Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Yo! Blair Rocket here, and have I got a fan fic for you! Please post it = on your sight, but PLEASE DO NOT post my e-mail address. Oh, and if you = could get it up before Halloween, I'd appreaceate it, but it's not dire. =20 =20 Disclaimer: Pokemon doesn=92t belong to me (God, don=92t I wish!!), and = neither does Team Rocket, or Team Twirp. Blah Blah Blah. We all know = this. If you do happen to own any of the things I mention in my story, = please don=92t sic your lawyers on me. I wouldn=92t have enough money to = pay you, and you=92d have to be payed in stories that violated even more = of your stupid copyright laws, and then you=92d sue, and it would just = turn into a viscous cycle. So pleas don=92t, K? Title: HAPPY HALLOWEEN Author: Blair Rocket Summary: Strange things happen on Halloween night.... Rated: Hmm... this is a hard one. It is definitely not for the faint at = heart, because of the violence. So.... If it weren=92t for the violence, = I=92d rate it PG, but with the violence, it=92s a definite R. WARNING!!!: This story contains graphic descriptions of murder, blood, = and the such. If you don=92t think you can handle that sort of thing, = stop reading NOW!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN It was a typical Halloween night; the air was cold and crisp, = multicolored leaves covered the ground, while the wind picked them up, = and blew them through the night sky, and in front of the large full = moon. Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu and Togipi were all sitting around a small = campfire, that threatened to blow out in the wind. Misty lifted her head into the wind, and breathed in the thick October = sent. "Ahhh. Doesn=92t that smell good? I smell leaves, candy and winter = in the air." Brock and Ash did as she did, inhaling through their noses.=20 The only problem was that Brock was down wind from the fire, and ended = up choking on the smoke that the fire was giving off. "Uahgg!" he began to choke, and started into a coughing fit. Ash and Misty both rushed over and began to pat him on the back, trying = to help him get his air back. After a moment, he seamed to be fine. "Uhh." He exhaled deeply. Then coughed once more. "I, uh, think I=92ll = head over to the river and get some water to clear my throat." He picked = up his empty canteen, and headed in the direction of the river. A few moments later, a blood curdling scream ripped through the still = night air. Both Ash and Misty immediately jumped up, and looked in the direction of = the river. "Brock!" they both yelled at the same time. Ash began to rush in the direction of the river, while Misty paused to = talk to the pokemon. "Pikachu, Togipi, you two stay here. We=92ll be = right back." She gulped. "I hope." Following Ash through the forest, she pushed branches and shrubs out of = her way. Suddenly she ran into Ash, who was running back in the direction of = camp. "Ash!" Misty cried out in surprise. Ash was as pail as snow, and was breathing hard. "D...doh . . . don=92t . . . " he gulped in some air. "Don=92t go over = there. Whatever you do. Don=92t." He rested his hands on his knees, and = breathed deeply. "Where=92s Brock?" Misty asked frantically. "Dead." "No." Misty whispered in disbelief. Then, "No! That can=92t be! You=92re = lying! Brock can=92t be dead!" she pushed past Ash, and ran in the = direction of the river, all the while waiting for Brock to jump out and = say =91ha ha, I got ya=92. Misty screeched to a halt as she was suddenly at the bank of the river. = There she saw Brock laying face down in the river. Or at least, he would = have been laying face down, had his head still been attached to his = body. The rushing waters of the river were washing his blood down = stream. Misty screamed when she saw this, and turned to run back in the = direction of camp, but when she did, she tripped over something. Turning to see what she had tripped over, she found it was Brock=92s = head. His mouth was open in a silent scream, and blood trickled from his = neck. Misty screamed for all her worth, her body freezing, unable to move. = Finally, after what seamed an eternity, Ash came tearing into the = clearing, and yanked her to her feet by her arm. They began to sprint = through the forest, back in the direction of the camp. Half way there, Ash stumbled, and fell to his knees. Misty began to cry. "Brock . . . I can=92t believe he=92s . . . Why? Who = could have done such a thing?" she asked nobody in particular. "I don=92t know. But we have got to get out of here. If somebody did = that to Brock, they might do it to us." Ash said grimly. "Let=92s get = back to camp, and get . . . oh my god." He stopped short. "What is it?" Misty asked, looking terrified. "Pikachu . . . Togipi . . . we left them alone at camp . . . "=20 An unseen signal passed between them, and they were both up and running = without another word.=20 Upon reaching the camp, they found it destroyed. Both Ash and Brock=92s = backpacks had been cut to shreds. Misty=92s had disappeared entirely. = The sleeping bags had been tossed into the fire, and now there was a = large bonfire going, where their modest little camp fire had been only = minutes before. Neither Pikachu nor Togipi were anyplace to be seen. "PIKACHU!" Ash screamed, as he ran into the clearing, frantically = searching for his pokemon. Then, "TOGIPI!" he called for the little baby = pokemon. "Pikapi?" Pikachu=92s frightened call came from under a bush. "Pikachu?!" Ash called, and ran over to it, scoping it into his arms. = "I=92m so happy you=92re alive!" he broke down in tears of joy and = fright. Meanwhile, Misty was still searching for Togipi. "TOGIPI! WHERE ARE = YOU?! PLEASE COME OUT OF HIDING! THIS ISN=92T A GAME!" she yelled = frantically. Ash, with Pikachu on his shoulder, came up to Misty. "Did you find Toga = . . . " his voice trailed of as he noticed something by the camp fire. Misty was crying uncontrollably now. "No. I can=92t find it any where . = . . What are you looking at?" she wiped her nose, and turned her gaze = towards what Ash had been staring at. There, on a plate next to the fire was what appeared to be a plate of = bloody scrambled eggs, at first glance. Then, if you looked closer, you = would see the little pieces of egg shell mixed in with it. Egg shell = that had a red and blue pattern on it.=20 They both looked at the scrambled Togipi for a few moments more, before = they began to scream. Turning, they began to run in a random direction. After about half an = hour, they stopped. Not because they were tired, but because they were = dead lost. "Brock . . . Togipi . . . " Misty tried to cry, but she didn=92t have = any tears left. Ash looked around, apprehensively. Then he looked over at Misty. "Look = Misty, I know you=92re scared, because I am too. But we have to keep = moving. No matter what, we have to keep moving. If we stop, who ever=92s = doing this can find us, and . . . do to us, what they did to Brock and = Togipi." He choked on his words, as he remembered his fun loving = companions. Misty nodded silently in agreement. Pikachu, who was sitting on Ash=92s = head, noticed how scared Misty was, and decided to comfort her. "Piiii. Pikachu. Pika pika. Pika chu. Chuuuuuu." It hopped into her = arms. "Oh!" she screeched a bit in fright, and then, "Oh, Pikachu!" she rapped = her arms around its little yellow body, and hugged it tightly. Suddenly, the trio heard footsteps rapidly approaching them. They were = about to turn and run, when they realized that a barrier of thorns stood = in there path. "NO!" Ash yelled, very frightened. "This can=92t happen!"=20 They turned to face their attacker. The footsteps got closer and closer. = Then suddenly . . .=20 James of Team Rocket stumbled into the slight clearing. Tears were = streaming down his face, and his badly ripped uniform was dirty with mud = stains all over it. There was also one other stain coving his uniform. Blood. He was covered with blood. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" They screamed, as he headed in their = direction. There scream caused him to look up. He saw them, and then he began to = scream. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"=20 His scream countered theirs, and there was silence for a moment. Ash broke it. "Well?" he asked harshly. James seamed to cringe at Ash=92s words. "What do you want?" His voice = was very shaky, and it was obvious that he was scared. "Get it over with. Kill us too." Ash spat the words at him. James stared at them, tears streaming down his face. "What do you mean, = =91kill us too=92? Why don=92t you just kill me?" "You mean . . . " Misty stared hard at him. "You=92re not the killer?" "No. And I take it you aren=92t ether?" James stared back at Misty. = "What happened to you?" "Brock was . . . decapitated when he went to get some water from the = river, and Togipi-" she choked, and couldn=92t continue. "Togipi was dead when we got back to camp." Ash finished for her. "What = about you? What happened to you?" James seamed to shift his gaze from Misty to deep space. "I left camp = for a minute, and when I got back Jessie-" he choked, similar in style = to what Misty had done. "Jessie was dead. Whoever did it slashed down = her chest like this," he drew an imaginary line from his neck down to = his belly button, "and again like this." He drew another imaginary line = from just bellow where his rib cage would have ended, all the way across = to the other side. He closed his eyes tight, tears streaming down his face, as he shook his = head. "I can=92t say what else they did. It=92s to horrible." Ash nodded, sympathetically, and then realized that there was blood = covering his uniform. "I don=92t believe you." He stated flatly. James eyes opened wide. "What do you mean?"=20 "You=92re obviously still alive. And if you got there after she was = killed, how did you get so much blood all over your uniform?" James looked down at himself, and shuddered. "Have you ever seen what = happens when you shoot a small animal with a big gun?" he asked. Ash and Misty, not realizing what this had to do with anything, shook = their heads no. "They explode. Boom. Nothing left but a small red spot. Meowth and I-" = he stopped, took a deep breath to calm himself, and continued, "Meowth = and I were trying to get to a town, when we heard this crazy laughter = coming from the trees. Then there was a blinding flash of light, and . . = . and . . . " he started breathing again. Then he closed his eyes and = continued. "Meowth blew up. This crazy maniac blew Meowth up. He had = been in front of me, running. And when he exploded, he exploded all over = me . . . " James looked down at his blood-covered uniform again, and = shuddered. Misty looked at him sympathetically. "If you=92re telling the truth, = then the back of your uniform should be blood free. Turn around."=20 James did as he was told. The back of his uniform was quite muddy, but = entirely blood free. Ash sighed deeply. "Good. That means that we don=92t have to worry about = you being the murder. That=92s a relief. Oh, and I=92m really sorry = about Jessie and Meowth." James nodded. "Don=92t you think we should be trying to get out of these = woods?"=20 Misty looked around, nervously, and shuddered, squeezing Pikachu even = tighter. "You=92re right." Ash, Misty, James and Pikachu turned towards the direction that James = had came, seeing as how they couldn=92t get through the barrier of = thorns. After about five minuets of walking in silence, James head jerked up. = "Shhh. Did you hear that?" he asked in a small voice. "I didn=92t hear anything." Ash said, straining his ears to hear = something. "Team Rocket members are trained to have heightened senses. I definitely = heard something." James licked his lips, which were dry and cracked. "I don=92t like this. I don=92t like this at all. Ash, do something!" = Misty cried. "There!" James suddenly pointed off to there right. "Somebody=92s = there!" A crazy laugh filled the clearing, coming from the direction that James = had pointed. Then, it screeched in a high, crazy voice, "Run, little = children, Run! IT=92S NOT SAFE TO BE IN THE FOREST AT NIGHT!" The = laughter started up again, louder than ever. Misty screamed, and took off running. Ash and James followed suite. Somehow, Ash was separated from Misty, James and Pikachu. He stopped, = and leaned up against a tree, breathing hard. He looked around him = nervously. "M-m-misty? James? Pikachu?" He called out to the still night. Only the = chirping crickets replied. Suddenly Misty=92s scream, which Ash was becoming rather used to by now, = echoed through the night. "I=92M COMING MISTY! HOLD ON!" Ash yelled, even though he was awfully = sure that nobody could hear him. Misty continued to scream, leading Ash = to her. "At least as long as she=92s screaming, she can=92t be dead." = Ash muttered to himself. Running around a tree, he found Misty for the second time that night, = frozen on the ground, staring at something.=20 It was Pikachu. It was obviously dead. It had been slashed open, and then, its = intestines had been pulled out of it=92s body, and thrown up and around = a branch, and used to lift the little yellow lifeless body into the air, = like a pulley. Blood dripped into a large puddle that had already formed = bellow it. Ash stared at his long time friend and pokemon. Then he started yelling = and crying at the same time. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he fell to his = knees, and buried his face in his hands, and cried. "Pikachu . . . " he = murmured. "Why . . . ?" he jumped to his feet, and raised his fist to = the full moon, which could barely be seen through all the tree branches. = "WHY? YOU CRAZY MANIAC? WHAT DID WE EVER DO TO YOU?!" By this time, Misty had managed to get herself under control. "Come on, Ash. We=92ve got to get away. We need to get out of here. Find = James. Get to a town." She tugged on his arm, as she spoke, gently = leading Ash away from the swing body of the pokemon. Ash glanced back over his shoulder, for one last look at Pikachu. "Good = bye . . . " he whispered to the night. Then his face hardened. He turned = to Misty. "Misty. Each of the killings has happened when we weren=92t = around the . . . person or pokemon being killed. I think that from that = we can deduce that there is safety in numbers. I say we hook arms, and = don=92t let go, until we get to a town." Misty sniffed, and nodded, surprised at how quick Ash had seamed to get = over the death of Pikachu. Linking arms, Ash and Misty headed what they assumed was north. They had = been walking in complete silence for an hour and a half. Each lost in = his or her own personal thoughts of horror, when they came to the = clearing. It wasn=92t a very big clearing. If Ash or Misty had laid down on the = ground, they could reach half way to the other side. But. The entire clearing was coated with blood. It was dripping from the tree = leaves. The ground was coated, a bright shiny red in the now visible = moon. The trunks of the trees were covered, on the sides that were = facing into the cleaning. There was no body. Just blood. Misty took one look at this scene, and ducked behind a tree, and threw = up. It was just too much.=20 Ash knew that he should have his arm linked to hers=92 at the moment, = but he didn=92t really think it was absolutely necessary while she was = puking. When she came back, she looked a little less healthy than she = had, but wasn=92t complaining. "What . . . Who . . . How . . . " She = stumbled, trying to figure out what to say. Ash turned and looked at the clearing, and closed his eyes. "I can=92t = be sure, but I think it might be James." Misty gasped, and covered her mouth with both hands. "How awful." She = whispered. Ash linked his arm with hers again, and they turned and walked around = the clearing. After about fifteen minutes of walking, Misty looked over = at Ash, to see that he was crying again. "What=92s wrong, Ash?" Misty asked, worried about her friend. Ash sniffed. "You=92re going to think that this is silly, but . . . = well, I feel sorry about James. I mean, I know he was our enemy, but I = still don=92t think anybody deserved a death that you can=92t even = identify who they were after they die." Misty nodded in silent agreement. Suddenly, out of the corner of her = eye, she saw something flash in the trees. "Ash, look out!" she yelled, = pushing him to the ground.=20 Unfortunately, in the process of pushing Ash to the ground Misty ended = up standing exactly where Ash had been standing a moment ago, and, in = the split second in which they traded places, a clear liquid came = splashing down on Misty. She screamed, fearing the worst. When, after about a minute, nothing had = happened, she opened her eyes. Ash was staring up at her, waiting as she = was, for something else to happen. She looked around. "What . . . ?" She asked confused, and wet. Ash lifted his nose into the air, and sniffed. "Do you smell something?" = He asked, trying to place the fragrant smell which now tinged the air. Misty smelled the air, too. Her eyes went wide in horror. She lifted her = hand so that she was looking at it, and watched the liquid run down it. = "Kerosene . . . " she whispered. Before ether of them could do another thing, a stream of flames came = shooting from the trees, catching Misty on fire. She screamed, as her skin began to burn and melt, and ran blindly = through the forest, looking for the river that ran through it. But luck = was not with her. Within ten minutes, she was dead. Her corps continued to flame and burn = after her death. Ash screamed, and ran. Pushing branches out of his way, and trampling = bushes and such under foot. Suddenly, a cliff face loomed up in front of = him. It was huge, and there was no way around it. He turned to try a = different direction, only to find that this particular cliff face was = shaped like a half circle, closing him in.=20 Putting his back to the wall, he crouched down, ready for the worst. For = a while nothing happened, but Ash refused to let his guard down. Suddenly, a low chuckle came from the forest, directly in front of him. = Ash held up his hands, in a defense position, watching for any movement. "Ash . . . " A voice seamed to come from the air around him. "Ash, Ash, = Ash. It looks like you=92re a bit more strong willed than I thought. But = then again, I thought that Jessie would put up more of a fight than she = did, but no. She died quickly. Much blood." The voice chuckled. Ash looked around the area, looking for voice. Then, he saw it. A flash = of green and red in the moonlight. The figure stepped out into the open, = holding a blood coated rope between his hands. Ash gasped, as the man came into full view. "You!?"=20 James smiled, evilly, twirling the rope like a jump rope between his = hands. "In the slightly blood coated flesh."=20 Ash noted that his voice sounded different, more harsh than it had ever = sounded before, as he spoke, and that there was an evil glint in his = eyes. There was also much more blood on his uniform, and bloody streaks = running down his face. His hair was in a terrible disarray. "But how . . . ? You=92re dead. The clearing . . . " James threw his head back and laughed. "Oh, that little masterpiece = wasn=92t me. It was simply a master collection of blood from all my = experiments of to night. I must say, Brock was a wonderful donor." Ash=92s voice cracked as he spoke. "Why?" he thought of something. = "Jessie?" He asked, hoping to get him talking, to give himself more = time. James grinned. "It=92s amazing how one lets their guard down, when with = ones that they trust. It was too easy." He pulled out a short, double = blade knife from some place, and held it up in the moon light. = Jessie=92s blood was still on it. "But why?" Ash asked again. "And before . . . You said that what = happened to Jessie was too terrible to talk about. If it was so = terrible, why did you do it?" The evil grin stayed on his face, as he dropped the knife to the forest = floor. "I didn=92t want to scare you off, by telling you to many = details. But . . . " He pulled something else out from the same place he = had gotten the knife. "I always did want Jessie=92s hear to be all my = own. And now it is." He held up what Ash now recognized as a human = heart; Jessie=92s heart; and rubbed it on his cheek, leaving a red mess = where it had touched. Putting the heart back from whence it had come, = James continued with his gruesome tale. "After that, I had to get rid of = Meowth. I couldn=92t have him going to the Boss with stories about me, = now could I? So I waited for him to return to camp, and when he did, I = blew him to pieces. You should have seen it. It made me curious. You = see, I had seen what happened when you blew a pokemon to Timbuck Too. = Everything gets covered with blood. And that made me wonder, about how = much blood does a human have." James shrugged. "I could have looked it = up in a book, but I felt like doing more field work. And it just so = happened that I was walking along the river bank, when this thought came = into my head, and it just so happened, that there was a human getting = water there at the time. "Brock." Ash whispered. James nodded. "I tried to collect the blood in a thermos, but after my = tenth thermos, I couldn=92t carry anymore, so I had to let the rest wash = away down stream. A pity. Such a waste." He tossed a large machete blade = down next to the double blade. Brock=92s murder weapon. "After that, all = these wonderful ideas came to me. What exactly does an egg pokemon taste = like? How much intestines does a Pikachu have, and can it support its = body weight? At what temperature does human flesh boil?" James counted = off on his fingers. "It was all quite interesting."=20 "Hey!" Ash exclaimed as a thought popped into his head. "We heard a = voice coming from the trees, when you were standing right nest to us! = How-"=20 "Ventriloquism" Ash=92s hat appeared to say. Ash threw his hat to the = ground in horror. "I can throw my voice to almost anyone, thing or = place." Ashes=92 jacket continued, in a high squeaky voice. Ash=92s = jacket quickly joined his hat. "Stop that!" He yelled fiercely. "Oh, I don=92t think so. I still have a few more experiments to = conduct." James grinned at Ash, evil touching his eyes. "For instance, = exactly how much weight can you place on a body hanging from a rope, = before the neck breaks?" The rope began to twirl between his hands = again.=20 "No." Ash whispered, trying to back up, but being unable, because of the = cliff. In one sudden, cat like movement, James pounced over to Ash, and had the = rope around his neck. Ash clawed at it, trying to break away, when he = felt his feet leave the ground. Gasping, Ash realized that James had thrown the rope over a nearby tree = branch, and was hoisting him up by his neck. Tieing the rope onto another branch so his hands could be free, James = walked under where Ash was squirming in the air. Then, jumping, he = grabbed onto Ash=92s legs, increasing the weight on the body. For Ash, the added weight hardly seamed to make a difference. The world = was already starting to get darker.=20 James hung onto Ash=92s legs for another two minutes, before he realized = that the boy was dead. Dropping to the ground, James looked up at the body, and shrugged. "Easy = come, easy go." He commented to nobody in particular. Suddenly, his entire body began to shake, and he dropped to his knees, = holding his head, crying out in pain. When the shaking stopped, he = slowly took his hands away from his head, and looked around, slowly, and = nervously. "How in the world did I get here . . . " He wondered. Then he looked up = and saw Ash=92s body. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed, and back = peddled away from the swinging corps. "Not another one." He whispered, = horrified. A tear streaked down his blood-covered cheek. "Who=92s doing = this? Why are they doing this?" He curled up into a fetal position on the ground and wept. "Jessie . . . = Meowth . . . " he sobbed.=20 Then, his body began to shake again. And once again, when it stopped, he = was a different person.=20 Looking around like his other personality had, James searched the = clearing for something to kill. Then, looking up the cliff, he grinned.=20 Slowly, he made his way up the cliff face, until he made it to the top. = Then, standing straight, and looking down, with full moon illuminating = everything, and a strong October wind blowing his hair back, he = whispered to himself, "What happens to a human body when it goes = =91splat=92?" And with those final words, he jumped. * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ".....The end." Ash said, drawing his tale of horror to a close. He, Brock, Misty, Pikachu, and Togipi were all sitting around a = campfire, rather like how Ash had described in his story. He and Misty = both had marshmallows toasting over the open fire, while Brock was = sitting, content with a French Crepe.=20 "That was really spooky, Ash. I never thought you could come up with = such . . . such vivid descriptions of death." Misty commented as she = pulled her marshmallow off her stick, and made a s=92more. Brock frowned. "I=92m still trying to figure out why you killed me off = first." Ash grinned. "Well somebody had to die first, and if I killed Misty of = Pikachu first, they would have hurt me, and Togipi is just to cute, = soooo . . . " he trailed off. "Still. It wasn=92t very nice to kill me like that." Brock pouted. "I can=92t believe that we=92re having this conversation." Misty = groaned. Meanwhile, resting in the branches above their heads, unbeknownst to the = trio, Team Rocket was listening in. Motioning for her companions to follow her, Jessie made her way away = from the small campfire, and out of hearing range. When James and Meowth were settled in near by, Jessie began. "Was = anybody else creeped out by that story besides me?" "You? You were hardly in it. I was a psychotic murder!" James cried out, = in rage. "I would never do that sort of thing. Well, at least not to you = or Meowth." He said, after a pause. "At least you made in through the hole story in one piece. I got blown = to smithereens!" Meowth hissed. Jessie shuddered. "Maybe there=92s something more to that brat than we = suspected." Meowth and James nodded as they considered this. Then, after a bit, = Meowth spoke up. "I think we had better get back to camp. We=92re not = gonna get da Pikachu tonight." "Right." Jessie and Meowth said in unison. On the way back to camp, Meowth managed to single out Jessie, by riding = on her head. Jessie was walking a few steps in front of James, and so = they could talk without him hearing.=20 "So, Jessie," Meowth began, "what do you think dat Brat was getting at?" Jessie rolled her eyes up, and looked at the pokemon. "What are you = trying to say?" Meowth grinned, mischievously. "Oh, nothing in particular. Just dat one = part of da story. Ya know. The part where James pulled out your heart = and said something like =91I always wanted Jessie=92s heat=92, er=92 = somthing." Jessie turned bright red. "I don=92t know what you=92re talking about, = now go and bother somebody else, and get off my head!" she said, = hurriedly, before knocking Meowth off her head, and back to where James = was. James started, as Meowth landed at his feet. "What did you do to make = her do that?"=20 Meowth got up, brushed himself off. "Awww, nothing. She=92s just got a = bad temper. Dat=92s all." James made a =91humph=92 noise. "Duh."=20 "Hey, what do you think dat kid was trying to say?" Meowth said, trying = his tactic on James. "What?" James asked, confused. "Da part where you curled up in a fetal position and cried for Jessie = an=92 me. Oh, and the part where you cut out Jessie=92s heart, because = you wanted her heart to be =91all your own=92."=20 James turned even redder than Jessie had. "I still don=92t know what = your talking about. That story creeped me out, so lets not talk about = it, ok? Especially not those parts." James said trying to give messages = to Meowth to not open his mouth. Meowth just sighed, and shook his head. "When will these two stop = kidding themselves and admit how they feel?" he wondered to himself. "I = know it, the Boss knows it, all the other team members know it, and even = those brats know it. I think they=92re the only people who don=92t know = it!" He shook his head again, and ran to catch up with his partners, who = had gotten ahead of him. Later that night, when they were all bundled up in their sleeping bags, = and they could hear Meowth snoring on the other side of the now dimming = camp fire. "Hey, James," Jessie whispered to her partner. "You awake?" "Hmm-hm"=20 "Come here." She quietly commanded. James did as he was told. Moving his = sleeping bag so that the opening, where his head stuck out, was facing = the opening where her head stuck out, he propped his head up with his = hands.=20 "What=92s up?" He whispered, as so not to wake up Meowth. "The moon." Jessie retorted. "Huh? Is that all?" James said, a bit cranky. "No. This is why I made you move." She said, and then, suddenly, she = lunged at him, to fast for him to comprehend, and kissed him. On the = lips. James=92 eyes went wide, as his dreams came true. Then he closed them, = and in joyed the kiss. Eventualy, Jessie broke it, and then rolled over onto her side, like = nothing had happened. James just laid there, in shock. Jessie smirked from her sleeping bag. "Happy Halloween." Fin Thanx! You'll have to excuse me. I lack in the department of ending = letters. From, Blair Rocket ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BF15B3.065C3A20