You and I Must Talk

You and I must talk sometime
away from all this, whatever it is
We cannot talk here -
let's find someplace else.
Let's talk on neutral ground,
where you are not god, I am not humble,
we have not switched roles,
you are willing to listen, and
I am willing to talk.
Let us choose a time when
you are not angry, when I am not angry,
we no longer feel the pain of
abandonment or the shortness of suffocation
Let's talk openly and say things
We never say to each other's faces
no matter how much they hurt
or how much we don't want to talk
about them.
Let's do it because the air needs
to be cleared; I have a bit of bad blood
with you, and you with me -
we need to do this, I need this,
you need to deal with me so
someday we won't both be wondering
and regretting things we never
tried and wounds we neither attemped
to fix nor apologized for causing.
We need to talk, but I may lose my nerve,
never want to deal with you...
Likewise you may never
choose to talk, because of your own
habits, your mental and emotional ruts.
Will the time ever come? Will our reasons
ever be clear? How is it possible? Where
can we ever meet that is not tainted
by our habits? Will we be the same people
even then?
But some things must be done,
and forcing oneself to face problems,
face the other, can be the only
opportunity to accomplish something -
maintain peace, begin anew, separate forever,
take action, make progress, come
to conclusions, ruin our lives.
We need to talk;
you might as well call me now.
I'm waiting for you somewhere.

Issue 23:
Poetic Exercise
You and I Must Talk
what happened when the ex called the other day
Quotes from an Unmemorable Month
and Now
Back to Negative SixX
Eve Strain, ©2000. All rights reserved.