out of the mouth of the air
As I lay in bed, I quieted my train of thought, as I sometimes do at night, and listened to the strange sentences my brain concocted in the act of winding down for sleep. The novel idea - to let these sentences arrange themselves in a poem without my consciously thinking about it or even trying to prompt rhyme, sentence structure, or cohesion of story - meandered along when processing a list of tasks for the upcoming days (write a few pieces for Negative SixX, answer email, pay bills, etc.) coincided with my hands meandering along the book-lined edge of the bed, finding a pen and piece of paper in the dark instead of the originally-sought tube of lip balm. This is the result, as best as I can make it out from my handwriting, and there is a line I left blank - I can't think of a suitable substitute verse; moreover, that would be a departure and perhaps a defeat of the experiment. Ahem, long boring artist statement over.
found in a hole
her eyelids torn and tearless
her lips photographed
her hair teased
______ blown
once and papered pretty
She cast no reflection in the eye
that pushed her around in a box
and settled her into this box
with the sins of red-eyed loners,
while the wild-eyed blue eyed
froliced in the wind.
no one used touching to find her
or beamed her photo through space
her beds and manners belied her
into seeming more like someone's dream
than a cold bloodless gut
opened at seamy sides
tattered with emotion, splayed like New York
An indented cave like a soft mouth, a hole
to sicken the minds of millions
first she sank in it, now it sinks in her
She penetrated & went down
to where caverns wept and horses never went
She asked for strange number of folk
to be her parents at her funeral
There she is wrapped up
like a christmas present, only no bowtie
quite lovely.
Issue 22:
White Shiny Paper
out of the mouth of the air
just a few quotes
I'm not that Romantic
justify my
international break-up
Brie and the Orphan's King
Back to Negative SixX
Eve Strain ©2000. All rights reserved.