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The Dove Is A Symbol Representing The Holy Spirit

Reverend R.
Gordon Spiller
Senior Pastor
About Us

Choosing A Church

Remember what we just covered

Salvation - definition - deliverance from sin, rescue from hell and damnation, escape from the perils of sin, recovery of a pure body, soul, mind and spirit that is pleasing to and in line with what God desires for us, empowerment from the Holy Spirit of God, wisdom, knowledge and protection from God the Father, creative forces and a new mind from Jesus.

Is Satan already trying to steal your Salvation and your joy by putting these old thoughts into your head?

Do you have ANY uncertainty that you are going to heaven?
Do you constantly feel you are alone?
Do you feel like your mind is focused on evil or damaging thoughts?

Have you prayed the prayer of salvation and did not take it seriously when you asked God for salvation and for Jesus to enter your heart and cleanse you from sin?

Are you not sure that you did any of this or if you did it right?

You prayed the prayer of Salvation - you still believe that Jesus is the Son of God - you believe that he was born of a virgin - that Jesus is the Messiah and he was born as a sacrificial offering for the sin of all people who inhabit this earth - you understand that without salvation you will not go to Heaven because there is no one who is sin free without the salvation of Jesus... You have done what God requires therefore you have no reason to worry.

This is your first test of faith and it is almost a guarantee if you are not questioning now that one day the devil will attack your mind in this way or another. If you are questioning what you have just done, here is another prayer.

Dear God, I ask in the name of Jesus that you rebuke the thoughts that are not of your will that are in my mind right now and to remind me to pray this prayer to you each time I am challenged in my thought life in any way. I thank you for your protection and presence in my life. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN

Choosing The Church That Is Right For You

The proper church for any person is one that God calls you to.
The first step is prayer for guidance.
The second step is to try some churches in your area.
The third step is to evaluate these churches in relation to the Bible scriptures.
The third step is to pray again.

Remember these additional guidelines

There is not one perfect church on this earth.

Every church is a hospital for souls and there are going to be people who are in various stages of healing, various stages of commitment to God, and various levels of stewardship of those who are needing help. There are going to be those who have fallen in your community seeking help to rise up and regain their dignity, there will be hypocrites, there will be those who are financially desititute, there will be society elite, and there will be regular every day people. Do not judge a church by the patient inventory in the congregation. God has them there for a reason.

Not all churches are honoring God. There are even Christian Cults in this fallen world that claim they honor the scriptures, but twist them to suit their own purposes. By researching the word "cult" on you will receive a tremendous number of results concerning cults that exist in this fallen world. Check to make sure the denomination that you have chosen does not reflect this list. You should also research the the word "denomination" on this site to determine if a particular denomination may fit your personality more than another. In Heaven there are no denominations therefore if you are a member of the family of God and Christ is your salvation, you are a Christian.

You should begin reading from the online bibles if you do not have a bible. Some of the newer versions of the Scriptures are easier to understand for a new Christian.

The Living Bible
The New King James Version
The Amplified Bible

Above there are several bible versions listed that will help a new Christian comprehend the love that is expressed in the scriptures. Do not limit yourself to these versions. Any valid version of the bible that is reaching you at a point of understanding is suitable for study purposes. Most Christians use many versions depending on whether they are needing to be uplifted or need exact study facts. When you prepare to purchase a Bible it is best to go to a Christian book store and look at what is on their shelves. The section on Study Bibles is a good place to start. Find one that seems to move you by its study aides, even if it is not in the version that is used by your church. This bible is the one that is going to be used by you in your private time with God and you can always use the pew bible in church when you need to quote scripture in church.

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Portland Congregational Church
PO Box 217
8649 Church Street
Portland, NY  14769
(716) 792 - 4433

The Bible is filled with wisdom, knowledge and mysteries. Searching the scriptures for blessings from God is an awesome journey. The Bible is filled with love and the path to our salvation and these truths are sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden. This website has many mysteries and surprises. We are challenging all our guests to search out these mysteries.
You will be blessed!!!