The day holds little pleasure for me
I must be in this environment of boredom
Rather than among those whose company
I enjoy much more.
I spend my nights in conversation,
Throwing my words around,
Having the time of my life
(because life goes on & scholarship can wait).
When the weather is nice
I entreaty my professors to play outside
But they have universally bad allergies
Or bad tempers
And I usually end up with a dunce cap in the hallway
When a tour group is passing through
If I ask too impolitely (this happens quite a bit,
if you can imagine).
I sleep through this day
(this does wonders for my grade point average)
Instead of being awake when most of the free world
Is conscious of time passing,
I slumber.
My roommate is a big influence on my lifestyle
What's the rule for bedtime?
I consider respect for the law, she considers enforcement,
And to avoid confrontation
We sit and read each other funny emails
Until 4 each morning
Upon which time we exchange words
About boys
and I voice my regret
that I have to be awake in X number of hours.
Long ago, before I knew what a term paper was,
I looked forward to college.
Now that I know what curses these things bring
To my existence,
What dents they put in my emotional stability,
I wonder that I stay here at all.
However, consequences aren't what they used to be-
And I can sleep as late as I want.
My professors cry, but I persist.
"You drag me out of bed in time for class,
see how hard it is for me every day."
During the summer, back in the real world,
A regular job asks for regular hours.
I will have a hard time adjusting
My 6 hours of sleep to a somewhat normal position
On a clock.
I say that 8am is beautiful but useless,
That 11pm should never be used as a time for slumber,
And that 2am is the holiest hour of all.
6am is the dreaded dead hour-
right as the sun is rising,
right when everyone awake is tired.
One can be awake at 4 and not be sleepy,
But it has be proven by the miracles of Modern Science
That 6am is dangerous enough to be illegal.
If night were to extend until 8am, and
At that hour have the day suddenly happen,
I don't know what I'd do (I'd be so happy).
If I had a pause button,
I would catch up on all the sleep I'd missed
And never let any other hour of my life escape
There are more important things to do rather than to sleep-
although being unconscious is a wonderful luxury.
So here's to my making the best of
A bad situation of my own devising:
May the machinations of my alarm clock
Never fail me again,
And may the gods of sleep
Never visit me during a Michta lecture.