarmers with black trim and black capris. On her feet are Konoha’s standard blue ninja sandals, and she has bandages going to about halfway up her shins. Nyoko’s main rule in how she dresses is “Always wear an Uchiha fan, and no skirts when there’s a possibility of ninja-ing.” As a result, she pretty much never wears skirts, since there’s ALWAYS a possibility of ninja-ing.
Her hair, which is black, parted in the middle, and goes slightly past her shoulders, is sometimes in a blue hairclip, with two strands behind her ears held back with it. Every once in a blue moon, and not in public, she might wear it in pigtails. Maybe.

Family: Being a member of the esteemed, yet nearly extinct, Uchiha clan, Nyoko has a lot of respect for her family. She lives with her twin brother, Tenjou, and her father, Uchiha Sasuke. She’s also distantly related to Uchiha Obito and his daughter Rena. She thinks her father is the best person in the whole world and wants to be just like him, even though he’s always busy and really doesn’t spend much time with her. Her and Tenjou fight constantly, but she really does care about him. She just sucks at expressing it. She likes Rena and she considers her a friend, albeit a fairly creepy one.
Though she didn’t know who her mother was throughout a majority of her childhood, Nyoko recently learned that her mom is Uzumaki Sakura, and she and Uzumaki Shangoh are half siblings. She initially didn’t really think of Shangoh as her brother, but recently she’s gotten closer to him and has begun thinking of him as a member of her family.

Abilities: Nyoko’s main ability is her skill in the Fuuma Shuriken, but she also tends to enjoy relying on her Sharingan. Her ninjutsu is decent and her taijutsu is good, but her poor chakra control prevents her from ever being able to look into being a medic, or use genjutsu. She tends to get exhausted easily from chakra overuse in battle, though her physical endurance is pretty good. However, Nyoko is easily intimidated and put into a state of panic, and usually doesn’t like fighting. Over all, Nyoko does not stand out particularly as a ninja, though Shido Shinme recently taught her a very powerful new fire jutsu known as the “Eye of Eternity”.

Love Interests and/or friends: Throughout a large portion of her academy life and some time after, Nyoko had a huge crush on Nara Arashi. Unfortunately for her though, Arashi ended up liking her brother instead, leaving her quite upset and heartbroken. However, soon after, she ended up falling in love with Sabakuno Ichigo, who she’d started to like when she talked to him after his first fight with her brother. After a little while, they started dating, and still are as of now.
Nyoko really considers every person she’s ever met a friend. Though she’s had a few people she disliked, she usually eventually gets over it. Her best friend is probably Mitarashi Yuuki, but unfortunately, she’s not around very often. At all.

Rivalry: Nyoko’s never really had any. She’s occasionally randomly decided that someone was her new rival, but then she just forgot about it or got bored of it the next day. While people having rivals usually doesn’t bother her, she’s recently gotten very annoyed of the concept due to the rivalry between her twin brother and her boyfriend.

Random Tidbits:
-Nyoko loves Samurai novels. With a PASSION.
-She is a fan of traditional Japanese tea ceremony, and pretty good at it.
-She collects cute stuffed animals, namely Sanrio ones. And real animals too. And anything cute and fluffy that she happens to see.
-Her bedroom is overly pink and frilly, and she likes it that way, so STFU.
-She forgives Ichigo every time he makes a snide comment about the Uchiha clan or Konoha, though it pisses her off for roughly 2.5 seconds.
-She sometimes goes through random angst fits and locks herself in her room and listens to emo music.
-Her birthday is June 18th, same as Tenjou’s.
-She loves festivals and wearing yukata. Her favorite holidays are Tanabata and New Year’s.
-Her favorite foods are lo mein and mochi, but she’s also pretty partial to ice cream.
-Nyoko has a sort of “Inner Nyoko”, much like her mother’s Inner Sakura. Her and Tenjou must have a psychic twin link, because Inner Nyoko and Inner Tenjou are able to fight and converse.
-Her favorite color ever is green, but she doesn’t wear it very often.
-She has a weird obsession with Fuuma Shuriken, and has this huge collection of them in her room.