Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon or Oreo CDP or Haunter or anyone else…I only own myself…And to the best of my knowledge, neither really care.

Another one

Ok, so, back on earth, the five people were. Crystal Dawn and Nephlite were under Haunter's trance, while Jessie and James were behind a bush…doing something that shall not be mention for fear of this fic being a "James Tea High" fic.

Haunter (Using 'the force'): I think I'd like to get to know you a little more.

Nephlite (still under Haunter's trance): I think I'd like to get to know you more.

Haunter (Using 'the force'): Ok, how's tonight?

Crystal Dawn (I n the trance): Ok, how's tonight?

Suddenly, a perfect, gorgeous, stunning (I am the author here) girl walked by. She looked exactly like Mondo, but with long blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses, and had an exact replica of Mondo's outfit, only it was blue.

Girl: Hey, aren't you two the new Gods or something?

Haunter: FAME!!! Who are you anyway?

Crystal Dawn: FAME!!! Who are you anyway?

Haunter (Stops using the force on Crystal dawn): Don't mind her, she's under my trance… So, who are you?

Girl: I'm the author, Rosie Q. But some people call me Monda, because I'm so much like Mondo. Nice to meet ya.

Crystal Dawn (finally out of the trance): And how did you recognize us?

Rosie Q: I read the other fanfics, *duh*

Nephlite: Hold it, am I still under Haunter's trance?

Rosie Q: Umm…no…but, uh (thinks of what would make the others happy) you love Crystal Dawn.

Nephlite: I do?

Rosie Q: With all your heart. Molly and that Queen are so last season for you.

Crystal Dawn (Jumping into Nephlite's arms): I'm starting to like this fic. So, what's next? A honeymoon is Paris?

Haunter (Waving hand): No, you two are going to the Negaverse together!

Rosie Q (under the force): No, you two are going to the Negaverse together! (Rosie waves her purple pendant on her neck and they are zapped to the Negaverse)

Haunter (taking the force off of Rosie): Where did you get the pendant?

Rosie Q: I always wear it. Besides, I'm in control here. (Hears something from the bushes) What is going on back in yonder bushes? (Looks behind the bushes) (Looks back with a not-so-pleasant face on) Eww… I never like Sex Ed…

James: Wow…(Puts his uniform back on)

Jessie: Does this mean that…you like me? (Puts uniform back on)

James: Yep! (Jessie and James hug)

Rosie Q: Ok, you two get to join Crystal Dawn and Neffy…(Waves pendant and they are sent to the Negaverse)

Haunter: Would you stop that?

Rosie (Pulls out a double stuf Oreo) Sowwie…I guess I'm just weird when I'm on an Oreo deprivation.

Haunter: So…what's next here?

Rosie: I really don't know…can I make Kika and Meowth appear out of no where and then they get married?

Haunter: You're the author.

Kika and Meowth appear, and they get married.

Rosie: It's kinda boring without Crystal Dawn…Might as well bring them back…(Waves pendant and Crystal Dawn and Kunzite appear) KUNZY!!!

Crystal Dawn: Where's Nephlite?

Rosie Q: Who cares? Kunzy's here! (Hops into Kunzite's arms) Hi there.

Crystal Dawn: You do know he's…*Cough* right?

Haunter (Waves his hand): No I'm not.

Kunzite (Under the trance): No I'm not.

Rosie: *Yay! * I like this fic.

Haunter (using the force): Now, how about we go to dinner?

Kunzite: Now, how about we go to dinner?

Rosie (With wide-anime-type eyes): Sure!!! I am so glad you got over Zoicite… Let's go! (Rosie and Kunzite ride off on horses into the horizon)

Crystal Dawn: That was weird…Hey, where's Jessie and James?

Haunter: Negaverse.

Crystal Dawn: So that's who was in the car making out next to me and Nep- I've said too much… (Haunter breaks out into laughter. Crystal Dawn kicks him)

Haunter: What did the Q in Rosie Q stand for anyways?

Crystal Dawn: You know, I have no clue. But that kid was weird… (Crystal Dawn waves her hand) Yeah, Crystal, you're right

Haunter (under a trance): Yeah, Crystal, you're right.

The end?