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Announcement Ad content can be birth announcements, free classes & seminars, in loving memory, wedding announcements or other announcements.

Announcement ads are FREE Classified Ads.

Free Classified Ads are limited to 15 words per ad (no exceptions). Limit 2 free ads per week, per household. Ads over 15 words will be considered PAID ads and will be charged accordingly. Free classified ads must be of a personal nature. Collectibles & items sold "for profit" do not qualify as a Free Ad. Free ads run "space available" in our print edition and have a guaranteed placement on our website.

Free Classified Ads will only be accepted via email, online submission or mail-in.
Story Lady Publications
513 S. Huron Avenue #1
Harbor Beach, MI 48441
Please include your phone number and full address when submitting ads. Free Classified Ads may be taken over the phone with a $5 phone-in fee. 989-712-0263.

Guaranteed Ads guarantee placement of your FREE Classified Ad in one print edition. $3.00 for 15 words and $0.25 for each additional word.