"The Satellite of 'Dite,

the Fanfic of Riffing of Other Fanfics"

By: Jaimielée Rocket and Maelstrom

EMAIL: jaimielee_rocket@hotmail.com

Disclaimer I: To whom this concerns, it belongs to you!

Smut: Uh~ debated

Violence: Hm~ debated

"Episode Thirteen: Team Rocket Blast Off to America: Part1-A Not So Great Plan,

Jessica Sends a Note to Kasey and Loses her Glasses"

Disclaimer II: Disclaimer II: Jessica and Cleo belong to me, Kasey belongs to Maelstrom and Angie belongs to She-wolf or Bardokmegami. Mike and the 'Bots would go under Disclaimer number one along with Pearl-tachi. This 'fic belongs to NyaseoftheRocketGang.

A Big Thanks: Thank you Nyase...Gang! This is the second of three 'fics you sent me and I love your style. It shall be remembered throughout the rest of the series. (So if they mention, "It's in NyaseoftheRocketGang format!" that means one continuous paragraph. Which is fine. Everyone's entitled to their own style of typing. ^_^)

Quick Notes: HOW does Jessica send the note to Kasey? You'll see, lemme just say this. If you've seen Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie and you know the part with Crow and the pick axe, then it's like that. ^_^


On the bridge of the Satellite of Love, Jessica sat with Mike, both holding a huge fan of cards, Mike's considerably thinner than Jessica's. "Uh . . ." Jessica muttered as she shuffled through them. "Uh, uh," she drew out three cards and laid them onto the somewhat large pile in-between them. "I have three fives."

Mike stared at his cards for a bit, then he grinned. He looked at her and said cheerfully, "B.S.!"

"Dammit!" she swore, slapping her hand on the deck in front of her. She picked it up and shuffled it all into her fan. "Why am I losing to you? I'm good at cards! Let's play Twenty-one for quarters."

"No way, I lost a few dollars by playing that with you." He pulled out four cards. "I have four aces."

Jessica shuffled quickly through her collection. "Uh, B.S.!"

He picked up the four cards and showed her. "Wrong! I do!" Growling and giving Mike a not-too-nice look, she grabbed the four aces and stuck them in her pile.

After a few seconds of silence, Jessica laid down a card. "I have one six. . . . I wonder why Crow's not here. He likes this game. Seeing as that he wins to me, as well."

Mike smiled again. "One four. . . . I have no idea where he is. Maybe we should find him."

"Not until I win this game!" she shouted defiantly. "Uh, four kings."

"How're ya gonna win? I only have two cards left." He stared at them. "Oh, I have two queens."

"B.S.!" Jessica shouted, panicked.

He grabbed the two cards and flashed them to her. "Wrong! Two queens!"

"Son of a bit--" she shrieked, tossing the cards onto the desk. She pounded her head on it and let it just sit there afterwards.

Mike sighed. "You don't have to overreact."

"That's the tenth time I lost to you in a half an hour without winning once!" she sobbed, laying one ear down on the surface. Mike just shrugged and was about to offer a Wisconsin word of wisdom when Jessica shushed him and held up her hand. "What the-- I hear something. It's coming from," she lifted her head up to look at the temp, "below?"

"Nonsense! There's nothing under there. Maybe you were hearing the Nanites that you were crushing by pounding your head."

"Oh my!" she exclaimed, putting her hands on her cheeks in distraught. "I'm sorry little Nanites! I did that once to the Aninites. I got Vampire Hunter D and Raymond once by doing that, among several of the children of the Aninites. It was some kind of fair and--"

She was interrupted when Servo hovered in, asking, "You hear that noise, Jessica?"

She glanced at Mike then back at the robot. "I heard a noise, but I think it was the dying screams of the Nanites that I was crushing with my head."

Servo tsked and shook his head "no." "Got it wrong, dear. That noise is from none other than Crow."

"What's he doing below decks?" Mike inquired, beginning to worry.

"Well," Servo began, hovering up onto the desk between the two humans. "We had just finished watching a Pokémon episode, I believe the one where Team Rocket digs a hole . . ."

"Which is?" Jessica prompted, since Team Rocket dug holes quite a bit.

"It was just an episode!" he shouted, then immediately calmed down. "But right after it was over, he ran out of the room saying that he had to catch the Pikachu and last I saw the numskull, he was carrying a shovel heading, for the hatch."

"Oh," Jessica shrugged, "I hope he has fun."

"Me, too," Mike replied, returning to shuffling the cards to play another rousing game of B.S.. But when Servo cleared his throat loudly, he remembered something. "Omigod!" He threw the cards down in alarm and jumped to his feet.

"What?" Jessica shrieked, leaping to her feet, as well. "What's the matter?"

"Ah, so NOW Mike's brain kicks in," Servo murmured, loud enough for the man to hear.

"Servo," he said with command in his voice, "get to the hatch quickly now. Jessica, follow me." He grabbed her arm and tugged her along behind the red 'Bot.

"But what's the matter?" She was getting upset that no one was answering her.

"You'll see," was all Mike said in response.


"Tatoe hi no naka, mizu no naka, jusa no naka, mori no naka, tuchi no naka, kumo no naka, anoko no skirt no naka -- EEEK!" Crow sang to himself as he shoveled his way through the ship's interior. "Naka naka naka naka naka naka naka taihen da kedo. Kanarazu Get daze! POKÉMON Get daze!-- . . . Since when did I know the Pokémon Japanese theme song?" he asked himself, pausing momentarily from shoveling. "Oh well," he shrugged and continued. "Masara Town ni sayonara bye-bye! Oreha koitsu to tabi ni deru (Pikachu!)"

"Crow! What're you doing?!" Mike peered over the below deck hatch.

"Kitaetawaza-- huh?" He glanced up and gave a crooked "smile". "Oh, hi Mike!" He then returned to shoveling, throwing pieces of the satellite behind him. "I have strong reason to believe there's a young boy with a Pikachu running around down here, and I felt compelled to steal it! Therefore I am digging this hole."

Mike clambered down the ladder, Servo hovering down next to him. Jessica peeked over the hatch and her face lit up with a smile. "Cool! Like in the movie!"

Mike ignored her and reasoned with the gold robot. "Crow, there is no young boy with a Pikachu down in the basement."

"You've just watched too many Pokémon episodes and read too many fanfics," Servo added.

Jessica scaled down below Mike who had a foot on the basement floor. "Uhm, isn't this dangerous?" She scratched her head. "If you breach the hull--"

"Nakama o foyshite tu-- what? Breach? --gi," Crow muttered between song.

"Don't tell me you forgot that one incident already, Crow!" Servo groaned. "Nearly killed us all when you tried to tunnel to Earth, even though I DID like that new sensation . . ." he trailed off wistfully.

". . . umaku yukunan-- no clue as to what you are speaking of. I am simply digging a hole to capture a Pikachu like the Boss wants."

"But Rob isn't even--!!!" Jessica began angrily, then composed herself. "Crow, listen, you will kill--"

"Can't hear you! Lalala-- . . . sorya sou--" He shoved down the shovel again. The layer beneath it cracked, and an ominous whistling could be heard. In a large explosion, the hole grew larger in a split second. "JAAAAAA!!!!!"

"Dammit, Crow, again!" Servo screamed, trying to adjust his hover capabilities. The hole continued to grow until it became larger than the hole from last time this had happened. Mike and Jessica's arms were nearly ripped out of the socket as they gripped the ladder to keep from being sucked out into the vacuum of space. Jessica kept remembering reading a story that described what one looked like after imploding, and she didn't want her lungs to hang out of her gaping mouth!

Servo couldn't keep afloat and since his hands *technically* didn't work, he was whooshed down. "Tooooom!" the girl cried. She released her ladder rung and fell past Mike who grabbed her jump suit to keep her from being sucked into the gapping hole. She jerked her arm forward and took hold of the robot's hand before he was lost in the void which was considerably larger than him. Then she felt a tug on her face, and she blearily saw her glasses fly off her nose. "My glasses!" she sobbed and reached for them with her other hand, depending on Mike to keep a hold on her.

"Screw them!" Servo shouted. "Save me!"

She almost saw as the spectacles clanked onto Crow's face, covering part of his eyes. "Hey, cool!" he exclaimed.


"Ack!" the now upset Crow screamed. "Help me! The hole got me! I'm stuck!"

"Crow!" Mike hollered. He hooked his legs on a rung and he reached out to the 'Bot, while still keeping a hold of the blind Jessica. Jessica somehow managed to grab the ladder and pull herself over inch by inch as Servo's arm grew inch by inch.

Crow stretched out his arm, but he couldn't reach the man's hand. "I'm not gonna make it!" As he said that, more of him was sucked out as the hole grew a bit larger.

From the hatch, Gypsy's head appeared and she told everyone, "A portal has just opened up under us. We can escape it just as long as we don't go DOWN. Oh, and by the way, we have a breached hull somewhere. Bye!" Having said that, she disappeared.

"GYPSY!" everyone cried out in anger and annoyance. Jessica added something quite nasty to the scream as she pulled her self closer to the wall.

Crow screeched as he was sucked further down. He stretched his arm further out for Mike's hand, but still not quite there--

"I'm gonna die!" he realized as more of him disappeared. "I love you guys! Don't forget me when I'm gone! Set up a giant memorial for me! Comfort Jessica when she mourns over me! Make sure she doesn't commit suicide from grief!"

Jessica had managed to secure herself and Servo behind the ladder and she held a piece of paper and pencil and wrote with the sheet pressed against the wall. "Right, Crow! Shut up! Hold on for just a sec . . ." She finished her note, folded it and scribbled on a flap, "TO: KASEY", adding a small kitty head with a heart. "Crow!" she called as she leaned over the edge of the ladder. She held out her hand that gripped the note. "If you manage to survive and the portal takes you to R-D Satellite of 'Dite, which is in the shape of a CHAKRAM, give this to CAPTAIN KASEY along with my glasses for authenticity!"

She released the note and it fluttered into Crow's mouth, his torso and head the only things left to be seen. "Okay!" he shouted back. "Farewell, my warrior chums!" And with a loud "pop", he was gone.

"Croooooow!" Mike and Servo sobbed in horror.

Jessica pulled out a large iron cover, saluted, and sniffed. "God speed, Crow!" She dropped the cover to the hole, which immediately sealed up the breach. The vacuum stopped and those three left in the basement dropped to the floor, sullen and forlorn.

"So . . ." Servo was the first to speak. "Jessica . . . where'd that cover come from?"

Jessica stared at him for a bit, then shrugged. "Things you pick up hanging around anime characters . . ."


"So, you are telling me you ALLOWED Crow to escape?"

Mike, Jessica and Servo flinched at the wrath in Pearl Forrester's voice. "Well, it wasn't like that," Mike attempted to explain. "See, he thought he had to catch a Pikachu and--"

"I don't care!" Pearl snapped, causing everyone to flinch again. "The point is you let Crow leave the ship when you KNEW a wormhole had opened up below you! How did it just happen that Crow fell out the BOTTOM of the ship and the hole was BELOW the ship?"

Jessica shrugged and suggested, "A bad plot device?"

"I didn't ask you!" Jessica immediately drew back in fear and whimpered. "Well, we are very upset down here, aren't we boys?"

Professor Bobo and Observer entered on the communications screen and they both had teed off looks on their faces and they nodded gravely. "It was very very bad of you to let that happen," Bobo reprimanded. The captives of the Satellite of Love didn't seem to be frightened of that admonishment as they were of Pearl's.

"Brain Guy," Pearl gestured at him to get a bit closer. "Isn't there anything you could do to get Crow back?"

He thought for a moment. "No, the portal has closed and my power cannot reach beyond that."

"But I thought you said you were omnipotent!" she whined.

"Excuse me for not playing God," he muttered and walked away, so he wouldn't be hollered at anymore.

Pearl turned back to the screen and pointed a shaking finger at Mike, Servo and Jessica. "You guys are going to SOOOOO pay for this. Bobo!"

"Yes, Lawgiver?" the evolved ape turned to her.

She shoved a small, gray disk into his paws. "Send these disobeyers the fanfic."

"No no no no!" all three chanted, waving their hands.

"Haven't we suffered enough?" Mike asked, all of them, (or at least the two humans), gave them their most pitiful faces, Jessica's bottom lip stuck out as far as it could go and quivering. That was actually a more disturbing look than pitiful, but needless to say, it didn't phase the angry woman.

"No, you have not. Send it to them NOW Bobo!" she barked. Uttering a few apelike noises, Bobo scurried off to the inter-dimensional computer. "Today's fanfic is by our friend and yours, NyaseoftheRocketGang. It's called 'Team Rocket Blast Off to America, Part 1-A Not So Great Plan'. Enjoy the endless formatting and the new ways to spell words!" Growling, she gave them one last nasty look and switched off the visual communication.

Servo nudged Mike. "You had better not turn into Tuxie-Mike, like you did during NyaseoftheRocketGang's last fanfic. We've had enough problems without you killing everyone."

Mike huffed and crossed his arms. "Then tell Jessica not freak out and try to poke my eye out, or dress up as Piccolo and try to blast my butt off."

She shrugged again. "Hey, you told us all to work together."

The lights and klaxons and so on began to go off. Darkly, Mike said, "We've got fanfic sign." And everyone bustled to the theater entrance.


(all enter, Jessica carries Servo to the fourth seat and sits him down, she sits in the third seat and Mike in the second. The first remains empty.)

MIKE: This feels odd. I'm used to having someone by me.

JESSICA: Here, this looks stupid. (stands and picks Servo back up and sets him in her seat.) You take your old seat back, and I'll sit here. (sits in Crow's chair)

SERVO: You look weir sitting there.

MIKE: I miss Crow already.

JESSICA: I'll try my best to replace him, for the time being . . . if he's not dead.


JESSICA: Hey, we all can't be optimists!

MIKE: It hurts inside.

>Part1-A Not So Great Plan

SERVO: Tell me about it, it wasn't such a hot idea to spend three hours in the tanning booth. My head melted!


JESSICA: Look at that! More avalanches!

MIKE: It took the lives of two more sentences.

SERVO: Let's observe a moment of silence.

ALL: . . .

SERVO: Now let's observe a toga party.

ALL: Toga! Toga! Toga!

>Episode starts:

JESSICA: Interest ends.

>Our four heroes

MIKE: Superman, Wonder Woman and the Wonder Twins?

SERVO: No, it is clearly Batman and Robin and the Green Lantern and the Flash.

>are lost walking down a dirt road heading

>for the next city. Scene shifts

ALL: (heads are jerked to the side)

JESSICA: I'm feeling urpy . . .

SERVO: I'm getting carsick again . . .

MIKE: Just my luck, I'm between two people with weak stomachs . . .

>to Team Rocket. They are lying on a ledge

>overlooking the road watching the four friends through binoculars.

>Meowth sets

JESSICA: . . . off a bomb, making the ledge collapse, and making everyone fall onto Ash-tachi. All died, the end. Let's go. (stands, but sits back down when she realizes the fanfic hadn't ended)

>his down and turns to his fellow Rocket members. Meowth:" So tell me, what

>makes you think this plan is going to work this time?"

SERVO: (James) Because this time we are using A HOLE!

>Jessie and James each

>set their binoculars down and turn to face him. Jessie:" Because this time we

>took every precaution possible."

>James:" That's right, not even a Raichu could escape this trap."

MIKE: But they're trying to catch a Pikachu, what good will this do them?


>If you say so." Jessie picks her binocs

JESSICA: Uh, is it just because I don't have my glasses, or do I see a misspelling?

MIKE: You see a misspelling.

JESSICA: Remind me to ask Pearl to get me new glasses.

>back up and turns back to take one

>final glance at their four unsuspecting victims to make sure the four heros

SERVO: Oh, I see, it's Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenagger, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Jacki Chan, four of the greatest action heroes.

>are still heading for the trap.

MIKE: (Misty) Uh, Ash, there's a giant mousetrap ahead, should we go around it?

JESSICA: (Ash) Nah, what's the harm of going over one of those?

MIKE: (Misty) Whatever you say, Ash, I'll follow you wherever you go! Lalalala~

>Jessie:"Come on you two. Their almost at it.

SERVO: Ewww, Team Rocket are peeping toms!

>The scene then shifts

ALL: (heads jerk to the side)

JESSICA: Ohhh . . . I shouldn't have had all those pancakes for breakfast . . .

MIKE: Ow, my neck hurts.

SERVO: I'm getting dizzy.

>to that of the four friends.

JESSICA: What, now it's Ross, Rachel, Chandler and Monica?

MIKE: Sure, just leave Phoebe and Joey behind.

>Brock is looking at the map

>trying to figure out were they are while Ash and Misty are having a heated

>debate over which route they should have taken.

SERVO: (Brock) I didn't want to go to Disneyworld in the first place!

>Misty:" I still say we should

>have taken the underground tunnel."

JESSICA: (Misty) . . . where there was more of a chance of you being mauled by a rabid Dugtrio!

>Ash:" No way. This way is the quickest rout

>to the next city. Also, going this way I have a better chance of catching some

>wild pokémon." Their argument is interrupted by the sound of machinery.

MIKE: Ash has stumbled upon a nest of Machinery Pokémon. Unfortunately for him, Machinery are quite aggressive and attack when provoked.

>Ash:" Do

>you guys hear something?" Brock:" It sounds like some kind of machine."

SERVO: (exaggerated) You don't say, Brock!


JESSICA: (Misty) Whoops, my vibrato--

MIKE: (hand over her mouth) No, bad girl.

JESSICA: (removing his hand, innocently) I was only gonna say, "Sorry, ma'am, but I had my beeper set on vibrate my bottom!" A Freakazoid! joke.

MIKE: You were not, you little pervert!

SERVO: It would have been funny if Mike had allowed you to say it.

JESSICA: Why, thank you, Servo.

>It wasn't there a minute ago.

MIKE: Pimples, they hide under your skin and appear when you least suspect it.

>"Pikachu:"Pika?" Suddenly the ground gives way

JESSICA: It's the pits of hell, coming to meet them halfway.

>beneath them. All:"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Pikachu:"Pikaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

SERVO: I wonder what Pikachu is saying right then . . .

MIKE: You think they swear in their language?

SERVO: (Pikachu) Oh fffff*************!

>They fall into what appears to be a pit,

JESSICA: Nice touch, the sharpened bamboo sticks on the bottom, that really got them.

>but with a rubber bottom.

MIKE: So it's a rubber-bottom-pit!

SERVO: Joel designed it, didn't he?

>All:"OOOFFF!" What appear to be rubber bars rise up and a roof appears over

>their heads. Ash gets up and looks around. Ash:"What's going on?" The cage

>slowly starts to rise and as it does, the feet of Team Rocket can be seen

JESSICA: They have really bad toenail fungus.

>standing next to the cage. Jessie:"Prepare for trouble!" James:"And make it

>double!" Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation!" James:"To unite all

>people's within our nation!" Ash:"I should have known."

MIKE: (Ash) Every time Team Rocket appears and it was obvious to who they are, I always say "It's Team Rocket!" I should have known one day I'd sink that low.

>Jessie:"Quiet! Not

>during the motto! To Denounce the evils of truth and love!" James:"To extend

>our reach to the stars above!" Jessie:"Jessie!" James:"James!" Jessie:"Team

>Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"


JESSICA: Why'd you say that?

SERVO: Ever since seeing that Johnny Bravo episode, I've been dying to say "fut-tor"!

>James:"Surrender now, or prepare to

>fight!" Meowth:"Meowth, that's right!"

>Jessie and James turn to the foursome and grin.

MIKE: Then their grins faded as they saw the foursome going on.

JESSICA: Mike! That's not fair! I can't make a gross joke, but you can?

MIKE: I'm the captain here, I can do what I like.

JESSICA & SERVO: (lowly) Dickweed . . .

MIKE: Pardon me?

SERVO: We expressed our everlasting loyalty to you, sir.

MIKE: Oh, okay.

JESSICA: (to Servo) Let's mutiny.

>Jessie:"How do you like our

>humble little trap?" James:"We designed it all by ourselves. We call it 'The

>Pikachu Pokétrap." Misty turns to and whispers:"No wonder we haven't seen them

>around lately." Jessie and James run up to the bars with an enraged look on

>their face. Jessie:" We heard that!" James:"Like you could have come up with

>something better in less time."

SERVO: (Team Rocket) Yeah, YOU try to make mecha!

JESSICA: Ash's would be a bunch of pipe tied together, Brock's would be some sort of girl robot, and Misty'd make a machine to beat Ash over the head with.

>Ash turns to his friends and whispers: Don't

>worry guys, I have a plan."

MIKE: (Ash) I'm going to take off my pants.

SERVO: (Misty) What good would THAT do?

MIKE: (Ash) Okay, then I'll take off Pikachu's pants!

>Ash places his hand across his chin and studies the cage. Ash:"Well, now

>that you mention it, as a matter of fact I could come up with something

>better." Jessie and James fall to the ground with their legs in the air.

JESSICA: They, of course, were laughing so hard that they fell off their feet.


>continues to admire the cage, while Pikachu, Brock, and Misty just give him alook of confusion.

MIKE: (Misty to Brock) I think Ashy boy forgot his medicine again . . .

SERVO: (Brock) Let's just kill him and get it over with.

JESSICA: Well, that was wonderful! Now let's see what's on "Digimon."

>Ash turns to the bars closest the Rockets. Ash:" The

>overall design isn't too bad, but it's just to easy to get out of."Jessie and

>James quickly rise to their feet and run up and grab the bars next to Ash.

>Jessie:" How is it easy to escape?" Ash points to the rubber bars. Ash:"Well,

>the rubber bars was a good idea. It prevents Pikachu here from using his

>thunder shock." Pikachu face the floor and lets out a mournful:"Pika."

MIKE: (Pikachu) Ash is going to beat me again for failing, isn't he?

>Ash looks

>at him and gives him a quick wink to reassure him.

SERVO: (Ash, cruelly) You sure will get a beating!

>Ash:" But, the rubber is

>easily removed by my Charmeleon." Jessie and James turn and look each other in

>the eyes with a grin on their faces and start to laugh. James:"Heh heh heh. He

>thinks we didn't think of that." Jessie:" What a fool! We were counting on

>that and rigged the bottom of the cage with a heat-sensitive bomb."

JESSICA: (Ash) Okay, my next plan: Brock, call out your Vulpix!

MIKE: (Brock, with funny Russian accent) V-are v-you vistening?!


>rubs his paws together while he thinks about what will happen when it blows.

>Meowth: That's right and if the cage's temperature should raise five

>degrees..." James shakes his head as a show of mock sympathy.

SERVO: And I heard that that show received grand reviews!

>James:" Then we

>won't be getting the Pikachu."

JESSICA: (Meowth) Wait, then the Boss'll beat us!

MIKE: There sure is a lot of beating here.

SERVO: Didn't you know? It's commonplace in Pokémon Island.

JESSICA: Brock hits Misty.

MIKE & SERVO: . . .

JESSICA: It's true!

>Jessie looks to the foursome with a wicked grin

>on her face and points to Ash. Jessie:" But at least we'll finally be rid of

>you troublesome brats."

MIKE: (Jessie) You meddling kids and your talking dog, too!

>Team Rocket continues to laugh at the heros

>predicament. Ash gulps and takes a step back as he hears the news.

SERVO: (Ash) "Toy Story 2" beat out "Pokémon: The Movie"? No way!

>Misty turns

>to Ash. Misty:" Now what mister I have a plan?"

JESSICA: (Ash) My new plan is whatever you do, DON'T make friction.

MIKE: (Brock to Misty) Maybe if we ask nicely, Team Rocket will let only US out.

>Ash, with a worried look on

>his face looks around for a source of inspiration. Ash:"Um.. I.." His glance

>moves to the floor were the bars meat. and suddenly it hits him.

SERVO: (Ash) Hey! The bars aren't made of rubber like I had thought! They're made of MEAT! We can just eat our way through!

>Ash:" The

>bombs attached to the rubber on the bottom of the cage right?" The Rockets

>immediately stop laughing and look at each other with a look of bewilderment. They

>turn towards Ash, their expressions changed to one of suspicion. James:" Yea,

>so?" Jessie:"What's it to you?" Ash smiles:" That's what I thought."

JESSICA: (Misty) Now what were you getting at?

MIKE: (Ash) Nothing, I was just making sure I heard right.

BROCK: (Brock to Misty) Blowing him up would be too easy, we should just cut off all his limbs and leave him in the forest to die slowly.

>He pulls

>out one of his pokéballs and throws it. Ash:"Charmeleon, go!!" Charmeleon

>appears. He takes a quick look around then says in a deep growl:"Char." Ash

>turns to Charmeleon, points to a spot were the electronic lock is.


JESSICA: What a cool new way to spell Charmeleon!

MIKE: Will this be another "Artemis" thing like last time?

>burn the rubber at that spot!" The Rockets and Ash's friends

>all look at him in disbelief. All:"WHAT!?" Misty:"Are you crazy?" Brock:"Didn't

>you hear what they said?" Ash just smiles. Ash:"Trust me."

SERVO: But, just then, the heat from the fire on Charmeleon's tail set off the heat sensor on the bomb, and they all blew up. The end.

JESSICA: Great! Now what's on "Digimon?"

MIKE: You already said that.

JESSICA: I know, but I wanna see if Ikkakumon will evolve into the ultimate level today.

SERVO: (fondly) I like Joe!

>The Rockets turn

>and face each other. Meowth:"Are they crazy?"

MIKE: They're four wild and crazy guys.

>James puts his arm behind his

>head. James:"Maybe all those times of us trying to steal his Pikachu have

>driven him to insanity." Jessie:"Well I don't know about you two..." She turns

>in the direction of their previous hiding place. Jessie:"but I don't intend to

>stay around to find out."

SERVO: (James, whining) But I wanna see their blood and guts rain down upon us when the bomb explodes!

>She takes off running. Meowth and James look at each

>other puzzled by their fellow Rocket's actions. Both:"Huh?"

JESSICA: I think Jessie just invited them to play a game of tag.

>They turn to where

>the bomb is. They suddenly realize the cause of Jessie's actions. Both:"

>YYYYAAAAAA!!!!!" They both take off at a full sprint following Jessie.

>James:"Hey, Jessie, wait for us!" Meowth:"Yea, we're a team remember?" Ash

>starts to laugh aloud.

MIKE: Ash isn't a team player, so he thought it hilarious.

SERVO: Ash's motto: There's no "I" in "team," yet there is a "ME."

JESSICA: He didn't play well with others in preschool, did he?

>Misty looks at him with eyes that could kill.

MIKE: But to her disappointment, the bomb got him first.

JESSICA: PLEEZE can we watch "Digimon" now?

>Misty:"Just what's so funny?" Brock:"Yea, you're going to get us all killed!"

>Ash:"Don't worry guys." He points to the floor. Ash:"The rubber is what's

>saving us." Misty:"What?" Brock looks down where Ash is pointing and suddenly

>realizes it .Brock:"Oh I see now." Misty turns to Brock with a bewildered look onher face.

SERVO: (Misty) Brock, Charmeleon's tail melted the rubber around our feet and the bomb is beeping, what good is THAT?

>Misty:"What? See What?" Brock points to the floor. Brock:" The rubber

>on the floor acts as an insulator." Misty:"Yea, so?" Brock:"So, rubber doesn't

>conduct heat very good as well as electricity."

ALL: O_o

JESSICA: But, but, once I burnt a piece of rubber and it got all gooey and hot . . . Like, y'know, tire fires.

MIKE: Maybe if the rubber's big enough it won't get hot. . .

SERVO: No nit-picking, even though I think NyaseoftheRocketGang just said rubber conducted electricity . . .

JESSICA: Maybe it's asbestos or something.

>Misty:"Oh I get it now."

SERVO: (Misty) I don't mean that . . .

>Ash:"Enough with the science lesson.

MIKE: I never was good at science.

>I'm getting out of here. Charmeleon,

>flame thrower!" Charmeleon:"Charrrr!" He opens his mouth and a blaze of fire

>comes out and melts the rubber off the part of the roof with the controls.

JESSICA: Okay, okay, NOW the bomb must go off! It's like firing a- a- FLAME THROWER at it, for goodness sake! And I thought he said that rubber wasn't a-a-- Augh!!! Throw me a fricken bone! Wahhhh!

>Ash:"Charmeleon, stop." Charmeleon immediately shuts his mouth, turns towards

>Ash and smiles.

SERVO: I thought Charmeleon hated Ash though, ever since he . . . . ow! My brain hurts!

>Ash grabs the pokéball that Charmeleon came from.

>Ash:"Charmeleon, return!" Charmeleon is zapped back into the ball with a beam

>of light. Ash turns towards Pikachu. Ash:"Pikachu, its your turn." Pikachu

>smiles. Pikachu:"Pika!" He turns in the direction of the controls.

>Pikachu:"Piiiiiiikkkkkkaaaaaaaaa......Cccchhhhhhhuuuuuuuu!"A large thunderbolt

>appears from Pikachu to the controls. He stops shortly after starting, his job

>done. A brief sizzle is heard, followed by the roof opening.

MIKE: But, but, why didn't Ash just have Charmeleon melt the roof? Why did he melt the area around the controls?

JESSICA: Maybe a wall of rubber was in the way . . .

MIKE: Supposin' that makes sense. But why didn't he just have Charmeleon destroy the controls with his fire breath?

JESSICA: Just . . . shut up.

>Ash turns to

>Pikachu. Ash:" Aright! Great job Pikachu."

SERVO: (Ash) Let's go watch "Digimon" now!

MIKE: Not you, too!

SERVO: Well, I wanna see if Ikkakumon evolves, too.

>Pikachu's smile grows even wider.

JESSICA: (Pikachu) Do you know how unbelievable that was?

MIKE: Ash and his dumb luck.

>Pikachu:"Pikachu." The foursome start to climb out. The scene shifts to that

>of Team Rocket.

SERVO: Argh! (topple out of chair while Mike and Jessica hold on to the chairs for dear life.)

MIKE: Servo? You all right?

SERVO: (sits back in seat) I wasn't prepared for THAT one! ooo~ I'm all urpy now . . .

>They are back on their ledge watching as the heros escape.

JESSICA: (Team Rocket, whiny) We know we should stop them, but it's just so HARD.

MIKE: Okay, that's all!

SERVO: It's stops there?

MIKE: Continues in Part1-B. (picks Servo up)

JESSICA: (stands up) Okay, wonderful, great, super! Let's go watch "Digimon!"

(all exeunt)


The desk that was located in the bridge strangely had some leaves poking up from behind it, which was odd, since no shrubbery should be in the area. It began to rustle and three figures sat up, peering furtively over the counter. One was Jessica, only her hair was a bright red and pulled back in the strangest fashion, like Jessie's, only goofier since Jessica's hair was considerably shorter. The other is Mike, his hair was dyed blue, however, and in-between them was Servo, with Meowth ears, charm and whiskers pasted on him. They dropped the leaves they were holding and sat higher up, placing their hands on the desk, (except for Servo, of course). Mike and Jessica can be seen wearing black gloves with a white uniform, a big, red "R" on the front of the shirts. All three began to chuckle evilly.

As Mike scratched his head, he murmured, "Are you sure that we'll be able to catch that elusive Pokémon BOBO this time, Jessie?"

Jessica winked and flashed a Victory sign. "Of course, Mm--- James . . . We can't fail. This time we're using, tell 'im, Meowth."

She nudged Servo and he replied with a heavy accent, "We're usin' a HOLE!"

"Great plan!" Mike smiled, but it faded as he scratched his head again. "This blue dye WILL come out, won't it?"

"Shut up, James!" Jessica snapped, whapping the man on the head with a fan she pulled out of nowhere. "Here comes Bobo now."

They all sank lower behind the desk, only their eyes and up showing. There was silence for a moment, then there was a loud, "Woah-woah! Arrrrrgh!"

Jessica jumped up and wove her hands in the air wildly in celebration. "Yay! We finally captured Bobo! Now the Boss won't beat us!" Servo began to join in the victory dance.

But Mike squinted as he looked more closely, then he grabbed them both and yanked them over to where he stood. "Uh, Jessie, Bobo's not moving. . . ."

She squinted as well, (since she still didn't have any glasses). "Curses! We killed Bobo!"

"Guys, Guys! Bobo's owner's comin'!" Servo began to hover quickly away. "Ruuuun!!!"

Jessica and Mike followed close behind the fleeing robot, shouting, "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again! Wah! Hurry!"

Castle Forrester:

Pearl, (dressed in an Ash costume for reasons quite unknown), stalks up to the hole that was in the floor of her beloved castle, and she stared down at the prone body of Professor Bobo. She gasped and pointed at Mike, Jessica and Servo, (who were long gone at this point), and shouted, "YOU did this, didn't you, Team Rocket! You'll pay for this!" She turned to the side and shouted, "Misty!"

Observer entered, only he was now wearing a Misty costume. (Thank God you readers can't see it . . .) "Yes, Ash?"

"Look at what happened to Bobo!"

He gasped. "It must have been Team Rocket!"

"I think Team Rocket did it!" Pearl said back.

"We'd better get a second opinion on this." Observer turned and shouted, "Hey, Brock! What do you think happened?"

And unidentified voice shouted back, "It must have been Team Rocket!"

Observer turned back to Pearl. "You dummy, Ash! Obviously Team Rocket did it!"

"Well, we can't let them get away with this!" she declared, pounding her fist into her other hand. "Misty, write a letter." Observer pulled out a pen and pencil. "Write it to their boss, Rob, or Giovanni, whatever, and tell him how they screwed up again! Next time they'll learn not to mess with us when they're sent a HORRIFYING fanfic!"

As he wrote this letter, she began to cackle, but then she remembered that she was supposed to be Ash Ketchum, so she stopped laughing and began to do a whimpering sort of growl that wasn't very threatening, until . . . .

The End


I like NyaseoftheRocketGang's stories! Once in awhile it can be a pain, (like ANY fanfic), especially that rubber thing. Any scientific people out there? Can someone explain that to me? It really hurt when I thought about it. I've read this fanfic all the way through about a half a year ago on Exo's site, so I'm contemplating whether or not I should continue it later. Maybe when I'm low on 'fics again. The next fanfic for Mike, Jessica and Servo is another NyaseoftheRocketGang's works, and this one is violent, to say the least. Be prepared for it. Poor, poor Jezebel.

Anyway, where's Crow? I dunno, you'll hafta wait and see until episode 15 where Kasey-tachi read a truly painful 'fic! A YAOI! Not between Ash and Gary, or Ash or Brock, (I still have to ask that one person if I could riff that, though . . .), but between BROCK and JAMES! (Actually, Takeshi and Kojiro, since it's written in the Japanese names.) But, anyway, that's when you find out where Crow is and if he survived or not.

CROW: Oh, believe me, Mike. I had calculated the odds of this succeeding verses the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid, and . . . I went ahead anyway.

SERVO: I'm feeling a sensation altogether new to me, and frankly, I love it!

CARL: Kissing is forbidden, Johnny, this is how we make out-- in the FUT-TOR!


Brock:"So, rubber doesn't conduct heat very good as well as electricity."

© 1999, Jaimielée Rocket & Maelstrom

(Next "week's" episode:

Episode 13: What It Takes")