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Kentucky Lake

Welcome to my photo ablum of our camping trip to Kentucky Lake just outside of Camden, TN.
Below and on the next pages you can view our boat and Greg giving family members a ride.
The boat is a SeaEagle SR14 and can be purchased online by clicking on any of the SeaEagle links on my website.
Enjoy the photos and thanks for visiting my site..

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Vacation Pictures

Picture of our camp site; shown in photo are from left to right: Greg's mom Kathleen, my mom Daisy, and in the back Greg's granny Velma.

Boating June 29, 2001

Here is Greg with his nephews Colby and Clint along with a fellow camper Nick taking a ride on the SeaEagle on Kentucky Lake.

Boating June 29, 2001

Photo of Greg taking Granny Velma and my mom Daisy for a boat ride on the SeaEagle SR14.