"The Satellite of 'Dite,

the Fanfic of Riffing of Other Fanfics"

By: Jaimielée Rocket and Maelstrom

Disclaimer I: To whom this concerns, it belongs to you!

Smut: Uh~ debated

Violence: Hm~ debated

"Episode Five: Julivanni Part 1,

Angie's Midriff is Seen by Crow and Servo"

Disclaimer II: Jessica and Cleo belong to me, Kasey belongs to Maelstrom and Angie belongs to She-wolf or Bardokmegami. "Julivanni Part 1" belong to icecube or Verna. Joel and the 'bots, Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank belong to Best Brains and that is all I can think of 'coz they have nothing to do with Scifi Channel. ('Tho' I wish they did! I'd LOVE to see them again! At least start playing them on Comedy Central again so Maelstrom can record them for me! Stupid Scifi, they canceled it for some reason . . . EVIL Scifi.)

Notes: Ah! I like Joel! I also like Mike. I can't decide who I like more, but Angie is on the SoL during the Joel Era, and she has *fun* (tee-hee). Anyway, I watched MST3K ever since I was in, like, 1st grade. I've seen the first episode (but for the life of me I can't remember it) and I've seen that awful Joe Don Baker movie one where Joel left in a pod with things, like styrofoam. being thrown at him, leaving the 'bots behind . . . It was sad. Then Mike came! Yay! Then I missed the last season of it on Comedy Central 'coz then we moved out into the country and didn't get cable until the next winter for we only got ABC, NBC, PBS and CBS with the bunny ears, sadness again. Then we got the Scifi Channel and I discovered my beloved MST3K and now I know you can buy episodes at Suncoast and I'm in heaven! (until canceling, grrrrrrr) So, anyway, I never forgot dear old Joel, and I bought "The Unearthly", so now I have a personal Joel episode! And I just bought "Mitchell" where he leaves! And my memory WAS correct! Blew me away, too. And then my two faves, Cave Dwellers, with the crappy, half screen opening credits which Joel and the 'Bots recreated in the most funny of fashions, and Pod People. I like Pod People 'coz I actually REMEMBER watching it at my late dad's house, and that's what made it so special to me. (I even said a riff right before Crow said it, "Ooo, little potatoes . . .") This features one of the funniest riffs I have ever heard. The alien "Trumpy" (who looks like a freaked out foreign version of Alf) was studying all these animals, a kitten who attacked his snout for some reason, two canaries, a bunny and gerbils, and Crow said in a funny British accent, "Mmm, delicious kitty, looks like a little potato. These potatoes have wings. Ouch, that's my snout. Leggo. It all looks so good, I don't know where to begin! This potato has large ears. It's a whole buffet! Oh, new potatoes . . ."

'N'way, I think I'm babbling, I'm wont to do that a lot, so I'll shut up now.

A Big Thanks: This goes out to icecube. She sent me a fanfic. And I'm gonna cry again, and I'm acting a lot like Soun Tendo. But she out of four people sent me fanfics. There was CTR, of course, JessieRocket said I could do one of hers sometime, then my friend Amber and now icecube! She responded to my plea at the end of the No-Life Sailors, giving me a fanfic and complimenting my work. (More compliments, PLEASE! My ego needs boosting, even though it's more inflated than Gary's!) And more fanfics! You maybe going, "Oh, she probably has too many people emailing her as it is." But I'm not being emailed, I've only had three people email me, and I love to meet new people, and a stand of cedars, a spaceship is taking off, and I am sa-a-a-d! <sob>


It was a slow day on the Satellite of Love. The Mads hadn't contacted the inhabitants of the ship for about a week now, which wasn't too odd, but they were getting bored. In the room that led to the entrance of the theater, stood a bored Crow, and hovered a palled Tom Servo. They did nothing but sit there, and sit there. That happened for about five minutes until Joel came into the room. "What's the matter, you guys?"

Crow rolled his eyes and replied, "We're, uh, what do you call it Joel? Oh, yes . . . BORED."

"Oh yeah," Servo sighed.

"C'mon, there's lots to do!" Joel wove his arms to signify the infinite possibilities.

"No, there isn't," Servo told him. "We've done EVERYTHING. Well, everything that YOU will let us do."

"Yeah, Joel," the gold 'bot added. "You just suck the fun right out of everything."

"Well," the human responded, sounding indignant. "I'm going to go watch TV. They're playing a marathon of 'I Love Lucy' on Nick at Night. If you want some real fun, you can drop by."

"Right, Joel," Servo sighed again. Huffing, the human left.

"Yup, this is so boring, it's almost estatically fun," Crow muttered.

"That's an oxymoron, Crow," the red 'bot pointed out.

"What did you call me?" Crow shouted defensively.

"I didn't call you anything!" Servo hovered back a bit. "I just said what you said was an oxymoron!"

"That's it!" He began to charge Servo when Gypsy came into the room, halting them.

"There's a strange object floating just outside!"

"Huh?" Crow uttered, turning around.

Taking that opportunity, Servo hit him in the back of his head with the edge of his hoverskirt. "Hah-HA!"

"Hey! That-that was unfair!" whined the gold 'bot.

Ignoring him, Servo asked the purple 'bot, Gypsy, "What is the object? Maybe it might prove interesting and alleviate the boredom."

"Yeah!" Crow realized. "Hexfield, open," he ordered and the screen behind them did so. Right in front of the camera was a human wearing a bulky jacket and pants, and a tinted visor helmet.

"My goodness!" Servo gasped in amazement. "Another human?"

"Gypsy," Crow turned to her. "Can you retrieve that human for us?"

"Okay . . ." she paused. "Should we get Joel."

"Uhh . . ." the other two robots glanced at each other, then Servo replied. "Nah, he's busy watching I Love Lucy. We'll take care of this."

"Okay." Gypsy turned and left the room.

"Isn't that pretty odd? A human in space without a spaceship or anything," Servo said, after telling the hexfield to close.

"I hope it's not dead." Crow bounced from excitement. "Or WOULD it be more fun dead? Oh, well, we'll see . . ."


Joel decided to take a break from his television viewing pleasure and was going to the main room to double-check on the 'bots, make sure that they weren't trashing the place. As he was about to open the door, he heard giggling coming from behind the door and muffled talk. He hummed in thought and leaned closer to the door before he opened it. He still couldn't understand what they were saying, but it sounded as if they had gotten over their boredom. He smiled and opened the door. As he stepped in, he asked loudly, "What're you guys doin' in here?"

The room was dead silent and Crow and Servo were frozen in the spot they were in, looking quite surprised. Joel's cheerful visage dropped as he spotted something out of the ordinary laying on the counter. "My God, is that a woman?"

He walked up behind the 'bots. "Oh, is that what it is," Servo lied, trying to act innocent.

Joel stared at the other human. She had mahogany-brown hair that was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and she wore glasses and dream catcher earrings. Her clothes were made up of . . . His jump suit. "Uh, guys, what is she doing wearing one of MY jump suits? And where did you get it?"

"Uh, uh, uh," Crow searched for an explanation. "Uh, well. Might as well tell the truth. Gypsy got her out of space, and she was wearing this-this weird helmet thingie that was obviously the thing keeping her alive in space, you know. And when we were getting her in, Gypsy ripped her clothes on the airlock, and her pants were all ick, and the shirt torn in the middle. All she had underneath was a halter top and boxers so we-we took the liberty to change her into something more comfortable, so we got one of your jump suits from the laundry and put it on her." Then he and Servo began to giggle again.

"What's so funny?" Joel asked, in the tone a mother would use that said that this wasn't amusing.

Snickering, the red 'bot answered, "We saw her midriff!"


"We saw her midriff!" He and Crow broke down in giggles again.

"What's so funny about that?"

"Nothing," Crow retorted. "We just finally got to see a live girl's midriff!"

"You little perverts!" Sighing, Joel gestured at the girl. "Well, we'd better try to wake her up . . ."

"Here, try this," Servo handed Joel an object.

"What is it?"

"No clue, but it smells worse than smelling salts and it came from Crow's room."

Crow glared at him, "Sure it didn't come from your room? You're the pig!"

"Shut up, Crow!"

"Both of you quite down, now let's try this." He held the block of whatever under the girl's nose. She immediately gagged and sat up straight, clutching her nose. "Hey, it worked! Good boy, Servo!"

The red 'bot beamed with pride, and Crow protested, "But it came from MY room!"

"I lied," Servo stated, "it actually came from my room."

"Jerk . . ."

The girl rubbed her tearing eyes and glanced blearily at them. "-cough!- Where am I? -hack-"

Joel held out his hand to her. "Hi, I'm Joel Robinson! You're on the Satellite of Love."

She took his hand and shook it, peering about her surroundings. "The SoL? It doesn't look like . . . Wait, JOEL you said?"

"Yes, miss."

"Of course, he was on the show before Mike," she murmured to herself. "Before the ship got a make-over."

"Excuse us, miss?" Crow asked, coming closer.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My head kinda hurts and my nose feels like little cats are in there clawing it to pieces." She held out her hand to the two robots. "I'm Angie! I come from a satellite, too. It's called 'Dite. I was doing a test using that helmet," she pointed to the odd helm that was sitting on her torn clothes, "and I-- got separated . . ." She looked down. "Why am I not in my clothes?"

Servo and Crow looked at each other with nervous demeanors and Joel rolled his eyes. The human man came to their rescue. "Well, apparently, while getting you inside the SoL, you're clothes tore and my considerate robots here changed you into one of my jump suits."

Angie appeared offended and growled at the 'bots, "Why didn't you wake me up first?"

Then came the skittish excuses from the 'bots that really couldn't be understood. The red button on the series of three began to go off, and the 'bots, in a considerable amount of relief, shouted, "The Mads are calling!" and they both touched the button at the same time.

DEEP 13:

Maniacal laughter can be heard as Dr. Clayton Forrester, (who, by the way, is the son of Pearl Forrester, weird, huh?) and TV's Frank appeared on the screen. Dr. F is an odd looking man with scraggly hair, green glasses and a lime green lab coat. He is, quite frankly, Beakman gone wrong. TV's Frank is a white haired, chunky man in black, the kind of guy that can take several blows to the head, yet somehow still survive.


Everyone but Angie, who is still fretting over the fact that a pair of perverted robots changed her, laughed along with Dr. F and Frank. Finally, Joel asked, "What's so funny, sirs?"


As soon as Joel asked that, both men became silent. Dr. F gave an insane smile and pressed his hands together. "Well, my dear Joel, we just received a letter from a nice man with red hair."


Angie gasped, momentarily forgetting about her clothes. "Was his name Rob Tapert?"


"Yes, it was actually." He held his hand out to the white haired man. "Frank, hand me the paper he sent me, along with the disk."

"Yessir," he replied and handed him those objects.

"This says that Angie comes from a satellite, like your very own, only from another dimension," Dr. F told them, reading of the sheet.


"You come from another dimension?" Servo asked the girl, amazed.

"Well, I suppose so." She scratched her head. "Yeah, I entered a portal. I guess I'm in an Entertainment Dimension."

"A what?" all three guys asked, bemused.

"Entertainment Dimension. Your life here on the SoL is real to you, to me and people in my realm, this is a TV show."


"Yes, how quaint," Dr. F chuckled a bit. "But she has experiments as well, she and her friends have to read bad Pokémon fanfic."


"What the hell is that?" Crow inquired.

Angie shook her head. "It's a Japanese cartoon. Cute little monster are captured and used to fight. It's a way of life. It follows Ash and his two friends, Misty and Brock, and his little monster named Pikachu. But we read fanfic mostly on people who try to steal Pikachu. They are Team Rocket, Jessie and James and Meowth."

Servo glanced at Joel and Crow, who both just shrugged. "I'm REALLY confused."


Frank handed Dr. F a few tapes and he said, "Oh, don't worry, Mr. Tapert sent us episodes for you to watch after your experiment."


"What movie are we watching today, sir?" Joel asked glumly.


"Well, I haven't found a movie. My 'Bad Movie of the Week' club hasn't sent me one yet, so I decided to let you guys participate in Angie's review." He held up the disk. "Located on this disk, is today's fanfic. First up is "Julivanni, Part 1", a story about lust, war, insanity and talking cats drinking milk. Have fun."

He and Frank continued to laugh, but then the assistant stopped and tapped Dr. F on the shoulder. "Uh, Clayton, what about the invention exchange?"

The doctor scowled and smacked Frank upside the head. "I told you already, we don't have time today for that! Now, send up the fanfic!"

"Yessir, I'm sorry." He cowered away and began to send the fanfic up.


"We're gonna READ something?" Crow asked in disbelief. "Read? But Joel, I don't wanna read about something I barely know! That'd be like trying to give you brain surgery without training! Wait a sec . . ."

"You are not gonna perform brain surgery on me," Joel interrupted. "Don't even think it!" All the lights went off and he shouted, "We got fanfic sign!" He tapped the button, grabbed the disoriented Angie, and ran into the theater, the 'bots following behind.


ANGIE: (sitting down in the first seat, out of habit from all the other times on the SoD) Even when I'm lost in space and time, Rob still manages to torture me somehow.

CROW: (entering with Joel and Servo, stops) Hey! My seat!

ANGIE: (jumping to her feet) Oh, I'm sorry! (moves to the fourth seat, next to Servo. Grumbling, Crow takes his rightful seat.)

SERVO: Who's Julivanni, Angie?

ANGIE: Have no clue. There's a man called GIOvanni, maybe his daughter . . .

JOEL: Who's Giovanni?

ANGIE: The boss of Team Rocket.

This fic takes place 17 years in the future. Yayyyy.

ALL: Huzzah.

PG-13 at the least,

CROW: Oh, sorry Servo, you can't watch this.

SERVO: Of course I can! Besides, if I can't, you can't! We're both the same age.

but it doesn't really deserve

ANGIE: . . . to be read by such sophisticated people such as ourselves.

CROW: Ha, good one, do this often?

ANGIE: (remembering the Rocket Princess stories) Ohhhhh yeah.

an R rating.

JOEL: "R" for "Rooster"

SERVO: Roosters should not view this fanfic, may not be suitable for all roosters.

But it is depressing, so people who want mush... uhh... you won't find much here.


CROW: Oh, I see, MUSH.

ANGIE: Yeah.

Mostly angst. But it's well-earned angst so if you're willing to give it a try-sit back, enjoy!

CROW: May the power of the angst be with you.

Disclaimer: Pokémon and everything affiliated with it belongeth to Nintendo. Therefore, every

character in this story belongs to Nintendo save Admiral Juli and Woody Katchem.


SERVO: (shock and horror) Joel!

They are merely being borrowed for my own amusement and not for material/financial gain. Alors, please do not sue. Merci.

ANGIE: If only me cousin were here, she speaks French.

SERVO: Ma chére, Angie! Elle est mignonne!

ANGIE: (swoon) So romantic!

CROW: Since when did he know French?

JOEL: Maybe he watched "Nikita" too many times.

P.S: You might catch me using the japanese names as people's last names. Uhm, I picked it up from reading too many SM fics. Just explaining.


ANGIE: Mayor Giuliani IS Julivanni.

Part One

CROW: Part one of our pain . . .

Juli leaned against the edge of the roof to her tank, the radio on full blast.

SERVO: (old woman) Turn down that durn Kenny G! What ARE these youngsters coming to?

Magenta spikes of fushia hair

JOEL: So which is it? Magenta or fushia?

ANGIE: Maybe she has magenta painted metal spikes in her fushia hair?

flashed in the sun as she nodded along and sang:

*You can cut your hair if it don't grow

You can change yer nose if your doctor sez so...

You can purchase all the makeup that man can create...

But if you don' look inside you

Realize why ya do what'cha do...

All yer gonna feel is alone... and so *damn* un-prettyyyyyy!*

CROW: Bob Dylan is always so inspirational.

She knew she wasn't singing the words properly but she didn't really care much.

SERVO: She's the star of this fanfic, she could do as she well damn pleases!

She was off-key too.

ANGIE: But who could blame her, she WAS tone deaf after all. Or, at least, that's what she SAYS.

But who was gonna argue with her? She was driving a tank! She ducked back inside and did a systems check. All systems were go.


JOEL: Scratch that, they WEREN'T go! Aaaaaah!

"This is daddybird, I repeat, this is daddybird, calling babybird--over!"

CROW: (person) This is Swollen Ostrich . . .

Juli turned the radio on.

ANGIE: Wasn't it already on-- aw, forget it.

"Hey Mondo!


Having fun over there?--over!"

**Bzzt** "I thought I told you to call me father!--over!"

JOEL: (Juli) Now is NOT the time to be nasty, *Mondo*!

SERVO: (chuckling) Mondo . . .

The girl laughed and threw her head back.

CROW: SNAP! (Juli) Ack! My head! Oh Lordy Lordy Lordy!

Here they were, advancing about half of Team Rocket's Army towards Cerulean city and all he could think about was that? "We're about to blow up some little hick town

ANGIE: Oh-no! Idaho Falls! Mommy, ruuuuuun!

and order their gym's surrender and all you can care about is what I call you?--over!"

SERVO: Gyms?

ANGIE: Pokémon battles are held in gyms. Team Rocket's a major corporation in stealing Pokémon.

CROW: Do they routinely steal them with tanks?

ANGIE: On that point I am lost as well.

**Bzzt** "Awww, Meowth-chan, stop humping the lazer!

ALL: Oh God!!!!

JOEL: Is that the cat Dr. F was talking about?!

ANGIE: (sobs) Yes!

JOEL: Does he do THAT routinely?!

ANGIE: Oh, I pray to God not!

SERVO & CROW: (sobbing and making vomitting sounds)

Uhh... is this on? I demand your respect as my daughter!--over!"

"I'll always be your little girl, Mondo-kun!" Juli squealed in a high pitched voice, making

herself sound ditzy because he knew how much he hated it. She pressed the transmission button

again. "Over."

CROW: (Juli) Over more to the right's the hose. Turn it on Meowth-chan.

**Bzzt** "Bogies straight overhead. Call your troops into allignment. Camp 32 is waning.


<Crap.> She pressed the green transmission button and changed to a normal TR frequency.

"Calling all units. Calling all units. This is Babybird. Group halt at...." she paused and put the message on hold.

SERVO: (Juli) It's an emergency and people are going to die, but I think I'll wait to tell them.

She needed to know where they were setting up camp!

"Mondo, where are we stopping?"

**Bzzt** "Uh... goil, we're stoppin' at about 23-2 on da grid t'ing here."

JOEL: Hey, Jersey accent!

ANGIE: Yeah, Meowth musta come from the Jersey of Pokémon Island.

CROW: (Meowth, accent heavy) Yeah, yeah, I'm goin' o'er t' th' grid here all quick like now!

"Meowth? Where's Mondo?"

**Bzzt** "We're kinda in the middle of an attack, here. Meowwth! My tail's on fiya!"

SERVO: (Meowth, accent heavy) Jeepers, babydoll, get me some wader!


JOEL: The new flavor of Starbucks coffee.

Juli freaked out.

ANGIE: (Juli as Dexter Douglas) Freaaaak out!

Too much to do....

**Bzzt bzzt** "Babybird, this is unit 32. Units 1 to 10 seem to be under attack. Your orders?"

SERVO: (unit 32) SEEM to be under attack, I COULD be mistaken. Maybe they're having a Pagan ritual sacrifice, I dunno.

She pressed the button. "Uhhh... Units 30 and 23 break off, assist prime units. All other Units rendezvous at 23-2. I repeat. Units 11 to 23, Unit 29, Units 30-31, meet at 23-2. Over."

She changed the frequency. Admirals confrenced on different levels than the underlings did.

"Meowth? Are you there?"

CROW: (Meowth) Yeah, hold on a min-grunt- okay, there, yes?

JOEL: Crow! Gross!

CROW: Sorry . . .

Only static.

Juli bit her lip, sent out a silent prayer to the brown-haired man who had taken her under his

wing and into Team Rocket, and shut the emotions off. Worrying was for later.

She had stuff to blow up.

ANGIE: Mendou? What's he doing here teaching girls to blow things up with tanks?


CROW: I dunno, does this fanfic deserve three stars so far?

"Pokemon emergency! Transfering Pokeballs!"

JOEL: Pokéballs?

ANGIE: That's what Pokémon are kept in.

SERVO: How cruel! Does the Humane Society know about this?

ANGIE: Good question, maybe we should call and check on that.

Nurse Joy tapped the necessary commands into the computer.

"Receiving pokeballs!" The Nurse Joy in Celidon city hoped her sister-or was it her cousin?

Maybe she was her mother... (her family needed to get more inventive with names) would be alright.

SERVO: O_o, I definitely hafta watch these!

ANGIE: All the Nurse Joys, people who take care of Pokécenters, hospitals for Pokémon, look exactly the same and they all have the same name.

JOEL: There's a Japanese joke for you, gone very wrong.

ANGIE: They do the same for Officer Jennies.

"I'll be okay." The Viridian Joy smiled.

Just before the roof of the Pokemon Centre collapsed and buried her alive.

CROW: How ironic! Hahahaha.

The computer shut off, the majority of pokeballs left unsent.


JOEL: That's what the Nurse Joy is seeing right now.

Juli whooped with laughter. "WHOOOO-hoo! Did you _see_ that thing go up?" She gestured

SERVO: . . . lewdly.


CROW: (makes "whap!" sound) Ouch!

and then realized that nobody could see her. She strapped on a helmet and opened the hatch to her tank.

The tank ground to a halt before the pokemon centre.

She called out her Ekans and her Onix.

(all look at Angie) ANGIE: Ekans is a purple and yellow snake, Onix is a big snake made out of rocks.

"ONIX! Lift the roof up, get it out of the way!"

Onix complied.

SERVO: (Juli) No! Don't drop it on me, idiot!

"Ekans! Collect the pokeballs and bring them to me!"

JOEL: (Juli) Owie! Don't chuck them at me! Ow!

ANGIE: (Juli, sobbing) My Pokémon hate me!

She retreated into the safety of her tank and used video cameras to see where she was going. <Hmm. The Gym.>

CROW: (Juli) I need to get to the gym, I've got love handles.

She pressed the button and looked at her map. Units 22 and 30 were nearby but not doing

anything. That didn't make sense. She looked at her map again. Units 1-29 blinked off the screen at once.

JOEL: Aliens musta picked them up.

"What the?" She hit it with her fist. It had to be malfunctioning.

"EKANNNS!" Her mini-tv showed her Ekans being beaten by a Star-U.

ANGIE: An orange starfish with a jewel in the center, and it's spelled STARYU.

CROW: (Juli) This is boring, let's see if Oprah's on.

"WHAT the...?"

SERVO: (Juli) Ekans, you wuss! You're losing to a STARFISH!

If she turned her tank around she'd never make it in time.

CROW: Her response to trouble is to turn and run away.

SERVO: Isn't everyone's?

Ekans needed her!

Juli did a very stupid thing.

JOEL: She mixed nitroglycerin with fire.

She left her tank.


ANGIE: That means there's a minefield nearby, and Juli didn't pay attention.

SERVO: Boom! Boom! (Juli) Aaaaaaa! . . . (fades like she had been blown sky high)

Mondo sighed and put his hands in his pockets, removed one hand to take off his Admiral's capin respect as Giovanni's secretary of defense, Cassidy somethingorather, read the results of their recent battle.

CROW: (Cassidy) Is that a hand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Oh, it is your hand . . .

"10 000 wounded, over 200 missing, 20 dead...."

That was a lot for one stupid battle.

JOEL: Mondo thought wars were supposed to be fun!

SERVO: That name kills me. MONDO. The Mighty and Magnificent Mondo! He can right all the wrongs for he is Mondo the Mighty!

And among the missing was his Juli, his beloved Juli! <Oh, Jessica my love! I have failed you!>

SERVO: This can't be Mondo the Mighty speaking, he can do EVERYTHING!

He'd promised to make her dreams come true and take care of her like she was his own. And that's exactly what he'd done. But who knew that her mother's love for

CROW: . . . pie . . .

fighting and her father's lust for

CROW: . . . cake . . .

wealth and power would ever lead her to

CROW: . . . start using crack?

reach the exhaulted rank of Admiral, an honor that now only he and Butch held?

ANGIE: Another fun name. Butch. Butch and Cassidy.

JOEL: Where's the Sundance Kid?

At first he had been ecstatic, but now she was gone,

SERVO: He had been ecstatic that she was gone?

ANGIE: (Mondo) Good riddance to her! All she did was mooch offa me and refused to call me father, even though I'm not her father. Don't forget she made ME take care of the cat who has an unnatural attraction to lasers!

and he was wishing that Giovanni had never declared war on all Gyms.

CROW: (Giovanni) They cancelled my membership without any reason! They're gonna PAY!

Admiral Mondo sighed in grief. He closed his eyes and remembered Jessica. Jessie who'd blown him a kiss one day, causing Kojiro to blush furiously.

Mondo rolled that name around in his head.



JOEL: But it's FUN!




CROW: Being a freak doesn't make you weird, you're just "special".

Ah, Kojiro. How he hated that name. Normally people found him a happy and easygoing guy, but when they mentioned Kojiro... oh, they regretted it.

ANGIE: (deep voice) Whenever he heard the sound of Kojiro he would change into-- (normal voice) The Incredible Mondo?

SERVO: (echoing) MONDO!

He hated that man, that insufferable man. That avaricious, prideful, greedy, petty little man

with all his heart!

CROW: He's talking about me!

He stole his Jessie away from him, drove her insane, and then left his daughter starving and uncared for.

Logic told Mondo that he should

JOEL: . . . not mix Tyenol and Advil with vodka and Schnapps, but what could go wrong?

hate Juli too, but he found that he could not. She was too much like Jessica, her confidence, the way that she threw herself into her work. She loved Team Rocket only next to her own life.

SERVO: And she loved her cat above all else.

And it was because of this, because of the Jessie in her, that Mondo didn't hate Juli at all.

He loved her.

ANGIE: Jerry Springer, here he comes!

JOEL: Jerry Springer?

ANGIE: Oh, boy, WAIT till you hear about HIM!

Meowth couldn't take it anymore. When they got halfway through the list of dead people, the cat pokémon started to cry.

SERVO: (Meowth) So many people died, Mondo! Mafute died! Yuko-buko! Dando! Yattashashiha!

CROW: (Meowth) My laser was destroyed!

ANGIE: That's enough of that, young man.

He wasn't the only one.

CROW: To miss the laser? Boy, it must be VERY popular.

JOEL: Okay, Crow, I'll hafta go on Angie's side about those riffs.

CROW: You're just a bunch of party poopers!

Mondo cried too. He loved her. And now she was gone.


SERVO: Oh, cute. If you look at the stars in a certain angle, they sort of look like baby Koopas.

ALL: Awwwww.

James cried. He loved her. And now she was gone.

JOEL: Meanwhile, the man inside of Mondo's head mourns as well.

SERVO: (echoing) Mondo!

Well she was here, in the sense that she was alive... but how alive *were* you if your life

consisted of bouncing against the padded walls of your room, taking your daily trip to the loo with the armed Nurse Joys, whining about how your straightcoat was appalling, and trying to eat your food (fun!!)

CROW: I always thought eating food was quite fun as well!

without the use of your hands because they didn't trust you alone with your hands untied?

ANGIE: For at any moment, at any time, you might make goofy hand-shadow puppets on the wall!

It was all his fault too. If only he'd told her... but no. He hadn't told her.

JOEL: He hadn't told her what, Angie?

ANGIE: I have no clue! Uhmm, he didn't tell her that he was actually a girl, pretending to be a guy, who likes to dress up in women's clothing?


ANGIE: See, James is this pretty boy with long hair and he . . . Wait until AFTER the fanfic.

OTHERS: Okay . . .

He'd just gone along with it, gone along with everything, thinking it'd be okay if he just said nothing.... It hadn't been enough.

She had been neurotic, the doctors told him. Years and years of dependence on him had honed her self-hatred and lack of self-esteem to a point upon which she had thrust herself wholeheartedly, piercing her soul.

CROW: Metaphors! Too many metaphors!

And it all could have been avoided, too. It all could have been avoided.

If only he'd told her... before they'd slept together.

SERVO: Wong-g-g-g~!!!!! (lilts to the side from shock) And this is a children's show?

It was the morning sickness that did it, they said.

ANGIE: Being pregnant wasn't as fun as he thought it would be.

JOEL: (doctor) C'mon, James, it's perfectly safe to plant a fertilized egg in your body! It'll be FUN!

Nine months of fretting, hiding it, trying to figure out a way to tell him, always worrying that she'd leave him,

CROW: That's the '90's for you, a guy gets pregnant and his girlfriend leaves him just 'coz of it.

that her life would change forever, that she'd loose the only family, the only friend, the only person in her life that meant anything to her now.

He should have proposed. He should have married her. He should have convinced her to leave Team Rocket, they could have gone straight, hell he'd give up cross-dressing and she could stop shoving her fist down her throat after every meal like she was doing before he got her pregnant.

SERVO: (slow) I'm sooooo confused!

ANGIE: Jessie was bulimic? No way! Well, actually, that might explain the pencil-thiness . . .

JOEL: So she was a model on the side?

CROW: Hahahahaha! Model, ha, bulimic, hahaha . . .

What had he been thinking?

SERVO: What was Dr. F thinking sending us this?!?!?!

ANGIE: (sobbing) What was I thinking that I could escape Robu-san!?!?!?!

He should have known. Of all people, he had been closest to her. He should have known.

James sat alone at the end of the bar in his usual seat, nursing an orange juice.

JOEL: (James) There there, orange juice. I didn't mean to run you over with my car! Hold on, man! Hold on! I'll nurse you back to health.

He and the bartender had an understanding.

CROW: He'd get free orange juice if he didn't tell the Health Inspector that the bartender made his chips out of roaches, which run wild in the bar.

He'd ask for liquor, the bartender would hand him some juice, and they'd pretend it was a vodka with orange.

SERVO: Maybe I'll have a Screwdriver after this.

ANGIE: SCREWDRIVER?! (starts laughing uncontrollably) (Hibiki) Make your thing ready!!!

(Joel, Servo and Crow kind of inch away from Angie)

CROW: Our THING? What does she mean by that, Joel?

JOEL: Don't ask. I think she's quoting something-- I hope.

But it really wasn't.

SERVO: (overcoming nervousness) -ahem- Ah, yes, that has been covered already author-person-lady-sir-thing.

Why drink when all it did was dull the pain?

JOEL: If not for that, then why at all?!

James wanted to feel the pain. It's all that kept him going now. He lived, got up every afternoon, to feel the pain that he deserved for abandoning his love and his daughter, for being a horrible person and a deadbeat dad to boot.

ANGIE: Ah, so James is a masochist.

CROW: I see, James is KOJIRO.

ANGIE: Yeah, that's his Japanese name. Jessie is Musashi and Meowth is Nyaasu or Nyase, whichever you prefer.

A few tears dropped into his cup. He grimaced and downed it all in one big gulp. A few

drunkards in the back of the room thought he was downing an entire shot of vodka and clapped.

James mocked them angrily. <Yes, you dullards, encourage me while you know full well that this

could actually kill me.>

SERVO: Orange juice IS deadly. So remember kids, don't listen to your mommies and daddies when they say it's good for you, 'coz it really isn't! Bwahahahah!

CROW: I like this fanfic stuff, you have more time to make longer riffs!

JOEL: I could probably break into a soliloquy and not miss a thing!

They didn't know it was just juice.

A streak of grey light filtered into the bar, causing a few of the regular patrons to gasp and

groan. "Shut the door...." Someone whined.

A very distraught looking cat pokemon sat down beside him. "Gimme a saucer of milk laced

with catnip," he said,

ANGIE: Meowth is feeling dangerous this afternoon.

CROW: (Meowth) After having fun with a laser all day long, I like to unwind with a-- KLUNK! (a boot hits him in the side of the head) Hey! What the hell?

ANGIE: Joel, hand me my boot, Crow, stop it with the laser thing! (Joel hands her her boot and Crow glowers.)

pushing an entire Gio-coin across the counter.

SERVO: Wow! A GEO! I love geos! All those pretty crystals inside that ugly shell. It's like the prize in a Cracker Jack box!

JOEL: Seems like a pain, having to carry rocks around for monetary units.

The bartender's eyes widened at the sight of it. "It's...."

"Gold, yeah, now gimme da best you got!" Meowth barked at the man harshly. "I'm a Captain so you better recognize me! We were out in da war today an' my friend Admiral Juli's probably dead because of morons like you, sittin' on your sorry human butts, doin' nuthin'!"

CROW: (bartender) Gee, I'm sorry Jersey cat person! I'm just a lowly servant, serving YOU your boo-- er, uh, MILK!

Stu the bartender almost spilled the milk he was pouring so fast. Displeasing Giovanni's men

was like asking for your death warrant to be signed. "Here you go, oh exhaulted one." In some ways that wasn't sarcasm.

James coughed and hunched over, wriggling deeper into his old-beggar disguise.

ANGIE: (James) Damn, it's that Meowth I used to hang out with! How'd he find me here?

He was wearing a tattered old grey coat with rust-coloured patches,

JOEL: First the author used "grey" instead of "gray" and all of those British words! What with "colours" and "centres" and "loos"!

SERVO: So what if she used "grey" instead of "gray".

JOEL: I was always taught that when you use the color "grey" as an adjective to describe something, you use its alternate spelling "gray".

CROW: You Americans are SO stupid!


a dark blue sweater with holes in it, black rubber boots with pieces of sole missing, and a very dirty pair of black pants. He couldn't believe it! He was sitting next to Meowth, the Meowth he'd worked with all those... 15, was it? At least that. Almost 16. 16 years ago, imagine that.

SERVO: No wait, 17 years, nono, 25!!! 26?

"Hey old man, don't cough on me! I didn't escape death in da war to end up dyin' from

somethin' you're gonna give me!" Meowth snarled.

CROW: (Meowth accent heavy) I escaped, buster, t' die fr'm catnip overdose!

"I'm sorry about your friend." Was all James said.

Meowth shrugged. "Ah, well, dem's da breaks. Too bad, really. She was the daughter of a

friend. Well, two friends, actually." The cat pokemon paused, thinking about it. "Well... one of dem used ta be my friend before she went all insane an' refused ta talk ta me. I still visit her sometimes, but dere's no change. And da other guy...." He went all silent.

James wanted to turn his face towards Meowth to see if he was still there, but he was afraid that might give him away.

ANGIE: Doesn't Meowth notice his BRIGHT BLUE hair?

SERVO: Blue hair? Cool! Can we dye your hair blue, Joel?

JOEL: Hehe, I don't think so.

He had to remain in character. He was an only mildly interested, sick old man nursing a vodka-that-wasn't-really-a-vodka. To prove his point, "Gimme 'nother vodka. And 'nother

milk fer my friend here."

CROW: (bartender) Durn, I'm all outta milk. Hold on, lemme go see the missus.

The bartender refilled his orange juice and topped off Meowth's milk.

ANGIE: So Meowth is just sitting there lapping up the milk and spraying it all over the place? Seems nominal to me.

James couldn't stand it anymore. "What... about the other friend?"

CROW: (James) Was he . . . CUTE?

The cat pokemon shuddered. "He... well, I always thought he was such a nice guy but den he

abandoned 'er and stuff and... well... I don' wanna talk about it." He downed his catnip-laced dairy in a single gulp. "Either way, it was bad."

James heard rather than saw (still couldn't turn around for fear of recognition) Meowth hop


"Well... nice talkin' to yah."

"Same here." He listened until the Captain shut the door behind him.

SERVO: (James) It was great fun hearing that your old best friend doesn't like you anymore.

JOEL: (James) All I did was abandon my daughter, what's the harm in THAT?

Stu leaned towards James.

ANGIE: (Stu) Hey, have ya seen my little kid? His name is TOMMY.

"Psst-hey buddy, isn't Juli James's girl?"

James shrugged. Yeah, among the Pokéhood he was a bit of a celebrity, but that was all

because of Ash.

JOEL: Okay, Ash was the guy with the Pikachu and Team Rocket tried to steal it . . .

ANGIE: But they fail miserably.

SERVO: So making a complete fool of yourself and your corporation makes you a "Poké"National celebrity?

ANGIE: I am just as lost as you!

Besides smuggling things across the border, James didn't do much but skulk around in his disguises, wishing to be left alone. He didn't trust anyone fully. Not even the people who thought they knew him best... but they didn't know him at all.


SERVO: I think he meant that emotionally they wouldn't recognize him.

CROW: Aww, he could go do something with the laser for all I care.

Truth be told, James had lost the only family he'd ever had to Giovanni. His ex-girlfriend was

insane, and his daughter was a homicidal maniac.

ANGIE: James was so proud! (sniff)

An Admiral in Team Rocket's Army. All thanks to Mondo.

SERVO: (echoing) Mondo!

James snorted. <My girl?

JOEL: (James, thoughts) Personally, I never liked that song.

I lost ownership of her when I left her alone and Mondo

SERVO: (echoing) Mondo!

took her. Took her away from me just like he tried to take *her* away. And now I have neither.>

He hated Mondo.

SERVO: (echoing) Mondo!

JOEL: (chuckling) Okay, Servo, we understand you like that name.

SERVO: It's so fun and it rolls of your tongue! Mooooooonnnnnnnnnndo!

He hated that smarmy, smug, attention-groping, annoying little priss with everything he had.

ANGIE: Which apparently isn't much, so what's he bitchin' about?

His hatred for the soft-spoken, brown-haired Admiral was second only to the hatred he had for both himself and Sakaki Giovanni.

CROW: Sakaki? Sounds ominously like "sake".

SERVO: Wish I had some "sakaki" to get me through this.

JOEL: Come now, for having no clue as to what they are saying, I think this fanfic's actually pretty decent.

ANGIE: Till you get to the laser thing. (shudder)

There had been a time when he had been so close, so near to making everything better, getting her to tell him so he could admit he knew and try to help her heal, and he almost had--before Mondo came into the picture.

Mondo had messed everything up.

SERVO: (echoing) Mondo! Mondo!

That stupid little brat had strutted into their lives, assumed that he knew exactly what was going on, and announced to James that he was abusing Jessie and that it was up to *him* to take her away and make everything all better.

SERVO: Of course, for he is Mondo the Mighty! He can right all wrongs!

ANGIE: (starts humming a certain "happy" tune)

Of all the insolent...! James downed his third cup of orange juice that day and slammed the

glass down hard, chipping it.

Stu glared at him.

James didn't care. He was lost in thought. Of all the stupid...! Mondo had been a sweet enough kid alright,

JOEL: . . . since he always took those honey baths.

with good intentions too--mostly, good intentions mostly. But when it came to Jessie, and how to deal with her, and what she was like, what'd she'd grown up with-the brown-haired TR newbie knew squat.

SERVO: (angry) But he's Mondo the Mighty!

ANGIE: (still humming)

CROW: What in the world are you humming to yourself, Angie?

ANGIE: I don't think you'd know about it. There's a show called "Xena: Warrior Princess" and a guy named JOXER the Mighty is on it, and he has this little song, and that's what I'm humming.

SERVO: Oh yeah! Well I think Mondo could beat is butt in a fight!

ANGIE: Oh, I'm sure of it, too!

Oh he could be helpful at times, making food and entertaining Meowth for them... but when he started making moves on Jessie, in her weakened mental state, when all she'd really needed was

James to take care of her, making her all confused....

So confused that she refused to go to either of them for help. So confused that she locked herself away somewhere up there, in the deepest dregs of her mind, so that noone could lay claim to her.

Not. Even. Her own. Daughter.

JOEL: Must. Speak. Like. Shatner.

"I'm going now."

"That'll be four bronze Gio's."

James flicked a silver at him. "Keep the change."

The drunken patrons waved goodbye and the old man nodded at them, shuffling out the door slowly and sadly.

CROW: Where'd the old man come from?

After he left, a few heads bent together in hushed conversation. They all agreed that he was a sorry old thing, and wondered what caused him to come every day. But in the end it didn't really matter, did it? They all came because they were in pain.

SERVO: Did you ever go to bars, Joel?

JOEL: Yeah.

SERVO: Did you go there 'coz you were in pain?

JOEL: I, uh, don't think so. Well, there was that one time-- no wait, I went to a cafe after that.

CROW: YOU went to a cafe? Snort, pansy.

JOEL: Hey, I made you, I sure can dismantle you.

CROW: Shutting up now.

They also wondered about James's bastard kid, the one that was going around killing people for Brother G.

ANGIE: I am so confused! Brother G? Bastard kid? Too many different things for brain to compute!

SERVO: Weakling humans.

ANGIE: Argh!

They loved James but they feared the one that ruled them.

And life was pain, now that Giovanni ruled their world, and every day was war.


ANGIE: Oh no, it's so bad I'm seeing stars!

James stood stock still in front of "Our Lord Sakaki's Royal

CROW: . . . Drinking House.

Mental Hospitorium". He knew that she needed to know, but what use was it telling her anyways? What use was it even trying to *talk* to her? She wouldn't understand.

JOEL: She only spoke Russian anyway! Darn Commies.

All the same, he had to try.

He turned into an alley and pulled his coat off. He then removed the sweatshirt,

'BOTS: Whooo! Take it ALL off!

and replaced it with a Joy-issue dress.

SERVO: Kinky!

After pulling off the pants

CROW: Okay, now I'm sick.

and replacing the shoes, he rummaged through his coat for something. Ah, here was the correct wig.

<Old habits die hard, love.> A swift brush of lipstick, he was done.

ANGIE: He looked like a dope with lipstick all over his face.

It had been years, but dressing up still felt somewhat wrong without Jessie. <Maybe she'll listen to me today. Maybe she'll talk to me.> James knew he was fooling himself but he couldn't help it. He wanted her to listen to him. Sure, the last two times he'd snuck in to see her she'd started screaming incoherently, but hey, it had been awhile. <Surely she's cooled down by now.>

JOEL: (James) Surely her insanity has been cured!

A deep scream echoed from inside the Hospitorium. He looked upwards and saw a flash of red through a barred window.

CROW: Eww, someone killed a pig.

Some rough-sounding Joys were yelling at the patient to shut up and give the bedpan back.

SERVO: How sad IS that?


James bit his lip. She used to hit him with things too.

JOEL: Hopefully that bedpan was empty.

<Old habits die hard... Jessie.>

Here went nothing.

CROW: I suppose that means he doesn't love her anymore?


<Who am I?

Who are these people?

My thought are so....

(his rough hands, caressing my body, touching me, making me do things....)

SERVO: Whooo, did I want to hear that or not?


James? Koji? Where are you?

(So cold... so incredibly cold.... stop the pain... stop the pain!)

ANGIE: Am I tripping? Did you guys slip me something while I was out?

I'm responding to his touch... his touch, their touch

CROW: I've been waiting to hear something like this, but now that I have, I feel kinda bad.

JOEL: Hey, you finally feel guilt!

CROW: I'm gonna puke.

JOEL: It's a common reaction.

There are three of them and they all want me but all I want is *him* and he doesn't want me!

(Doesn't want me....)

At least

Mondo said James doesn't want me, and he doesn't love me, just didn't want me to



Me? Crazy?

SERVO: I was crazy once. They put me in a room with white walls. There were rats. Rats drive me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once . . .

The world is crazy! Everyone's killing each other! Everyone's dying! I'm the last human

alive! Help!

No, no, no, no, no, no, the baby's fine, Koji, don't worry, she'll be hungry like you, all the time WAIT! What's THAT?

Who is this man that comes?

It is Giovanni.

They allllllll are Giovanni.

Looks like a Joy, but it's really Giovanni.

James is Giovanni too. Meowth too. They all are. He's replaced them all with Dittos that look just

like them!

JOEL: Dittos?

ANGIE: Pokémon that can take the shape of another species.


They will destroy my child!

They will destroy my baby!



SERVO: A trip into my mind, ladies and gentlemen.

(Chainer Jess, lookout! Oh no, Trainer Jim's dead! Let's go for IceCream!)

CROW: ??? I'm not even going to ask.

Bridge Gang go Foom. Never existed. Oh no.

Happiness never existed for me.

No-one could ever love me. I tell myself the world is crazy but it's only me, really.

James could never love me.

Therefore he does not exist.

James does not exist.

Plus James was younger than this man.

This strange man lies.>

ANGIE: I swear, I'm high.


James ripped off his wig and rapped on the door. "Jessica?!" He whispered. "Jess!"

She just sat there, unresponsive. She didn't even twitch.

"Jessica, come over here. Please!"

James facefaulted. He knew she could hear him, she must be ignoring him. Footsteps. Darn. He needed to hide!

"Quick, they're coming. I'll have to get out of here soon! Talk to me!"

SERVO: (Jessie) Fivotiii mogo jufy

yudy hob

kikari notori fush

Happy? Now go away.

Jessie looked up, confused. "Out...?"

A thought struck him. Yes, why didn't he?

CROW: Why didn't he just kill her and put her out of misery? It was THAT simple.

Why didn't he just take her away with him? "Yes, out. We're running away together. Just like when we were little. Just like then, Jessie. Remember?" He leaned forward eagerly, his eyes searching her dull green ones for any sort of recognition at all.

"Out...?" The word formed on her lips but didn't seem to reach her brain.

"Yes, Jess! Out! Now!"

Jessie scrunched up. "Nooo.... nononononoooo...." She began whimpering.

James sighed. "I'll come back for you Jessica. Honest. I won't leave you alone forever this time. But I have to go. Goodbye." With an agility he thought he'd lost after nearly two decades of orange juice drinking, he squeezed out of a hall window and landed in the alley below.

JOEL: Nah, the orange juice didn't help his health at all.

ANGIE: Maybe the British don't like orange juice, they think it's the spawn of evil or something.

Jessie started screaming.

An alarm sounded.

SERVO: A meteorite crashed.

CROW: A tiger attacked.

James uttered a curse and ran off.



"Chansey." The hospital pokemon shrugged.

(all look at Angie) ANGIE: -sigh- Chansey, a big, pink Pokémon with an egg in its pouch, it is said that it brings good luck to the owner and helps in hospitals.

Her sister, also called Joy, was annoyed. "Someone snuck in here again, I just knew it. Someone snuck in here because her daughter's dead, right?"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Jessie curled up in a tighter ball. The other Joy and the Chansey glared at the annoyed Joy. She was now a sheepish Joy. "Whoops."

JOEL: (Joy) It's okay if I make her go insane, 'coz she already IS insane!

ANGIE: (Other Joy) Yeah, but she was going to make a break through tomorrow and now you probably set her back a year!

JOEL: (Joy) Whoops.


<<End part one>>

CROW: You're kidding? That was a breeze compared to some of the movies we've watched!

(So what do you think?

ANGIE: THANK YOU so much for not making it long! Thank you thank you thank you oh all mighty author!

Flames, Praise, Comments? All are welcomed at leitis@bigfoot.com! So c'mon people. Should I finish this thing? I need the input!--Verna)

SERVO: Go ahead, Verna, just make sure Rob doesn't get his hands on it and send it to Dr. F.

JOEL: That's all! Let's go.

(Joel picks up Servo and all exeunt)


Joel and the 'bots all gathered around Angie, who held a bunch of cards and was shuffling them out. "This is a Chansey." They all ooed and awed at it. "We have one on the SoD called Kawaii. This is a Charizard, we have one called Charles. This is a Magikarp. We have one called Raistlin. Magikarp's evolve into THIS, a Gyarados. Ours is called Gos."

"Ick, that thing's ugly!" Crow exclaimed.

"Just be sure NEVER to kick a Magikarp!" Angie warned them all. "Oh, and this is a Vaporeon. I like Vaporeons. Ours is called Eve."

"The Japanese's imaginations run from one thing to another, don't they?" Servo pointed out.

"That's what makes it so fun!" Joel said. The other three stared at him. "I, uh, suppose."

Angie continued on with her lesson, pulling out pictures that she had stored in the pockets of her ripped jacket, telling who was who- Ash, Cassidy, Jessie and the such- and abouttheir past before the SoD. As she spoke, the red button began to flash. Absently, Joel reached out and pressed it, never taking his attention off Angie.

DEEP 13:

"So, how was it?" Dr. Forrester asked, grinning like the mad man he was.


"So, Butch has a bad voice?" Crow asked.

"Yeah, in the English dub," Angie replied. "It sounds like his cords had been run through the meat grinder a few times, then put back in."

"And Todd sounds like he's constipated?" Joel pointed at the picture of the photographer.



Dr. F sighed and threw his arms up in defeat. "I guess it's good they're discussing that, but Mr. Tapert needs a review . . ."

"Why don't we just make one up?" TV's Frank suggested. "We're in a different dimension than he is, how would he know?"

"Hmmmm," Dr. F mused, rubbing his chin in thought. "That's a good idea, Frank." The white haired assistant handed him the disk and he put it on Rob's little object transported. He quickly wrote on a form and stuck it with the disk and sent it away with a push of a button. "There," he grinned again. "He will be none the wiser, and he should be pleased by how that fanfic confused even Angie who's actually seen the show." He began to laugh, then he ordered, "Push the button, Frank." He resumed laughing.

Frank would've joined in the cackle, but they had been laughing all day long for no real reason other than to seem deranged and his voice was getting a bit sore. So he just went over and pushed the button like a good assistant.


The end

ANGIE: I just realized something.

JOEL: What?

ANGIE: Does anyone but Rob know where I am?

SERVO: I doubt it.

ANGIE: I wanna go back!

CROW: 'Less you can skip through dimensions, I think you're stuck here for quite awhile.

ANGIE: ........... JESSICAAAAAAA!!!!!!


This one did go by like a breeze! This and Amber's story was like a cool gust of wind after doing those Rocket Princess stories! I'm NEVER going to do that again! I'm gonna split it up if I ever get long ones again. This was actually a pretty interesting story, I wouldn't mind seeing more of it, maybe RIFF more of it (wink wink, Verna!). Joel and the 'bots were harder for me to use than Mike and the 'bots. I'm more familiar with Mike and Crow's new voice, and Pearl-tachi. I DID watch the old episodes, but don't expect me for the life of me to remember them all! That's why it was hard. It would have been more difficult if I hadn't bought "The Unearthly" and "Mitchell", which feature Joel. I like Joel, though, he's a cutie, like Mike and, as always, my darling Joxer and James! But, anyway, hoped you like that one! The laser thing kinda surprised me, but I think I handled it "maturely". (Snicker, as if.) I need to buy another Joel episode to get more in tune with him and the Mads. Well, feedback and all, the usually plugs and praises, and I will leave now! Ja ne!


**Bzzt** "Awww, Meowth-chan, stop humping the lazer!

c 1999, Jaimielée Rocket & Maelstrom

(Next "week's" episode-

"Episode Six: Snapshot,

Kasey is Both Tortured by Fanfic and James,

and Cleo is Still with that Case of Depression")