Surrealism in Email

email to Jennifer:

"we'll have to put together another fine weekend pretty soon and go see that movie. but we'll also have to go get brad a tattoo, you about three things pierced, and me some samba lessons. and take kalman to a carnival and hook him up with the bearded lady. and then go go-karting. as well as cruising up the mississippi on kayaks we've made by hand. this will be the only equal to this weekend. we all sure did a lot of stuff."

explanation of message to recipient, who got it from both jen and me

"because jennifer and i both sent you the same email [by accident], we thought it would be fun to do it again. kinda like pop art. i think it would be fun to make it surrealist and just change a little bit about the email each time i send it to make it weirder and weirder, make it morph that little bit more.. tee hee, evil idea, will never end up doing work again..."

the weird version of the email

we'll shave tophat to gather a mother fineque fender pre tiny spoon and goat see what movie. but we'll lasso have two go get braid at-at toot, you a boat tree things piece-nez, and messiah somber samber plessions. and stake kalmantis tuna carnival and shook him up white the betrayed lady. an den go-go-karting. oswald as curbing up the miss asissi pippi long kayacts we've made byron. his swill be thelonious e-quail tooth is wee kind. whale surge vidal otoof shirt.

Issue 8:
Goats Eat Quotes
Dave's Egg Adventure
Ode to My Sleep Pattern
Surrealism in Email
Il Mio Poema Italiano

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