Long Long Ago

...in a sticker-star-studded bedroom far, far away....

I was once a writer. Okay, I was a writer a lot more than once. Since I was seven, I've loved to write and fabricate stories, or translate life into a more beautiful and benign picture than it has come to form. More about this can be found in the section about me.

These writings are the efforts I've made since about 1995 at serious scribblings. A few (New Year, The Angel Cried, My Sister) are products of my 12th grade English class. This fruitful period helped me solidify my writing skills. See, Mrs. Matthews, KERA was good for something :)

I didn't have much time during December to write anything new, so you get to read things which are good instead. Isn't life grand? I think it is. Or it should be.

Issue 5:

The Angel Cried
The Book of Dan, Verses Several
New Year
the anti-time
The Gift
My Sister
e y e f u l
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