Full Name: Sarutobi Zotsu

Nicknames: Zoot, Pimpin’ Genin

Parents: Sarutobi Asuma and Yuuhi Kurenai

Age: 13

Personality: Called the “Pimpin Genin” for a good reason, Zotsu loves to flirt with the ladies. But don’t get him wrong, for he is the model of a gentleman. He would never hurt a lady intentionally and would defend their honour to his death. Easy to get along with, Zotsu is probably the most level-headed Genin to graduate from the Academy that year. Despite his ever present good nature, Zotsu is the most mature Genin of the gang, partly due to the fact that he has lived through a lot of things in a short period of time.
Because he can stay calm and think during battle, Zotsu can easily find his opponent’s weaknesses and work on them to win a fight. He loves to verbally taunt his enemies and generally uses bad words.

Style: Spikey black hair, crimson eyes, he has the build of his father. He wears his mother’s type of fabric, either like a tunic that is held by straps on the sides, or like a loose turtle neck shirt that has a red zipper in the front, over green cargo pants. He wears his headband over his forehead and his father’s Clan insign wrapped around his left arm.

Family: Zotsu was born into two of the most powerful Ninja Clan of Kohona: the Yuuhis and the Sarutobis. The Yuuhis are originally from Hidden Rock, but Kurenai’s parents immigrate in Kohonagakure long before she was born, out of the signed peace trade at the moment. The Sarutobis are part of the same bloodline of Sandaime. Zotsu is the only boy born from Kurenai and thus is the heir of the Sarutobi line. His sister, Sayuri, who’s two years older than him, is the heir of the Yuuhi line, because it is a Matriarchal Clan.
Zoot is very close to his family. He’s a Momma’s boy, he idolizes his sister and wants to become as strong and as cool as his father.

Abilities: Because of the circumstances of his birth, Zotsu carries a very rare advance bloodline believed to be lost within the Sarutobi lines. He has high sensitivity to chakra. Which means that he can “sense” and recognizes anyone’s chakra. He can also gives his chakra the form he wants to throughout a medium, which is any metal, though adamantium is the best “conductor” for Zotsu. He also has inherited his father’s strength, speed and stamina.
His mother trained him on the art of Genjutsu, and though it’s not his best abilities, he is way over average on the style. His father trained him on Taijutsu, and Zotsu can fight with blades similar to Asuma’s. Following the war with Hidden Rock, Zotsu was taken under the wing of Jiraiya-sama, who felt that the sealing techniques Sandaime taught him should be brought back to the Sarutobi family.
Finally, when Zotsu turned 13, his father took him in the mountains for a week-end and showed him the “Rite of Passage” jutsu for the Sarutobi family. But that jutsu will be kept secret until he finally use it in battle.

Love Interests and/or friends: Although Zoot get along well with everyone, he doesn’t have one close friend to whom he can confide himself. He prefers to keep people at bay, believing it will keep them from having heart aches, should their friendship ever fade. He however has always been in love with Hatake Minami, the daughter of his father’s best friend.

Rivalry: In Zoot’s eyes, he has no rivals. And he doesn’t want any because he believes that he can get strong by training with friends and not with rivals. Some people may not like him, but Zotsu loves everyone.

Random Tidbits:
-Zotsu is right handed.
-He sports scars around his neck, reminders of the day he saved Minami.
-He always carries a rose in his leg holdster.
-Because of his family situation, he took dance, art and culture classes outside of the Academy.
-He loves reading poetry and tries to write verses from time to time.
-His favorite food is his father’s recipe for baby back ribs.