
I've got other things to do;
I can't care about you.

There are other people,
This universe is unlimited.
I won't bring you up readily
I won't reminisce to friends.

You are deprioritized
I don't give a good damn
I only give a contemptuous shrug
When thoughts of you arise.

Don't expect things to be the same
Don't expect anything
Keep your hopes low and don't
be hurt--this is just a warning.

And what's that? You're immune?
I was only being polite.
What I really wanted to say
Was in very very bad taste--

And at this stage,
It's not even important;
Words don't mean much
If you've lost the conviction behind them.

So, since I'm not annoyed,
jealous, angry, ashamed, or depressed,
I express my boredom with you
And move on to whatever awaits me.

Crazy things I plan to do soon...
You won't see them happen, perhaps hear though.
Whether you listen or not,
I will be glad I'm doing them without you.

Don't go preening yourself
Now that you know what my heart once was;
Whatever was yours is now revoked
And I am the queen of everything.

Look here, the poem about you doesn't even rhyme.

Issue 23:
Poetic Exercise
You and I Must Talk
what happened when the ex called the other day
Quotes from an Unmemorable Month
and Now
Back to Negative SixX
Eve Strain, ©2000. All rights reserved.