deft exits unwelcome

please don't go

don't go without a compliment

don't unaffirm statements unspoken,

say you're going to miss me--

please say something.

I just need a glance, an inside joke,

a shared language of pregnant concepts

unborn and not fully fleshed until

wicked time seeps in after closing doors behind.

Why won't you give me what I desperately

need, and will gladly glance back in your direction?

I don't want demons of doubt

dividing my brain and invading and escaping

and hopelessly diverting rational thought

until I see you again...

You can stop my self-inflicted psychologically

friendly fire with a glimmer

of any pale flame with my name in it.

Give me hope before I take it anyway.

Issue 20:
Thanatopsis is Dirty
JL McGoodwin, Haunted
"I was the shadow--"
Nice Kitty
deft exits unwanted
Back to Negative SixX
©2000 Eve Strain. All rights reserved.