Hear my name and tremble.
Just because I'm last in alphabetical order, doesn't mean that my profile won't ROCK YOUR SOCKS!!! That, of course doesn't mean that, by default, it WILL rock your socks. I'm just saying that it might very well do that. Some other profiles might try and take you down the path of righteousness. This profile is going to take you down the path that ROCKS. Oh yeah.

So anyhoo, on to the actually profiling here. I don't think I've ever composed an actual profile of myself. Not even on my journal profile page or anything profile page for anything I've ever had that HAS a profile page. If you know what I mean. I just feel like a tool writing about myself so I usually never do unless it's required for a class or whatevah. However, THIS time is different. This time I shall WOW you with my made profiling skills that have emerged from below and will now shock and overwhelm you.

There are only a few rules to my profile and they are as follows:
RULE NUMBER ONE!! I can't kill anyone. So don't ask.
RULE NUMBER TWO!! I can't make anyone fall in love with anyone else.
RULE NUMBER THREE!! I can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture! I don't like doing it!!

Hm...well...I MIGHT have real rules logged away somewhere. But seriously...this is a PROFILE page. Who has rules on their PROFILE? I do. But I'm awesome.

So onto the actual profile bit now that I'm had an overwhelming introduction here...

Name: Stephanie. (I am often referred to as "Steph" most of the time so I'll let that fly.)
Hm...I don't like the way I'm setting this up already. Let me try this again. PARAGRAPH FORM!!!
Hello everyone! My name is Steph and I help run this here RPG! I joined KL way back in it's INFANT stage. Literally. I indirectly helped create it and joined that mofo up pretty much right away. Since then, I have been promoted to the fantabulous status of Molestation Mod which is DEFINTELY a self-named status. In the RPG I play Uchiha Tenjou. Mr. Pink-Haired I PUNCH YOU GOOD Uchiha with an attitude problem and a temper like a tea kettle. He's such a little bastard but he's grown on me.

I'm basically just your average nineteen-year-old sophomore in college who spends a little too much time on the computer. I like ice cream sandwiches and cheese Ritz Sandwiches. I hate onions and seafood! I have a LiveJournal. So hit that mofo up. I also own a few websites and eat babies. But you all knew that! HAW HAW HAW!! So please forgive me if this site seriously just looks like my Kiba shrine. I can't help it. I've been conditioned.