Disclaimer: Obviously, I do not own pokemon or any of the charters, so please don't sue.

Rocket babe loves comments- love it, hate it: let me know at <rocketbabe@mp4pop.com>

A Shoulder to Cry On

Rocket Babe

Chapter one- betrayal

"So you, want to come in?" Butch asked. He took her hand and led her inside his small apartment at the team rocket headquarters. He sat down on his bed and Jessie sat nervously beside him. "Arr, I had a really good time tonight," she said. "Yeah, me too" Butch replied as he leaned over and kissed her softly. He leaned back on the bed and pulled Jessie on top of him. "Butch?!" "Yeah?", he muttered as he started unbuttoning her shirt. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He wasn't even listening any more as he nibbled her ear.

Jessie awoke the next morning in a strange room. It took her a minute to gather her thoughts before she could remember, but finally she deduced she must be in Butch's apartment. As she looked at him sleeping beside her, she soon realized what had happened. "Butch?" she whispered, but he didn't answer. She got up out of bed; sheet wrapped tightly around her and began to search for her clothes, she found them scatted all over the small room. She dressed quickly and closed his door behind her, started towards her own apartment, trying not to look suspicious.

She crept into the dimly lit apartment she shared with James. She opened the door to their his room lightly and was surprised to see James sitting on his bed dark eyed with rage. "Jessie?" he asked with unusual smugness as he turned to face her. "Where have you been?" "Nowhere?" she replied, knowing that trying to lie was useless. "I was just out having a good time with Butch" "A good time hey?" James said raising an eyebrow. Jessie tried to change the subject quickly, "I think I'll just have a shower," she said. "You do that…you little slut," James muttered under his breath. "What did you just call me?" Jessie asked enraged. "You heard me" he answered through clenched teeth. "Don't start with me James, I'm really tried." "Gey, I can't image why you'd be so tried, I mean I'm sure than coming home a 3:00 in the morning has nothing to do with it!" "Just give it a rest alright?" Jessie said as she opened the bathroom door. "I'm having my shower and then I going to sleep. I think I had better go stay at Mondo's tonight" "That's fine with me!" James screamed as Jessie slammed the bathroom door behind her.

James was gentle lulled to sleep by the soothing sound of the running shower water. When Jessie came out of the bathroom, she found him fast asleep. She signed, glad that there would be no further confrontations. She quickly slid on her satin nightgown, and searched the dark room for a blanket, wrapping it tightly around her as she crept down the stairs and out the door.

"Mondo" she called quietly as she knocked on his front door. No answer. 'He must be asleep', she thought as she rubbed her head. But she thought she heard faint movement inside. The door slowly opened and a groggy, half-asleep Mondo greeted her with surprise. "Jessie?" He asked quietly. "Um, hi Mondo" she muttered, "Can I stay here tonight?" Mondo looked at her with confusion, "What?" "James and I had a fight and well, I don't think I'm to welcome there tonight." "Well okay, I guess it would be all right" he said hesitantly, not sure, if it was wise to be taking sides among his friends.

Mondo walked inside slowly and Jessie followed. He gestured for her to sit at the table. "I'll make you a drink," he said. He turned toward the counter and began to make them both a cup of tea. "One or two sugars?" he asked turning around but Jessie was already asleep, her body slumped over the table.

He helped her into his bed before taking a pillow and settling down to sleep on the floor beside her. "Good night Jess" he whispered as he closed his eyes.

Chapter two-confrontations

Mondo woke early the next morning despite last night's visitor. He stood up and looked at Jessie, watching and her chest rise and fall as she breathed calmly in her sleep. He wondered what had happened last night that had made James so angry. Jessie suddenly started to stir. "James?" she asked softly. "Mondo, actually" he answered almost smugly. "Huh?" Jessie opened her eyes. "Sorry Mondo" she said as it all came back to her. She softened as she saw his makeshift bed on the floor beside her. "You gave me you bed?" she asked surprised. "Yeah, it was the least I could do. I mean you fell asleep at the table."

There was a loud knock at the door. "Hang on James!" Mondo called. "How do you know it's him?' Jessie asked. "Sorry Jessie, but I called him. Please don't be mad, I thought he might be worried." She said nothing as he got up quickly and went to answer the door.

James stood on the doorstep looking sleep deprived and irritated. "Come in" Mondo said as he showed him to the couch. "Where's Jess?" James asked glancing around "I thought you said she wanted to talk?" "Well, she didn't exactly say she wanted to, I just thought it was a good idea." "Thanks a lot Mondo" James said sarcastically. "Well I guess she's just getting ready. Would you mind if I ask what she did that was so terrible? I mean I know it's not any of my business but I thought you two were pretty close." "Yeah, so did I but after last night I'm not so sure." James answered vaguely.

Jessie appeared in the doorway still dressed in her night ware. "Hi James" she said coldly "I didn't expect to see you here." "Mondo told me that you were the one who wanted to see me. I guess I should have know better, I mean a person as stubborn as you actually apologizing!" James said in an angry, mocking tone. He was turning to leave as Mondo raised a hand to stop him; "Hey you guys, whatever it is it can't be all that bad!"

James took a deep breath considering his options "She slept with Butch". Mondo gasped. He couldn't believe that the Jessie who he had known for so long would do something like that. He didn't even know that she and Butch had been in a serious relationship.

James had never trusted Butch. When he first noticed him making advances towards Jessie, he been suspicious. However he trusted Jessie and thought that she could handle herself around creeps like that. He had never thought for a moment that she would let him get that close to her. James looked at her though avoiding eye contact. How could she do this to him? He felt so betrayed. It was as if everything they had been though together was worth less to her than a few moments of spontaneous passion.

Chapter three- admission

Jessie examined herself in the bathroom mirror. James banged on the door "Jessie, come on you've been in there over an hour". Jessie shook her head and continued to inspect her stomach. She knew she wasn't imaging things, she had definitely started to put on weight.

"Jess, are you okay?" James was starting to become worried. "Yeah, I'm fine" she called back weakly. She grabbed her jumper, glad that the cold gave her the excuse to wear excessive and baggier clothing. She was afraid that telling James about her pregnancy would drive him further away from her. She knew that it the time ahead she would need his support.

James had forgiven her for the night she spent with Butch. Jessie had explained that it was all a big mistake. " I wish I could take it all back" she said "but you can't erase the past." James knew she was right and that no matter how hard she tried she could never change what had happened. "We didn't use protection", she had added her eyes fixed on the floor. From then on James had been preparing himself for the possibility of Jessie being pregnant.

James would never forgive Butch. He had once been to their apartment and inquired after Jessie. James had looked at him, disgusted, and told him to leave. Jessie wondered why he hadn't visited.

"James?" she called from just inside the bathroom door interrupting his thoughts. "I think I've got something to tell you." James extended his hand and Jessie excepted it as he gently pulled her down to sit beside him on the bed. She took a deep breath and James noticed tears in her eyes. She opened to mouth to say something but James could see how hard it was for her. "It's alright Jess, I already know," he said gently. She started to cry quietly and James pulled her close to him "It's okay", he whispered as he rubbed the small of her back. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and began to sob into his shoulder. "I'm sorry" she whispered through her tears.

Jessie cried nearly all night and eventually fell asleep in James' arms. He had carried to her room and lay her down on her bed. "Goodnight Jessica" he whispered and he softly kissed her forehead.

Chapter four-confrontation

James awoke early that morning to the familiar sound of Jessie throwing up. He covered his ears with a pillow. He couldn't stand to see her in pain but he knew he couldn't do anything to help. The telephone beside him became to ring. He picked it up angrily "Yes" he snapped. "Hi", the voice at the other end said nervously "Who is it?" James asked. "Um… can I speak to Jessie?" "She not exactly available right now. Who is this?" "Well, do you know when she'll be able to talk?" "No, I'm not sure" James replied, his voice trailing off. "Butch, is this you?" he asked suspiciously before hanging up, leaving a confused Butch on the other end.

"Who was it James?" Jessie asked emerging from the bathroom. "It was Butch" James answered coldly. "Well what did he want?" She asked softly. "I don't know Jess, he didn't say." "James I should talk to him, I think he has a right to know about the baby." "Jessie, after what that guy did to you he doesn't have the right to anything." James saw the tears well up in her eyes. "Jessie it's your child, whatever you want to do is fine. It's got nothing to do with me." She let out a loud sob "Don't do this James" she whispered.

James left her standing alone in the middle of his dark bedroom. He dressed quickly and left the warm house stepping out into the crisp morning air. He had to get out of there and have some time to think.

Jessie answered the door; her cheeks still stained with tears. "Hi Jessie" Butch said with a smile as he looked her up and down. "Well," he said smugly "looks like the rumors are true." Jessie looked at him disgustedly "looks like you're a father," she said matching his tone. Butch pushed past her into the apartment and sat down at the table. "I guess we better talk" he muttered. "As far as I'm concerned there isn't anything else for us to talk about" Jessie retorted inhospitably but hesitantly joined him. "Don't be like that Jess," he said as he reached out and put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't touch me" she growled and shrugged him off. "Jessie what's happened to you?" Butch asked flustered. "Butch I'm pregnant, don't you realize what that means? It's means that you and I are parents and I'll be the teenage mother of you bastard child!" Butch rose to his feet in surprise "Calm down" he pleaded. "Do you have any idea of what I've been through, what I'll have to go through… without you" she added in a softened tone. Butch reached out and took her hand "Jessie I'm so sorry, I had no idea." Jessie sighed "Butch what we did, it was all a big mistake." "We all make mistakes Jessica, some are just more pleasurable that others" Butch sneered as he learned forward and kissed her lips roughly. "Don't you ever try that again" she snarled as she pulled away. She pointed to the door and Butch hesitantly stood up to leave.

Jessie looked at the door he'd passed through wondering if he'd ever come back, wondering if she wanted him to ever come back. She poured herself a cold drink at sat at the table crying salty tear into her lemonade. In a sudden rage she threw the glass into the wall and watched as it shattered into a hundred pieces. 'Just like my life' she thought.

Chapter five-decisions

Mondo hadn't spoken to Jessie since he found out about the baby. The look on his face when the announcement was make stayed vivid in Jessie's memory. The image he'd held of her as a prefect goddess had been shattered. Their meetings were uncomfortable and conversation was avoided.

Jessie hated how cold her old friend had become towards her and hated herself for disappointing him. One night she saw him with friends at the headquarters café and decided to seize the opportunity. "Mondo" she said quietly "Can I talk to you?" "Um… I guess," he answered a little embarrassed.

She led him over to a corner. "I just wanted to say that I'm so, so sorry. I never meant for this to happen, I never meant to hurt you," Jessie confessed regretfully. "I should apologize too, I guess I didn't handle this very well. I wasn't prepared for this kind of thing" Mondo replied. "Me either" Jessie admitted.

Rumors had been circulating at the headquarters, as Jessie's condition became obvious. One late night there had been a loud knock at the door. An official looking rocket officer stood before the groggy James. "Is Jessie here?" the figure asked roughly. "Who's asking?" James had questioned cautiously as a sleepy Jessie appeared beside him. "Jessie?" the man asked. "That's me," she said in a hostile tone. "The Boss requests an audience with you now."

Giovani had given instruction as to how the pregnancy was to be 'handled'. "The baby will be taken from you, only moments after it's birth" he had lost too many rocket members by allowing the children to stay with their mothers longer. "Or" he added persuasively "It can stay here at rocket headquarters with you and follow on as a team rocket member." Jessie looked him straight in the eye "I'm keeping the baby," she said firmly. "I can't pretend I'm not disappointed Jessica, I thought you had potential. Such a waste" "A child it never a waste" Jessie replied indifferently. "Just like you mother…" he muttered "stubborn."

Chapter six- proposals

When James returned home it was late evening and the apartment was dark and silent. He found the shattered glass on the damp kitchen floor and without a thought, he began to sweep it up. Her cursed himself as one of the fragments cut his hand. He rummaged through the cabinet loudly looking for a bandage and quickly wrapped it around his hand.

James heard soft footsteps on the landing and turned around to see Jessie in a long, white nightdress. "Butch was here" she mumbled. James quickly put down the pan and went over to stand beside her. "I should have been here," he said soothingly. "When I want your protection I'll ask for it," she replied defensively. "Jessie, you've never been the type to ask for anything" James answered with a sigh and smile. Her eyes softened.

James took her hand gently and placed it on his chest. "Jessica" he said in a hushed tone, "I love you."

They stood there for a few moments in silence. A single tear ran down Jessie's cheek, James raised a hand and wiped it away.

"Sorry Jess" he said under his breath, "I didn't mean to make you cry." "No James it's just… I love you too," she cried flinging her arms around him. They kissed deeply staying in their embrace for what seemed like forever. "I just don't want to be alone any more" she whimpered through her tears.

James hurriedly bent down on one knee "Jessica, will you marry me?" "Of course" she sighed as he kissed her stomach.

Chapter seven-arrival

One cold night Jessie awoke with a start, she was in great pain. "James" she whispered into the darkness. Using all her might she banged with her fists on the wall, which connected her room to James'. "James?" she asked as a showy figure appeared in the doorway. "What's wrong Jess, it's 2:00 in the morning?" "I think it's time," she murmured with a weak smile. "I'll call the down stairs hospital" James answered hastily.

Giovani had firmly told them that Jessie would have to give birth at the rocket hospital rather than risk any unwanted exposure at a public one. James ran down stairs to the phone and quickly made the call to the hospital. "Come on Jessie, they said that their ready for us now." James said as he took her hand tightly and helped her off the bed. "Call Butch" Jessie pleaded.

James held Jessie's hand right through the birth. Butch had stood there stiff, his partner Cassidy beside him. Cassidy wrapped her hands around his waist and kissed him softly. "It's okay Butch," she said soothingly as she brushed his hair out of his eyes with her long fingers.

After the birth was over Jessie lay limp on the bed, exhausted. The child was cleaned and a grinning nurse placed it in Jessie's tired arms. "It's a girl," the nurse announced excitedly. There were few babies born at the rocket hospital. "She's so perfect" Jessie gasped. "I'm so proud of you Jess" James cooed as he stroked her hair softly.

Cassidy went to the bed and stood over the tiny infant "I can't believe she's your daughter" she said turning to Butch. "She has you eyes," Jessie said glancing at Butch who was still in his rigid position against the wall. "It's okay," she said gesturing for him to come closer. "Here," Jessie said as James placed the baby in Butch's outstretched arms "you hold her for a while." Butch cradled her close to him. "She's beautiful Jess, just like her mum" he said with a guilty smile. Cassidy glared at Butch while Jessie was extremely glad that she had sent James out to call Mondo.

Mondo came quickly looking like he had got dressed in the dark, which he had. "Jessie" he exclaimed as he went over, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek. "Where's James?" Jessie asked looking concerned. "I just saw him in the hallway, he still has to call the Boss. "Wow is she yours?" Mondo asked looking at the tiny child curled up in Butch's arms. "Yeah." "Can I see her?" Butch held her up and she did a tiny sneeze before starting to cry. "Jessie?" Butch asked nervously as he handed the baby over to her.

"I think I'll go and get a drink," Cassidy said winking at Mondo "Mondo you look pretty thirsty too" "No, I'm fine… oh I'm mean yeah, I probably need some fresh air."

Butch and Jessie sat in the hospital room together in silence for a few moments just listening to all the activity taking place around them. "What do you think you'll name her?" Butch asked breaking the silence. "James wants to call her Tyra, after one of our friends from the bike gang." "That's really sweet. James will make a great dad" Butch replied. "So will you" Jessie said with a nervous smile.

Chapter eight- afterglow

James awoke to the sound of crying. Last night he and Jessie had shared a bed for the first time, it felt good just to be so close to her. James had fallen asleep to the rhythmic sound of her breathing, so near to her that he could feel her heart beating. Jessie stirred slightly but James finally resolved to get up and tend to Tyra himself. He changed her and comforted her as best he could but he knew she needed to be fed so reluctantly be crept back in his room as shook Jessie gently. "What?" she asked quietly. "It's Tyra, I think she needs to be fed." "Oh" Jessie said with a sleepy expression. She took Tyra and unbuttoned her nightdress just enough to allow Tyra to feed. James settled back down to sleep and Jessie gentle placed baby Tyra between them.

When James opened his eyes, the sun was starting to peer through the window. He rolled over expecting to see Jessie sleeping beside him, but the bed was empty. He sat up and slowly got out of bed. He crept down the passage and entered Tyra's darkened bedroom. Jessie was cradling Tyra gently in her arms as she sweetly sung her to sleep. James immediately recognized it as the lullaby Jessie's mother had sung to her when she was little. Jessie had sung it once for James once when he was sick and feverish but he still remembered the tenderness in her voice as she told the story. "My mother always used to sing me this lullaby," she had explained. "She always sung it to me just before she went away on her missions, the last time she sung it she went out as usual… but she never returned. I may not have that many memories of her, but I'll never forget the song."

"Jessica" James murmured as he gently reached out and touched her shoulder. She flinched slightly but quickly relaxed upon seeing James' sympathetic smile. "I know you miss her Jess, but now you have the chance to give Tyra all the things that you missed out on." "I love you" Jessie replied with a grin as she placed Tyra delicately in her cradle. She leaned forward and kissed James seductively as she grabbed his hand and gently led him upstairs.