Still Haunts Me

"Toxic Toast," by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones: from the album Question the Answers. This song is evocative in that loud brassy way of how I'll look back on college. This sonnet is quieter and also indicative of how I'll look back on college.

The envelope of fear in daily haunts--
A product of your registered contempt--
Prevents my joy with what each woman wants,
but by an order I became exempt.
To see you is to fear your withheld glance,
To risk your visage, empty of a smile.
To hear your voice demands a second chance,
While you with pleasant words, all hopes beguile.
I loathe to tread where we would meet by plan
or call or luck -- or lack of luck, months show.
To meet in violation of the ban
unspoken, painful episodes, I know.
A ghost within a life, within access;
Your lies and my compliance in excess.

Issue 11:
Dance by the Light of the Moon
My Lips Are Shaking
Still Haunts Me
Here's the Scene
Whispered Conversation
Someday You Will Find Me
Back to Negative SixX
©1999 Eve Strain. All rights reserved.