This page is for Student Nurses. I did a lot of my research on the internet when I was working on my RN degree. There are a lot of great places linked here. Some are for particular areas of study, some are great assessment guides and some have practice NCLEX questions. I have even included a few to the leading publishers of software and study materials that you can order. You can find links to the Organizations that support YOU and your profession. Good luck in school... may this page help my fellow students in thier journey toward their career goals. I add links as I find them and people have e-mailed quite a few to me along the way. Remember that ASSESSMENT is an RN's responsibility and it is one of the most important skills to learn. An instructor once told me the story about two students who were in the middle of giving this patient a bed bath. They were scrubbing her from head to toe. Had they bothered to assess her FIRST they would have known she was cold, had no breath sounds, and her heart wasn't beating...she was DEAD.....true story!!! Always assess FIRST. It is the first step in the nursing process. (Just a hint to remember in the practical setting and on the NCLEX...(smile) Also, I had a book called Kaplan's test success for the NCLEX that I found really helpful when preparing to take my test. It breaks down the questions and is the only book I found that shows you actually HOW to take the test) <---- darn, no kickbacks for the endorsement either..... I wish you all the best, Mitzi
Got The Nursing School Blues? Here's Your Medicine...