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Here are photographs of my cat, Sampson, who loves to pose for a photo opt.
What a ham.

Sampson with his bandana.

And yes, he really does like to wear it. He thinks he is a dog. LOL

Sampson waving Hello!

Yes he waves hello. But it is more of a sign language that he developed to signal me to pick him up. And if that doesn't work he meows really loud.
He is a smart cat.
It was when I had him de-clawed he started the waving thing to let me know he wanted held or picked up to take him to his food bowl because he had trouble walking for about 2 days following the surgery. And ever since then he still does the wave and meow to be picked up even though he has since healed completely and shows no signs of ever having been through a tough time last year.

Sampson being lazy

Here is Sampson lazy on the Futon watching TV, no kidding he likes to watch TV.
He thinks he is human.