Full Name: Uzumaki Shangoh
Shangoh is NOT a Japanese name. I used to not even think it was a real name until I watched The Wild Thornberries and found out there was an African Elephant there named Shango or something. But the name Shangoh (when originally created, pronounced “Shane (rhymes with rain)-go, but nowadays I also pronounce it “Sean-go”, so I guess either really works. There’s no OFFICIAL pronunciation..yet.) was created by myself many many moons ago, along with the name “Gossuka”, after I had broken my arm. Long story. But anyway, ever since then whenever I wrote a story or joined a game, the GOOD character or the Hero would always be named Shangoh and the EVIL character or Villain would always be named Gossuka. And the rest…is history.

Age: 13 at the start of the series/rp, currently 14
Birthday: July 8th.

Personality: Shangoh’s full personality is quite difficult to pinpoint exactly, because Shangoh has Disassociative Identity Disorder, or in layman’s terms, a split personality. Y’see, as Shangoh grew up he discovered he had various thoughts and feelings which he was afraid would be laughed at or disliked by his parents and his peers, most strikingly the fact that he felt attraction towards other males. Shangoh repressed a lot of these thoughts and feelings, but whenever he would use his father’s Sexy no Jutsu or his own patented variation, the Cheerleader no Jutsu, he would feel less restraint and would do or express feelings that he normally wouldn’t show. Eventually all of these repressed thoughts and feelings got stuck within the female form and amassed into an entirely separate “personality” who is now called “Shachan”. Shangoh is still the dominant personality, and in this normal form he is generally friendly, and can alternate between being loud about some things and just being kind of peaceful and quiet. He can be more outgoing and friendly when he’s in his better moods, but when he is in a bad one he’ll usually just stay behind and follow along with whatever’s going on. He likes to try to strike up conversations with people when they don’t seem busy, and loves to learn new things. He is a very logical and literal thinker most of the time, and loves to debate over things and think up strategies or solutions to various problems. Overall though, he is a nice boy who generally doesn’t want to make anyone unhappy, and likes to keep everything fair, though in terms of shinobi battle he believes the lines of what constitutes “fair” are rather sketchy.
Shachan, as all of Shangoh’s repressed thoughts and feelings compressed and combined, is very loud, outgoing, bold, and quite promiscuous. All attention towards males Shangoh would find attractive is focused entirely in Shachan, but Shachan also digs the chicks along with Shangoh himself. Shachan has absolutely NO inhibitions about anything, and will do just about anything for pleasure, be it making out with some guy/girl she likes, causing havoc throughout the Karaoke Bar, or just spending all of Shangoh’s allowance on clothes. Shachan also has an advantage of ALWAYS knowing what’s going on, whereas when Shachan is in control of the body (I.e when Shangoh is in Cheer/Sexy no Jutsu), if she does anything that Shangoh would never do as a male, Shangoh tends to get pushed aside and blocked out, and will not remember any of that when he comes back into control.

Style: Originally, Shangoh just wore pretty much normal clothes, though he preferred to wear a red jacket kind of thing over some kind of shirt. He varied a lot, but then he looked around and saw that everybody else in the universe didn’t have to worry about their closets being all cluttered and losing their favorite outfit because they were like Rocko and had like, 5 billion copies of the same outfit or something. So then he looked back on his past and figured what made him happiest. And he decided: Christmas Rules. So he dressed in this cool outfit that’s all Christmas colors. Ok, he really wears those colors because they’re just so bright and cheery and he wanted to dress in something that would stand out and show that he’s a happy camper MOST of the time, and also because he didn’t like those boring blacks and greys and dark greens on the other peeps (never you mind that bright colors don’t make sense at all for a ninja since it would make them stand out. Not only do I direct you towards this site’s slogan, but I also remark that Naruto also wore quite bright colors. So nya.)
For the Chuunin Exam, Shangoh wears..a Tuxedo. But not ANY Tux! A specially formatted Tux with like a bunch of extra pockets for his kunai and traps and poisons and stuff…and there’s a huge kangaroo-ish pouch on his back where he keeps his Violin. But…this has not been fully thought of looks-wise/never designed, so there is no picture of it so you’ll just have to GUESS what that looks like for now!
Oh, and as for his actual appearance, as you can see Shangoh was gifted with different-colored eyes! One of his eyes is Green like his mommy’s, and the other is blue like good ol’ Dad’s! And his hair, in contrast to Tenjou’s bright raspberry, is a much lighter peach shade as Sakura’s pink hair color mixed with Naruto’s blonde as opposed to Sasuke’s black. However, at one fateful party he was convinced by Rena to die his hair so that it was white on the top and black on the bottom like Haru from Fruits Basket, during which time he was known as “Tornado Cow”, which apparently originated from some inside joke that Rena and Tenjou made with each other. He did not like this, and quickly went back to his old peachy do later.

Family: For the first 13 years of his life, Shangoh believed he was an only child. However, he later discovered that a year after he was born his mother, Haruno Sakura, gave birth to two twins to another man. These twins, Uchiha Tenjou and Uchiha Nyoko, were people he had known at the academy, and he was actually rivals/almost deep enemies with Tenjou at the time. When he suddenly found out that he was their half-brother, Shangoh was elated to find out he actually had SIBLINGS. For you see, Family is like, the most important thing in the WORLD for Shangoh. However, Shangoh has a VERY idealistic view on how sibling relationships are, and thus tries to be the perfect brother to Nyoko and Tenjou, even if they are uncomfortable or just want to hit him. However, since that day, Shangoh seems to have really improved with his “Lil Sis” and “Lil Bro”, as he always calls them, no matter HOW many times this annoys Tenjou. Shangoh seems to be getting along just fine with Nyoko now, though he still has a bit of a rough spot here and there with Tenjou. However, no matter how much Tenjou may resist, Shangoh will never stop trying to bond with his new siblings and make up for lost time, and he would do ANYTHING for either of them, including lay his life on the line.
As for his parents, both Sakura and Naruto were very busy most of the time so he doesn’t see them ALL that much, but the times he did spend were very precious to him, because as said earlier, Family=Love. However, later in time Shangoh started to get kind of sad because even when he wasn’t busy with Hokage stuff, Naruto wasn’t spending much time with him, as he found out that he’d rather do stuff like make love to Sasuke and train Arashi. This hurt Shangoh and made him feel betrayed by his own kin, so he started to kind of ignore him, and instead found a father figure in Uchiha Obito, whom he found out had an interest in his mother, and he took an immediate liking too. Shangoh loves the few times he’s hanged out with Obito, whom he calls his “Future Possible Stepdad”. Likewise, Shangoh also halfway views Rena as a sibling since he sees the possibility of Obito and Sakura getting together, so she is dubbed “Future Possible Big Sis”, or sometimes just “Big Sis”, though he will also just call her by name as well. Shangoh feels some of the family bond towards Rena and Obito, but not fully…yet.
Finally, as for Sakura, Shangoh really adores his mumsy. After his view in Naruto took a bit pitfall and Shangoh just lost desire to be Hokage just like his dad and everything, he started seeing his Mom as a much better role model instead. Sakura has taught Shangoh almost everything he knows about Poisons, in addition to encouraging his hardcore studying. Also, Sakura apparently likes to baby Shangoh and still thinks he’s 5, for Shangoh has EXTREME gullibility when it comes to Sakura because he thinks everything she says is Law, and she has certain ideas about what is appropriate for Shangoh to know. So while Shangoh knows all kinds of stuff about shinobi theory and history and just random nonfiction tidbits, for a long time he had absolutely NO clue about Sex. He thought babies came from diamonds in cabbages and stuff. However, just about everyone in the world teamed up to rid him of these delusions, and he even got a textbook that told him all about the reproductive system. However, one thing that Shangoh still refuses to NOT believe that has been engrained into him by his Mom is childhood beliefs like Santa, The Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Fairy. He knows they are real because he’s SEEN them. They are NOT Sakura in a costume. He can tell the difference. Really. But he KNOWS other fairies and leprechauns and stuff aren’t real because his Mom never explained that they were real and he’s never SEEN them. But irredisregardless, Sakura is just Shangoh’s favoritest person in the whole wide world, and Shangoh would do almost anything she said. He is the Momma’s Boy of Konoha’s Leaves.

Abilities: Shangoh’s primary specialty for the majority of his shinobihood before the Chuunin Exam had to deal with Traps and Poisons. He is a very intelligent young boy, though maybe not as smart as Arashi or as inventive as Shinme. However, Shangoh does love to study and strategize, and has pored over many tomes regarding shinobi strategy, and loves to try to figure people out and plan possible counters for every single thing they could do beforehand. Shangoh also likes to experiment regarding developing new traps and poisons, and tries to be creative in using them when fighting. He generally tends to fight from a distance with kunai and poison gasses, and likes to throw kunai to activate traps he’s set up previously. Jutsu-wise, he knew Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, which everyone should know what that is, Deep Breath no Jutsu which helps him breathe when there’s poison gas about, and the usual Sexy no jutsu. However, Shangoh also has a variation on Sexy called Cheerleader no Jutsu, which in addition to creating Shachan, who is described above, also gives Shangoh the ability to cheer and distribute his chakra to other people through her pom-poms as a Supportive move. However, for the Exam he has been experimenting with ways to turn this around in a way…
A few months before the Chuunin Exam neared, Shangoh devised a plan to try to come with an entirely new style of jutsu and continually hold back his confidence and skill and potential so as to be underestimated when the Exam actually came. Thus, Shangoh bought a violin, and made various modifications to it and developed a few nifty jutsu so as to make it awesome. Not only can he do some Minor Auditory Genjutsu by playing it, but he has also made various types of traps that he has keyed to be activated at the sounds of various notes or keys or pitches or what have you. As for actual combat, he can also sharpen his bow to the point where it can be like a one-handed sword, and can detach from one end the little hairs on the bow and the strings on his violin and control them through his chakra, and do all kinds of nifty stuff with that.
Oh, and Shangoh also knows Katon: Housenka no Jutsu because Tenjou taught it to him in exchange for being allowed to copy Kage Bunshin from Shangoh. Nice of him.

Love Interests and/or friends: Shangoh throughout the rp has tried and failed many times at various crushes, but now it is believe he may have finally found the one for him. When he first graduated from the Ninja Academy, he had his first crush on one of his team-mates, who went by the name of Hyuuga Rasen. However, Rasen would either show absolute indifference or pure hatred towards him, and the few times he did manage to do anything with her, he just felt no emotion in it anymore, and thus started to look ahead to other pursuits. Meanwhile, his other team-mate, Namiashi Yorokobi, may have had a crush on him from which something could have been possible, but her entire family soon received a mission to move out of the country for something, and shortly thereafter Shangoh’s team was disbanded. After this, Shangoh had a brief crush on Ichiraku Ame, who worked at his favorite place, the Ichiraku Ramen Stand (Duh), but that eventually fell as well. There were even a few brief stints with other guys, one of which is actually still around! He has had crushes on both Kisaragi Kusa (in disguise) and Inuzuka Jakk. While Kusa seems to have disappeared lately, Shangoh still sees Jakk as a very strong friend, but because of his repressed emotions doesn’t really show much more than a friendship in his normal form. However, when he’s Shachan she’s all over her “Ja-chan”.
As for Shangoh’s usual self though, the gods finally smiled upon him when he was sent on a mission to escort the daughter of Cloud Ambassador Sinobi Gossuka to Konoha. The girl, Sinobi Min, was someone who Shangoh enjoyed talking to from the start, especially since she apparently read just as much if not more than he did, and could easily participate in fun (for them) conversations over the most trivial of matters. Currently Min is now staying at the Hokage House, and Shangoh hangs out with her every now and then. While they have not gotten into a real relationship YET, Shangoh has already developed some feelings for her, which will most likely grow in the coming months.

Rivalry: Shangoh has an idealistic view on the whole idea of “Rivalry”. Instead of the usual angry type of rivalry such as the current ones between Kin and Makoto or Ichigo and Tenjou, Shangoh likes to be active in what he terms as “Friendly Rivalries” By this theory Shangoh means that two people should strive their best to be better than the other and always be competing, but at the same time be friendly towards each other. He tried to start a Friendly Rivalry with Tenjou after he first graduated, but that soon degenerated into a more angry one, what with Tenjou’s temper mixing with Shangoh going a wee bit too far on many occasions. However, once Shangoh found out that Tenjou was his half-brother he dropped it off and instead started to try bonding with him instead.
However, Shangoh’s TRUE rivalry is with Nara Arashi, and has been going on for years. Way back when they were little kids Shangoh and Arashi used to be the bestest of friends ever, mostly because their mothers were such good friends and they would generally get babysat together. They even shared the same ribbon that Sakura and Ino shared when they were kids, which they had passed on to their sons. However, there was a misunderstanding in which Shangoh thought that it was something for all friendships and showed the ribbon to someone else, and from that Arashi and Shangoh got into a huge fight and Arashi ended up breaking up the friendship. Since then Arashi and Shangoh became heated enemies, and constantly focused on the best ways to beat each other and were determined to be the better ninja. Fortunately, however, just recently they finally managed to put everything behind them and start to rekindle their friendship, though Shangoh still views Arashi as a fierce rival, now seeing it as a friendly rivalry. He has been studying Arashi every chance he can, and despite being on good terms with him now, he still will give all it takes for the chance to defeat him in battle.

Random Tidbits:
-Shangoh has a kitty named Kimberly Flufflecrumpet which he was given for his 14th birthday by Obito. He loves her very much but does most of his playing with her in privacy. Kimberly has apparently taking so much of a liking to Shangoh that when he was away on the mission to Cloud she went looking for him.
-Shangoh used to suck his thumb until he was 5. Arashi had to put hot sauce on it to get him to stop
-Shangoh kicks in his sleep. Wildly
-Shangoh once had a bunny, but he cut its foot off in order to get Good Luck since he was all alone and friendless. And lo and behold, in just a few days he found out he had siblings, and then the Obito/Sakura thing happened! Yay! (Actually, this is OOC and didn’t happen..or maybe it did. Whether or not this really happened is something I constantly debate with myself)