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Photos of our area the day after.

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The Blizzard of 1998, we had 20 inches of snow in about 6 hrs time, the average depth in my back yard was from 18 inches to 32 inches of snow depending on where you stood.
The entire 4 county region was affected with Carter Co and Johnson Co getting the worse.
We were without power for 8 and 1/2 days. Thank goodness for our love of camping and all the camping gear we have. :-) We stayed warm, showered, and cooked no problem. And having the generator didn't hurt any either.

View of my street after the storm.

View of snow pile on my back deck.

Trip to town

During day #2 after the storm we were able to get out in our Subaru 4x4 all wheel drive and make it into town to get a generator since we were informed it would be 1-2 weeks before power could be restored.
The photo is of the Roadrunner gas station caved in from the weight of the some odd 20 inches of snow they got in town.