Dave's Egg Adventure

I met some cool people at Kentucky's summer smart-kids program, Governor's Scholars. One friend moved to Louisville and happened to meet this guy, Dave, a surprisingly skilled budding lil chef. This is an email he sent to me which details the misadventures he had with cooking eggs.
Have you ever tried to hard-cook an egg in the microwave? Don't. I tried it this evening (it seems worth mentioning that I have done it before without any problems.) I had the thing in a mug full of water, and the egg was slightly cracked so that air could escape. However, the egg exploded, the mug bounced up (breaking part of the plastic of the microwave "ceiling"), the rotating tray came out of it's gear, the door blew open (I s*** you not), and the water and cooked egg particles coated the inside of the microwave and the counter. It sounded like an honest-to-god gunshot. I think this experience is somehow evidence of my own mortality.


Issue 8:
Goats Eat Quotes
Dave's Egg Adventure
Ode to My Sleep Pattern
Surrealism in Email
Il Mio Poema Italiano
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