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   NEED CURRENT INFORMATION FOR:              (Address/Phone/E-Mail)


  Can you help us find any of our missing classmates?  If you know where they lived, who their friends were, any brothers or sisters?

  Any small bit of information could help lead us to someone who may have known them.

  E-Mail ( or phone 205.339.3605)

Baucom Lucas, Teresa   Neale, Susan
Berthe, Mary Johnson, Jo Ann Patterson, Patricia
Brown, Danny (Robert Daniel) Jones Pettit, Marie Perryman, Susan
Christ, Charlotte Kelton, James Phillips, Ross
Clements, Carol Lawrence, Jeanette Prince Skelton, Barbara
Cooper, Sam (Sam Marshall, III) Livingston, Danny (Richard Daniel) Savage, John
Crenshaw, Eddie (Edward) Matthews, Diana Shelton, Ben Ann
Dickey, Shirley McClenny, Dennis Smathers, Jean
Earnest, Henry Middendorf, Martha Smith, Ann
Garner, Kathryn Murrell, Don Smith, Mary Margery
Herndon, Thomas Murrell, John Thompson, Jeff (Jeffrey)
    Yerby, Brenda

UPDATED- 6/8/12-(33)