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My Hanson Concert Review

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Hanson waving us fans out of a window :P

Thats me with the sign I had on the concert :P
Okay thank you for being interested in My Hanson Concert Review =) Here it is:

My family and I went to Cologne on June 12th,the day before the concert,because we live 6 hours away from Cologne!We stayed in a hotel (unfortunately not in hotel,Hanson was at)...The next day at 6 am (yeah,really!) my Dad drove me to the hall!! There already were some people there,and they gave a number..41!I wondered the whole time if I would get 1st row with that number...I thought not!But I had luck the girls with number 20 -40 left to go to Hansons hotel!So I was number 21 =)!!Although it was that early,we had a lot of fun,and i found a bunch of new friends..We were singing Hanson Songs,giving the arriving people numbers,and talking to the securities (yeah LOL)!!I know it is weird but all the girl there were very very nice ..we talked about Hanson (DUH),exchanged addys and stuff... The more people arrived,the more i got nervous,and doubt that the number thingy would work!! At 11 am we tried it...reading out all the names (Yeah we wrote down 300 names) number by number...and it WORKED!! I have to say a huge THANX to all Hanson Fans who were there and who were so civilesized, I never saw something kewl on any concert b4!!Hanson Fans RoCk!! That number thing really was kewl,cause you could go to the toilet or get something to drink whenever you want,and noone took your place like it is usual!! We had a really good time there together and did stuff like "Gimme a H" "H" ect. which gives Hanson (yeah believe me)...At 5 pm half an hour b4 they said we would be let in...Hanson opened a window and waved out!!I noticed because everyone started to scream hehehe,but I only could see their hands and their Dad filming the crowd!!At 5.30 everyone screamed:"LET US IN!!" but Hanson were not ready yet.We were FINALLY let in at 6 pm...I ran into the hall as fast as I could (believe me..I never ran faster) and I did it!!! I got 1st ROW!! And i was at the right side of the stage exactly in fron of where Tay is!! First there performed a Cologne support act..everybody just screamed "Hanson!Hanson!" (which is a bitty unfair I think) and at 7.45 Hanson came on stage!! My heart was like "bang bang bang"(lol) I was soooo excited!!!They started with "Thinking of You" and the 2nd song was "Wheres the love"!!Everyone sang along loudly!!Everyone was surprised about Tay's pants (Concert Pics) they all said:"Oh look at Tay's pants!!How cute!!"!! Then they styled the stage kinda like a living room...they all were sitting and Zac was near the stage with his drum set!! They played songs of 3CG then!!Then Zac and Tay left the stage..and Ike went to Tays keyboards!!Then he sang "More than Anything" all alone!! That song is soooo wonderful!!Then they styled the stage normal again and sang more songs of MON it was soo great!!We had a big paartttyy YEAH!! Tay always looked at us (when we were clapping hands,singing and dancing) smiled and shouted "C'mon!" or "Scream as loud as you can!!" Then when they did their last song,they left their instruments and threw water into the crowd..b4 leaving the stage they sang something a cappella ( i hardly can't remember what I only stared at them cuz they were so near!) .Tay seemed like didnt want to leave,but well he had to hehe!! BTW their Dad Walker Hanson taped me also!! When we left the hall after the concert Hanson came to that window and waved again...then we drove home...I slept in the car.and dreamed of Hanson :) THE END *lol*