Here's something I drew on a box for my friend. As a first year art student in college, I had a fascination with collage-making. During my project, I painted a semi-accurate duplicate of a collage and cut it up into continents, which I arrayed onto a globe that was more, um, a box than a sphere. I then painted the same design on a much larger, rectangular wooden box, adding continents when I ran out of landmass depictions on the disproportionately smaller first globe. I enjoyed creating my own lands with different colors immensely. I also enjoyed looking at older maps, seeing the way the planet was thought to be put together before technology allowed for more accurate cartography. (I found occasional depictions of sea monsters thought to inhabit certain seas very charming.)
After that year, I went on a sort of artistic hiatus (I had been taking art classes for five straight years, and had been so absorbed in art I hadn't had creativity enough to write); I've hardly done any art since the first issue of Negative SixX, besides the comic from several issues back. I didn't think about rebeginning my interesting project of painting continents until I had occasion to decorate a box for a long-overdue return of an object to one of my out-of-state friends. My mom liked the first completed side so much she suggested I scan it. I only colored the bottom of the box, for it was the only side completely drawn at the time of her suggestion. The other four edges which I worked on (#5 reserved for the address) are uncolored continuations of continents, islands, and floating bits of artistic floatsom. VoilĂ .