Goldie's FAQ

There have been a lot of questions asked about the Lighthouse lately. So here is the staff of the Lighthouse to answer those things called FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)!

1.) Why is this page a Lighthouse? Why not just a regular page?
Goldie: We picked the term "Lighthouse" for a couple of reasons:
Kika: First off, in the "Battle Aboard the St. Anne" episode of Pokemon, you'll notice that Jesse drug James into a lighthouse. That was us.
Camara: Second of all, in the comic, "Excaibur", the superhero team of the same name lived in a lighthouse. Coincidently, one of the original members of Excalibur was named Phoenix, too.
Crystal Dawn: That, and I just thought it sounded cool.
2.) How do you pronounce your names? They look funny.
Goldie: Uh, thanks. I think. And it's Gold-ie. Not very hard to pronounce.
Kika: It's kee-kuh. With a long e and a short a. I think it translates from the Japanese into "Fire Wood" or something like that. *what were you thinking, Crys???*
Camara: It's pronounced Kuh-mare-uh. Not "camera". Don't dare call me that.
Crystal Dawn: Uh, you pronounce it just like it looks. Crystal Dawn. Next?
3.)What are some of these bizarre anime cross-references I keep seeing? What anime are mentioned here?
Goldie: Well, mostly Sailor Moon. If you couldn't tell that, then you need your head or eyes checked. Or both.
Kika: There's also a little bit of Slayers here and there. Especially Martina. She laughs like Jesse 'cause they have the same seiyuu.
Camara: Sei-what?
Crystal Dawn: Then there are references to Revolutionary Girl Utena. For some reason, we always seem to be making references to Akio. (other 3 cover her mouth)
Goldie, Kika, and Camara: Don't say the name!!! He might hear you!!!
4.)By the way, WHO is Akio?
Goldie, Kika, Camara, and Crystal Dawn: Don't say that name!!!
Goldie: Honestly, Akio is the prince from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Sorta.
Kika: But -uh- he doesn't ACT very princely. Actually, from what I understand he sleeps with just about anything that walks.
Camara: And he pulls iced drinks outta nowhere.
Crystal Dawn: Hey, I do that! Well, all that, and he completely screwed up the whole Revolutionary Girl series. After Akio showed up, nothing made sense anymore.
Akio: (pops up from nowhere)Did someone mention my name?
All Four Girls: (shreik)
5.)So how come Crystal Dawn has the word Phoenix on the end of her name? Is that any relation to Marvel Comic's Phoenix?
Goldie: Actually, yeah. See, Marvel Comics had two (actually three) Phoenix'. The first one was named Jean Grey. The Phoenix force was once the guardian of the alien M'Krann crystal and in order to protect it, it took control of Jean. She became Phoenix when the alien Phoenix force possessed her body (actually, it just cloned her and dumped her real body into Jamaica Bay in a coccoon). Well, that Phoenix went nuts, became Dark Phoenix, shot herself into outer space, killed a whole planet full of people, came back to Earth, and committed suicide.
Kika: Then Jean's future daughter, Rachel Summers, came back to the past and found herself in possession of the awesome Phoenix force. *reads from Uncanny X-Men #199* "They call you the chaos-bringer. They say Phoenix was evil -- that your power was too terrible to be controlled -- and your human spirit too weak to withstand its temptation. I SAY THAT'S WRONG! I'm your daughter -- first born and only child --And I claim the power and the name of PHOENIX... that are mine by right!" ~ Rachel Summers
Camara: You enjoyed that a little too much, Kika. Anyway, a few years later, Jean came back. Even though she took the name of Phoenix back eventually, she never did get the Phoenix force back. Instead, somehow, Crys ended up with it.
Crystal Dawn: It's not too terrible to control. It's pretty easy, actually. Besides, Rachel could do it.
Akio: Hmmm. Did I mention I'm attracted to power, Crystal Dawn? (attempts to put his arm around Crystal Dawn, who looks nervous and scoots away)
6.)So, what is the Phoenix?
Goldie: It was the guardian of the M'Krann crystal, just like I said!!!
Kika: Well, it usually manifests itself as a giant fire bird that surrounds whoever has possession of it at the time. Or it can be just a pair of flaming wings and a firey tail. I've seen both. The bird kinda resmebles a cockatoo. And whoever has the Phoenix has to have some kinda psychic powers. The Phoenix increases their powers, tho, making them incredibly powerful.
Camara: So, if you're psychic, Crys, how come you don't train psychic Pokemon?
Crystal Dawn: (bitterly)'Cuz I suck at it. Next question.
Akio: Psychic, huh? Can you guess what I'm thinking? (Crystal Dawn clearly stifles an urge to become the Dark Phoenix)
7.) What's up with Kika? In the pictures of her, she has claws and a tail. Is she a cat woman?
Goldie: What's it look like to you, Sherlock? Claws, a tail, and fur. Think about it.
Kika: Actually, yeah, I am. When I was a little girl, my parents died and I was placed in an orphanage in Honolulu. But I ran away and joined Team Rocket. The Boss did a few experiments on me, and I ended up with the DNA of a Persian and a Flareon mixed in with mine. And, damn, don't I look the cooler for it?
Camara: I'm just glad it wasn't me.
Crystal Dawn: (pulls an iced tea out of thin air)To beat it all, she can do Pokemon attacks too. I saw her do 'Fury Swipes' on an Officer Jenny once. It was cool.
Akio: By the way, did I mention that I've always thought that women with fur and a tail were incredibly attractive? (Kika hisses and scoots away from Akio, who pulls an iced drink out of thin air. Crystal Dawn nearly chokes on her tea when she sees Akio just did the same thing as she did)
8.)Where are each of you originally from?
Goldie: I'm originally from Key West, Florida. See the tan? And let me tell ya, hurricane season sucks. Especially when you live in a trailer park.
Kika: I just said. I'm from Honolulu, Hawaii.
Camara: I'm from Beverly Hills, California. Boy, living in Vermillion City in this stuffy old lighthouse is a huge change of pace from what I'm used to.
Crystal Dawn: I'm from some little rinky-dink town in Tennessee called Sweetwater. It's between Chattanooga and Knoxville. That's why I have such a thick accent.
Akio: I'm from Japan, naturally. And just let me say that Southern accents drive me wild. (Crystal Dawn and Goldie shudder and try to back further away from Akio, who takes another sip from his magical iced drink)
9.) What's in the future for the Lighthouse?
Goldie: Well, as soon as Crystal Dawn gets done with writing Sailor Comet, she's supposed to write a story about what happened the time the Deuce Cats (that's me, Kika, and Camara) went through Rocket training. That was the first time we met Jesse and James. It's gonna be called "Cat Scratch Fever"
Kika: Then she's supposed to write a Team Rocket/Dirty Pair crossover called "Double Trouble". God, Crys, don't you ever get tired of these wierd ass crossovers???
Camara: THEN she's supposed to write a story about how she became the Phoenix called "Super Nova".
Crystal Dawn: And then, just when you thought I'd have written my brains out, I'll also be writing several "Team Rocket Deathmatches", as well as the second Act of Bishojo Senshi Sailor Comet.
Akio: You forgot about writing "Revolutionary Boy Kojiro". Hmmm. Jesse's pretty good-looking. And James isn't bad, either. (All four girls give Akio a look that practically screams: "Please don't elaborate on that last statement.")
10.)What's with the tea? You seem to be obsessed with tea.
Goldie: You're damn right we are. How else do you expect us to cope with some of the bizarre-ass things Butch does in some of those fanfics???
Kika: Let me be a witness! He gets written as SUCH a sicko! I cannot even begin to describe some of the disgusting things he's done in fanfics! Not the worst of which was singing!
Camara: And then some of those fics have the Boss doing some things that are just downright disturbing!
Crystal Dawn: If you think we're lying, you can go to one of three places and look for these fics: Team Rocket Palace, The Ice Gym (they have TWO of these fics!), and Loose Change. But I'm not mentioning which fics they are. Figure that out on your own. I won't be held responsible for what they do to your mental well-being!
Akio: Hmm. I pull tea out of thin air all the time. (as if to demonstrate, pulls another glass out of thin air. Crystal Dawn shudders because she can do it, too)
11.)Why do you guys hate Chibi-Usa/Reni so much?
Goldie: Pink hair and red eyes. 'Nuff said.
Kika: The voice. And the whole Tuxedo Mask/incest-wish thing. She's just scary.
Camara: Did you see the thing earlier about the Boss? Did you read "Days of Future Past/The CURE for CUTE"? You figure it out!
Crystal Dawn: She's pure evil wrapped in a sugary-sweet exterior. And to those of you who would claim that Chibi-Usa is a sweet, innocent little girl and she got translated into "Reni the Spore," I say: Think again! In the Japanese version of "Naughty 'N Nice", she wet Serena/Usagi's bed (they edited it out in America, but you can see during a fight scene when Sailor Moon has memory flashbacks of Reni, that Reni's sitting on her bed in front of a wet spot, blushing), and in the Japanese hour-long Sailor Moon R movie, she tries, not once, but twice to kill Usagi(And, yes, I own the movie. Don't try to assume I've never seen Japanese Sailor Moon!). First, she stuffs papers up her nose while she was unconscious and covers her mouth, effectively suffocating her. Later, she pulls another toy handgun from the Luna ball (she pulled the first one in the Japanese version of the "Serena Times Two" episode, where she first appears. And boy, can you tell. That is one shoddy piece of editing right there). She aimed that damned thing staight at Usagi's head - I swear to God, I thought Usagi was goin' down. And, yes, like Kika said, there's still that whole incest thing.(breathes heavily, out of air after that rant)
Chibi-Usa/Reni: (in her sickeningly sweet American voice)Did someone say my name?(All four girls run out of the room, screaming)
Akio: Did I ever mention how much I love women with pink hair?