Today I got up without my alarm clock.
I'd had more dreams about people I've not met yet in person--these sweet dreams about blue roses and thievery and cats with bleached fur....I woke to a world stranger than fiction, though several classics lay by the bed.
I rolled out onto the cold linoleum floor.
Today, right this second, I am walking towards the end of a natural tunnel; I am encased in humidity.
It is my prison.
These trees are bending towards the earth! these leaves imprinting pavements with tiny bits of shadow! these puddles sucking softly at the soles of my boots.
Water shakes, falling loose from the trees, onto my uneven hair.
The minimal wind drives me mad; the clouds thin out in pockets, like scratched paint, and reveal the underworkings of a tireless yellow star.
I got a letter today and am holding it warmly between sticky fingers.
People remember me.
I had sticky candy for breakfast.
I am now walking with this letter and remembering sunny days in places other than here, in another life called summer.
Now, it is autumn forever, forever, forever, in a loud way being autumn, in a sarcastic way cold and wet, in an uncaring way perfectly miserable and loving it, in conjunction with the water that trades places with atmosphere in a sinister exchange, filling my lungs with wonderful water-breaths and drowning me outside--I am happy and singing.
The feeling of being alive is so strange.
Today I sing, I grasp my letter--today I pray for rain--today I breathe in, breathe out--today I will never stop breathing.
Today I live forever.
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