"The Satellite of 'Dite,

the Fanfic of Riffing of Other Fanfics"

By: Jaimielée Rocket and Maelstrom

EMAIL: jaimielee_rocket@hotmail.com

Disclaimer I: To whom this concerns, it belongs to you!

Smut: Uh~ debated

Violence: Hm~ debated

"Episode Fifteen: Nightbird,

Kasey Meets her Role Model!

And Cleo is STILL of No Use"

Disclaimer II: Jessica and Cleo belong to me, Kasey belongs to Maelstrom and Angie belongs to She-wolf or Bardokmegami. "Nightbird" is owned by Rhiannon. Oh, and all the bad guys, Rob-tachi, sort of belong to me, the idea of them torturing us. But Professor Prime and so on ARE mine, so stay away!!!!! Rob, I suppose, would belong to himself, but that's confusing for me to figure out so let's just continue.

A Big Thanks: To Rhiannon! I stumbled upon your site Edge of Seventeen, right? Anyway, I still have yet to read your other 'fics, but the minute I read the synopsis I was intrigued into this 'fic. Perhaps, I thought, I can use this for a MSTing 'coz I'm dangerously low on fanfics. I e-mailed her and she said she had heard of me and that she would be HONORED if I used her 'fic! HONORED! From ME, a lowly fifteen year-old living in Idaho Falls! But she's a nice gal, and I love her name, mostly because it came from Celtic mythology and I love Celtic mythology. She's the goddess of fertility and the underworld, I believe. ^_^ Oh, and I wonder, does she write Joxer fanfics? 'Coz I heard that name before on Miltiades' site! I doubt it, though.

Review Team For Today: Today it will be the ever-tortured Vegeta, Kasey and Jessie and a new person to the theater, BROCK! Yay! Why Brock and Jessie and not Jessie and James? Well, you'll find out soon.

WARNING: Boy, there have been a lot of warnings, now hasn't there? Well, I warned you on Episode Eleven that icecube hints at James' sexuality. Well, uhm, this goes deeper in it involving, er, Kojiro and TAKESHI. THAT'S why I felt the need to riff it, and that's why I decided to use Jessie and Brock. Why not James in place of Kasey or Vegeta? The poor guy still misses Jessica, why provoke him more? Uhm, it doesn't get graphic, but there's this little part . . . You'll see.


Kasey sat at a laptop that she had found stored somewhere. With some help from Umino and other computer geeks, she was able to hook up to such things as the inter-net, and Windows '99 was functioning perfectly. Plus, it was Y2K compliant! (Even though the year 2000 had passed by a couple of years before.) Leila made it Y3K compliant for her, even though she doubted if it would be around that long.

But for the past few days since "Goodbye," she had been tinkering with the laptop. As she did this, Ash the Demon Hunter was recovering from Meowth's scratches, Jessie and James was recovering from shock, as was Vegeta, who had been in the regeneration tank for four days. (He refused to come out, the "stubborn little ass," as Kasey had put it.) Naru-chan was holed up in her room, and she said she wouldn't come out for a month.

Kasey, herself, was trying to hack into Rob's laptop. Washu tried to use the same tactic that she had used during "Rocket Princess I," but Rob's computer had obviously detected it, and that route was cut off. So the Captain just banged around, hoping that she would somehow stumble upon what she was looking for, making notes by speaking into the headset microphone that was linked to Word, which typed down everything she said. (Or, just to hear what her voice sounded like, she recorded it onto the laptop.) She didn't know exactly what she was searching for, but she was trying. All she knew is that she wanted access to the inter-dimensional computer, to reach across the barriers and contact Jessica and see just what the hell she was up to, and to make sure she was behaving. She discovered that she was a really crappy computer ace. "Where's Dexter Douglas when ya need him?" she often mumbled to herself.

That day, however, she was bumped by some people playing lacrosse, and she sprawled across her keyboard. When she glanced back up, she discovered she had hacked into something of Rob's! That meant, that somehow, she was connected to the inter-dimensional computer! A smile split her face and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Hey, Cap'n," a voice said, "what's up?"

She looked to the side and Vegeta stood next to her, dressed in his body suit with jeans, and sucking on a sucker. She wiped her face free of tears and responded, "I found my way into something of Rob's!"

The Saiyjin popped out the sucker and his eyes became wide. "Really? Can you get us back home?"

She shrugged. "I dunno. I don't know what I tapped into."

"It's all black," he pointed out, as if accusing her of doing something stupid.

"But there's flashing red numbers on the bottom, that hasta mean something."

As they mused over this, trying to figure out what the numbers meant, Jessie and Brock, holding a pleasant conversation, wandered by behind them. But Jessie caught a look at the laptop screen, and she turned back. She leaned over, placing her head between Kasey's and Vegeta's, and she announced, "Hey! It's the screen of the Rocket Cam-corder!" She stood and was about to continue on her way with Brock, (they were going to James' room, who had invited them to a game of Mouse Trap with another friend of his, Mihoshi), but then Kasey reached up and caught her by the ponytail, yanking her back.

"What'd you say?" she asked lowly.

"Huh? Well, I recognize that. The screen of the Rocket Cam-corder looks like that when turned off."

Vegeta sighed, and looked at Kasey with disdain, placing his lollipop back into his mouth. "Feh, some good THAT'LL do us, Cap'n."

Kasey sighed. "Maybe I only linked onto Camharpy's camera."

She reached to press the escape button, when the camera was suddenly turned on, and a scene appeared that wasn't one they recognized from the Satellite of 'Dite. It was a thick forest, and not even the SoD's garden had a forest that thick, plus it was dark outside, and a moon could be seen, and there was no moon on the satellite. (God forbid, because every full moon, a Saiyjin would go berserk.)

A raspy voice began to speak, and they all covered their mouths so they wouldn't laugh. It was Robert Tapert, Kasey had obviously hacked into the link to Rob's cam-corder that must have been linked to his computer and the inter-net. He held it up, and the small light on it illuminated a few trees ahead of him. He whispered in a hoarse voice, "This is Robert Tapert, and I have been lost for a long time now. And, for the past few hours, I have been hearing this noise . . . There's a strange noise out there . . . Very strange indeed. It's quite frightening. I think it's after me." He paused and Kasey, Vegeta, Brock and Jessie listened close, but they couldn't hear the noise he was speaking of. "Maybe it's a new type of Pokémon, because I have never heard this sound made by any type or species of Pokémon. It's like a gurgling howl of grunts." He paused again, then said as he spun the camera around in another direction, "Maybe if I keep the camera on, I can get proof of it, sell it for lots of money." He chuckled, which abruptly stopped as he seemed to have heard this supposed noise. The four viewers leaned closer, and, gradually, the noise could be heard. It sounded like how he described it, a gurgling-howling bunch of grunts.

Suddenly, the noise became much louder, there was a rustling, and the sound of breaking branches. Whatever it was, it was majorly irked off. Rob shrieked, spun on his heel, and ran, holding his camera. Kasey was suddenly reminded of the "Blaire Witch Project," meaning that she was getting motion sickness. Apparently, Rob wasn't watching where he was going, and he had tripped on something, and the camera went flying. When it landed on the ground, it slid around and pointed at a clear view of the evil TV producer, and all the electronics he had been carrying. The bushes behind him shook and churned, and something jumped out--

Rob screeched. Kasey, Vegeta, Jessie and Brock gasped. The creature gurgled, howled and grunted.

Then, Kasey and the others burst out laughing. Rob's face fell in shock, and the creature could be clearly seen.

It was a crying Professor Prime with Persian tied onto him, who was howling in frustration. Both of them were covered in mud, their fur sticking out all over, and the poor Primeape's waistcoat had a tear in it. "Boss!" he cried. "I thought I saw a light!"

In a swift motion, the Primape had a death grip around the stuttering Rob's neck. The man shoved the Pokémon off. "Primeape! You-you gorbellied leptus-leering giglet!"

"Ooooo!" the four uttered in fake fright, and began to laugh again.

Rob ripped off the ropes that was binding the poor classy cat to the monkey, and he cradled him in his arms. "Oh, my poor, poor kitty. Oh, we'll clean you right up and you can have a big ol' meal of fish, and--" He paused and listened around him again.

Kasey snorted, and jeered, "Oh, the strong Mister Tapert is crying over his poor Persian-Wersian." The others continued to laugh, and they didn't notice as Rob went to the rest of his electronics and pulled out his own laptop. He typed in a few things and the screen lit up.

"HEY!" a familiar voice bellowed over Kasey's laptop and from the direction of the Comm Port.

Kasey and the others all immediately fell silent, and sweat dotted their foreheads. They silently looked at the Comm Port. Looming there was the large face of Rob. Everyone in Room 7 held still and stared at him in abject terror. His face was red, his eyes were reflecting flames, and that wasn't good . . .

"How'd you connect to my camera?!" he shouted, causing them to shrink away.

Kasey scratched her cheek. "I-I-I . . . accidentally hacked into it."

"Where'd you get the laptop!?"

"I-I-I . . . found it."

"How'd you get the inter-net!?"

"We all had hundreds of disks for free hours on several different inter-net servers." She paused. "And . . . a FRIEND hooked us a modem connection . . ."

"How'd he find out we were watching?" Brock whispered to Jessie.

She whacked Kasey upside the head as she tore off her headset. "The mic was on, and, obviously, was hooked onto a speaker system of his!"

Kasey lowered her head shamefully. "How was I to know . . ."

Rob managed to slightly compose himself, and he took several deep breaths, and an evil grin appeared on his face. "Well, since you connected to it through the inter-net, that means you had linked the camera to it as well, specifically, my website. So, hundreds of surfers visiting this page saw me make a fool of myself." A snicker escaped the four, but they immediately fell silent as Rob held up a gray disk. "Well, for punishment, you four are going to watch a gruesome little fanfic. It's surprisingly well written . . . for a YAOI!"


"Yes! And wait till you see who it's between!" He began to cackle evilly, then he popped the disk into his laptop and sent it to Camharpy. "Enjoy!" he added before shutting off the link to the Comm Port. Over Kasey's laptop, he could be heard shouting, "Prime! Stop crying over your stupid clothes and find a way out of here!"

Kasey slowly shut the laptop and she tucked it under the Captain's Counter. When the fanfic sign began to go off, they all went to the theater entrance, and Jessie had the captain's head in a painful headlock the whole time.


(all enter and sit down, Vegeta in the first seat, Kasey by him, Brock by her, and then Jessie at the end)

KASEY: Well, Rob didn't say it was a LEMON, just a yaoi.

JESSIE: It doesn't matter! I don't want to read about two guys getting it on!

BROCK: Oh, that's a terrible crime for a GIRL to watch!

JESSIE: (whacks him over the head) Shut up, pervert!

VEGETA: All of ya, be quiet. The sooner this is over, the sooner our pain will end.

JESSIE: I hope James and Mihoshi don't start the game until we get there.


BROCK: Maybe THAT'S the bird Ash saw flying over the rainbow.

>>Author: Rhiannon

KASEY: What's the Celtic goddess of fertility doing writing a yaoi fanfic?

>Rating: One implied graphic scene, Yaoi.

ALL: (dully) . . . yay . . .

>Summary: Kojiro

JESSIE: James!!!! No! How COULD you?

>can't decide between Musashi

JESSIE: Oh, how sweet.

>or Takeshi...

ALL: (silence)

KASEY: Well . . . that's a new one on me.

VEGETA: I've heard of ASH and Brock, not James and Brock.

BROCK: (his face turns an interesting shade of red)

>it's a bittersweet tragedy.

KASEY: Not unlike Romeo and Juliet!


KASEY: Whoah, God!

>Notes: I don't wanna hear anything about how immoral homosexuality is!

VEGETA: You heard the goddess, don't go into a long speech about how gross this'll be.

BROCK: But-but . . . It's ME, though!

>It's a part of life,

KASEY: Face it, pets die, guys sleep together, and Carl bathes in porridge, live with it.

JESSIE: What? Nevermind, I don't think I want to know.

>and if you don't understand that, than you need to seriously re-examine your morals.

VEGETA: We should billboards up all over the 'net opposing this!

>>And in the words of Takeshi, "You can never help who you fall in love with."

BROCK: Yeah, 'specially if someone's writing you doing so against your will.


KASEY: The highway is awfully empty today.


JESSIE: So, Brock, that's what you call it now?

BROCK: (punches her in the arm)

JESSIE: Ouch! Hey, if I had my mallet, I'd give you such a headache!

BROCK: Too bad you don't, 'coz then I could have been KOed.

>>Musashi and Takeshi stood in black at the bottom of the cliff.

VEGETA: (Musashi) Chikusho, Takeshi! I told you to watch out for that tar pit!

>They both had tears running down their checks. "How-how could this happen, Takeshi?"

>Takeshi looked into her bright blue eyes. "I don't know. But maybe there's something you should >know..."

KASEY: I am . . . your mother! And James is your sister, and Ash is your sister, and Misty is our pet cat, and you are my SON.

JESSIE: Gawd, Kasey, you sure are saying weird things today.

>>And summer became the fall.

JESSIE: Wow, Takeshi, that was certainly worth knowing. Now, why are we in black and crying?

>I was not ready for the winter.

BROCK: I forgot to put on my snow tires and I slid into a ditch.

>It makes no difference at all

>'Cause I wear boots all summer long

VEGETA: That's because I'm sorta an idiot.

>In spite of our rivilaries, I had always noticed Kojiro.

KASEY: With his blue hair, even bees can't miss him!

JESSIE: His head is pollinated ten times a week during the summer.

>He was sweet, naive...and sexy.

BROCK: (choked) Oh, yeah.

>I could never allow Kasumi or Satoshi know of my feelings...it's not that they wouldn't approve >or anything,

VEGETA: (Takeshi) It's just that they would have beaten me to a bloody pulp and gouged my eyes out.

>they just wouldn't understand- I mean, it's Kojiro.

KASEY: Plus, Satoshi is a ten year-old, and Kasumi is twelve. If they know about homosexuality, then they musta been VERY open.

>He always is trying to take poor Satoshi's Pikachu. But you can never help who you fall in love >with... Kojiro always made me think of a nightbird- mysterious, yet plain to see...

JESSIE: (Takeshi) If you have a flashlight.

>and beautiful to look at. To cover up my feelings, I'd pretend to fall over anything with a chest.

BROCK: I can't help it, I just really like chests! The good way they can store things, and the way they decorate the home. And pirates always hide their treasures in chests.

>But there was one night I could no longer hold it in.

VEGETA: (Takeshi) I really had to pee.

KASEY: That's what you get for drinking five cups of coffee before going to bed.

>>My eye-make-up is dark and its careless

JESSIE: Oh, great, Brock. Now, not only are you gay, but you're a drag queen as well?

BROCK: (as Fry) I'm just responding to my personality!

>Some circles around my eyes

>Sometimes the real color of my skin

>Is my eyes without any shadow

VEGETA: Hey, are we reading the Song of Songs?

>>I began to get little sleep, thinking of a way to tell Kojiro. Would he understand?

KASEY: He'd probably blink at you and ask if you had brought any "donuts."

>Was my feeling mutual? Then this one night, this special night, I decided I had nothing left to >loose...only to gain. So I wrote a letter, and I attached it to a rose, which he loved so dearly. I >left the rose by his bed, a sleeping bag by a fire at Rocket Dan's camp site. He awoke, and >opened the letter:

JESSIE: (reading the letter) You might have already won one million dollars!

>>Dear Kojiro, I know that we've had our differences, but I've come to fall for you.

BROCK: (Kojiro) I hope he didn't hurt himself.

>I'd like to get to know you better. What do you think? Please meet me by the cliff that >overlooks the sea.


VEGETA: "President Clinton . . . I mean, anonymous!"


KASEY: Kojiro then proceeds to laugh it up, and he shows Musashi, who also laughs.

JESSIE: Later that day, they both went Takeshi hunting.

>>He took the rose, and blushed. He quietly got up, and went to meet me.

BROCK: I know this, because I had set up spy cameras all over the campsite, and I watched every move he made.

>His first reaction was, "This isn't some kind of trick is it?" I looked into his emerald eyes.

VEGETA: (Kojiro, nervous) It IS a trick, right? Satoshi will hop out and try to knock me out, and you all will hold me for ransom, RIGHT?

>"I could never do that to you. Come, sit." He sat by me, at the edge of the cliff. I could see he >was uncomfortable, yet he didn't leave.

KASEY: (Takeshi) Then he pushed me down the cliff, down into the black mud. That's why I'm down here and am black. So, what's your story, Musashi?

>"So...what would you like to know about me?" Kojiro asked me.

>"I don't know, to be honest. I just wanted to be here, with you." I smiled at him. He grinned >back.

>"Hmm...It's odd you picked this place to meet. It's one of my favorite places. I come here when I >need to relax or think. Have you ever seen the sun rise over the sea, at this spot?" Kojiro looked >out to the vast sea.

>"No, I haven't."

>"Then you must see it with me, today."

JESSIE: (Kojiro) Then I will kill you, and I will mail your heart back to Satoshi and Kasumi.

>"I'd love to."

>We sat all night long, talking about everything. We talked about his Matadogas and my pocket >monsters, as well. We discussed how baka Kasumi and Satoshi can be sometimes.

BROCK: We discussed how "idiot" Ash and Misty are sometimes?

VEGETA: You aren't so "un-baka" yourself.


>And of course, we talked roses.

KASEY: (Takeshi) I asked if he was related to Tuxedo Kamen in anyway. 'Coz I think Tuxedo Kamen's even cuter than Kojiro.

BROCK: I do not!

KASEY: Calm down, I'm just talking about the fake you.

JESSIE: So, how much were you paid for this gig, Brock?

BROCK: Leave me alone!

JESSIE: I was just wondering, just in case if I ever got this desperate for money.

>Slowly, but surely, the sun began to rise.

VEGETA: (Takeshi) But then, suddenly, it stopped. And then, slowly, it began again. Then it sunk again. Then it rose again. It was the weirdest day of our lives.

>It was the most amazing site I had ever seen. The colors...dazzling,

KASEY: God hangs his prism in the sky.

>enhanced by their reflections in the water. When the sun was up, Kojiro began to get up. "I >should probally get back to camp. We do have to catch Pikachu today, ne?"

>Kojiro winked at me. "I should, too. Kasumi and Satoshi will be getting up soon....Say Kojiro?"


>"Let's do this again tonight."

JESSIE: (Kojiro) Uhmmmm . . . no. Ja ne!

>"No- I want to show you the sunset, more incredible than the sunrise."

VEGETA: (Kojiro) We, of course, will have to go to the other side of Pokémon Island, but, hey, it's really neat!

>"I'll be here." Though we touched, we went our seperate ways.

KASEY: (Takeshi) I was afraid that we wouldn't have been able to separate when we touched, because I had accidentally spilled super glue on my hands.


BROCK: And now, for our enjoyment, a bunch of dancing Squirtles!

JESSIE: Are we watching "Pikachu's Vacation" now?

VEGETA: Oh, God, no!

KASEY: Half the time, I thought I was trppin'.

>Ah, so that's why Kojiro came back in a stupor.

ALL: (silence)

JESSIE: (angrily) I would SOOOO freak out at that!

VEGETA: (Musashi) Oh, so my best friend was gay all this time? And with YOU? Oh, what a joy.

KASEY: Then Musashi pulls out her bazooka. "Rocket Launcher, HO!"

BROCK: At least it put me out of my misery.

>He just crashed into his sleeping bag, not muttering a word about where he'd been. He's such an >angel when he sleeps, ne? I just watched him while listening to Naya-sama

ALL: Nayayayayayaya . . . .

>bitch about how we were now set back a day. Didn't bother me, we had our whole lives ahead, >or so I thought. In the next few weeks, Kojiro began to act strangely. Always as if he had >something on his mind other than Pikachu, which I thought was not possible.

KASEY: Maybe it was Pikachu, just not the PIKACHU you are thinking of!

JESSIE: Oh, gross!

KASEY: Thanks.

>Well, there was the doughnuts thing.

BROCK: (Musashi) We went into a bakery, and people threw donuts at us. It was weird.

>Whenever I'd corner him about it, he'd just look distressed and cleverly avoid answering any of >my questions. I never suspected a thing. The truth was, I loved Kojiro,

JESSIE: Important plot point.

BROCK: Apparently, I love him, too.

JESSIE: I never knew we had so much in common!

>but never could find the words. Then there was that one night...

VEGETA: (Musashi) _I_ really had to pee, and I ran into you, Takeshi.

>>I had been unable to sleep, and when Kojiro got up for his regular midnight meeting with you, I >got up. "Where are you off to at this time at night?!"

>Kojiro looked at me in shock. "I...um...uh...s-see...I just....um, need to take a...walk...yeah, that's >it!" Kojiro began fumbling with a rose.

>"Uh-huh. Y'know, Koji-chan, you've been acting very strange lately. Is there anything you'd like >to tell me?"

KASEY: (Kojiro) Uh, uh, uh . . . I'm . . . going to battle evil by moonlight! Tah-tah!

>I looked at him, searching for an answer,

JESSIE: But then I realized, that he didn't have writing on him like a book does, so I couldn't find the answer.

>but I did not find an answer, I just heard the call of a nightbird.

BROCK: It sounds much like the mockingbird, and you must never kill those.

OTHERS: That's right.

>Kojiro paled, darted his eyes around the camp. "No, nothing to tell. No secrets, here." He >grinned weakly.

>"If there is anything you need to talk about, I'm here."

>Kojiro looked at me with surprise. "Since when have you cared about me so much?" He looked >a little...well, upset with me for the way I treated him.

JESSIE: Everybody gets me wrong! See, where _I_ come from, a fan to the head means I like you, a mallet means I love you, and a pan means I want to be your wife.

>"I've always cared about you Kojiro." I looked down, then right into those eyes. "Don't you >know?"

>"Wh-what are you talking about?"

>I looked down again. "I...I love you."

KASEY: (Kojiro) Wow, that's really neat, but I'm gay now. Gomen nasai! Ja matta!

VEGETA: (Musashi) Jeez, whenever I confess my love to a guy, I either make him say he's married or gay.

>Kojiro was completely taken off gaurd. He just muttered, "I have to go now," and ran off.

>>And when I call

BROCK: I only get the answering machine, so I say, "Hello, is anybody home? Pick up the phone, I KNOW you're there!"

>Will you walk gently

>Trough my shadow

JESSIE: What, is this song just an elaborate way to ask someone to play SHADOW TAG with you?

>The ones who sing at night

>The ones who sing at night

KASEY: (like an old man) Damn, Wiccans! Get off my lawn!

>The ones you dream of...

>The ones who walk away

>Capes pulled around them tight.

VEGETA: Okay, so NOW it's Sailor Moon?

>Cryin' for the night

>Cry for the nightbird, tonight.

JESSIE: No, it's a song that was cut out from "Interview with the Vampire."


VEGETA: Oh no! Koopas! Where's Mario when you need him?

>That must've been the night when Kojiro looked so distressed. His body was with me, but his >mind was else where.

BROCK: But that's all *I* wanted anyway . . . Augh, I can't believe I said that.

>"Something wrong, Kojiro?"

>Kojiro just looked out to the sea. He shook his head. I knew he was bothered by something, but >what, I did not know. A single tear welled up in his eye and slowly ran down his check.

KASEY: (Kojiro) It's the whales! Nobody cares about the whales!

>I kissed away that tear, the first time I'd ever done such a thing to another male.

ALL: Ack!

JESSIE: Go ahead, start now! Make passionate love for all we care, right now!

BROCK: Please, no.

VEGETA: Could Robu-san be so cruel as to send us a lemon?

>Kojiro looked at me, and smiled slightly, his hand put to where I had kissed him.

KASEY: (Kojiro) It BURNS. Is it supposed to do that?

>That night, we never spoke another word, just enjoyed each other's company. Months followed, >and finally, we were celebrating a year since I'd written the letter. Kojiro had slowly fallen in to a >withdrawn, depressed state over those months.

JESSIE: So, for a YEAR we stayed at the SAME spot by the cliff, never moving?

BROCK: Maybe we're being held captive.

VEGETA: (Kasumi) Dammit, Satoshi, we're lost AGAIN!

KASEY: Maybe you're at Indigo Plateau.


>I could tell something was tearing at Kojiro inside, but he'd never say a word.

JESSIE: I thought maybe it was a tape worm, or one of those baby aliens from "Alien."

>He'd just come up with alternatives to catching Pikachu. His plans actually began to work, so >neither Naya-sama or I were bothered by this. I wanted to hold Kojiro, and kiss away his pain. >But he'd never allow for me to come close to me. There was nothing that I could do, and I >became a mirror image of Kojiro's state. Naya-sama was slightly bothered by this turn of events.

BROCK: (Nyasuu) It's just so GROSS!

>He was afraid that the boss would do something horrible to the three of us for the turn in events.

VEGETA: In the sequel to "Nightbird," Sakaki finds out that Kojiro is going with Takeshi . . . and he wants in on some of the action.

(Kasey throws her boot at him)


KASEY: Then, one night, a bunch of ninjas attacked and they threw throwing stars all over the place . . .

>Kojiro and I sat at the cliff, as we did every night.

JESSIE: (Takeshi) I had come by jet, he came in the Nyasuu balloon.

>Only tonight was special. I had bought Kojiro a boquet of roses, and prepared a picnic with his >favorite- doughnuts.

BROCK: No! They're rice rolls! Rice rolls! ONIGIRI! (break down sobbing)

KASEY: (pats him on the back) Poor guy. First he learns he's gay, and now his food specialty is called by the wrong name.

VEGETA: Yeah, poor bastard.

>I handed him the boquet. He smelled the roses, smiled and said, "Thank you, Takeshi. You didn't >have to."

>I gently touched his arm. "Yes I did. Now come, eat. Doughnuts are my specialty."

VEGETA: (Takeshi) They're easy to make when on the go! I just carry a tub of fat and an oven in my backpack wherever I go!

>Kojiro looked at the prepared picnic.

JESSIE: (Kojiro) Sigh~ Donuts AGAIN?

>His mouth droped, and his eyes in shock- like when a child finds that she has gotten that special >present at Christmas.

BROCK: (sniffling) So, Kojiro's a SHE now?

JESSIE: Oh, wonderful, so am I a lesbian now?

>His eyes watered. "Oh my...Takeshi, you shouldn't have-"

KASEY: Screw diamonds and pearls, "donuts" ANY day!

>At that point, his mouth was full of doughnuts.

VEGETA: (Takeshi) He was spraying them all over me as he blubbered.

>And after the doughnuts were gone, and I cleaned up the picnic,

BROCK: And after I cleaned up the mess Kojiro made on himself.

>I turned to Kojiro. He said, "This has been a special night. You- you don't know how much it >meant to me." I grabbed his chin with my hand,

JESSIE: (Kojiro) Hey, ow! You just tore my jaw out of its socket!

>and leant in to kiss his lips. We began to make out.

ALL: Arrrrrgh!

KASEY: I think it's the simplicity of the terms that gets you!

VEGETA: Nah, they didn't "kiss gently for awhile," they had to be "MAKING OUT!"

BROCK: (crying) Tell ya what, let's just start PASHING!

>I took off his shirt,

JESSIE: (Takeshi, weakly) You really made a mess of yourself, lemme just--lemme just wash this up. (gags)

>and slowly unzipped his pants...

KASEY: And the PANTS, too?!

our first and last night of passion.


KASEY: Everyone but Vegeta cover their eyes!

VEGETA: Why can't I?

KASEY: I'm the captain and I say so. Tell us when it's over!

>We fell asleep by the cliff.

VEGETA: (pauses) It's over.

JESSIE: (sniffling) That was quick.

BROCK: (still crying)

KASEY: Apparently, the "woman of the gay relationship" has the same problems as a woman of a heterosexual relationship.

VEGETA: And that is?

KASEY: The man is too fast.

JESSIE: Oh, yuck!

VEGETA: And you know this, how?

KASEY: I read a lot!

>The next morning, I awoke late.

JESSIE: (Takeshi) I was exhausted and I didn't know why!

KASEY: (Takeshi) But then I remembered the night before.

BROCK: And I went to go scrub the dirt offa me! (sob)

>Kojiro had already left. I hurried back to my camp. I explained that I needed a walk to Satoshi >and Kasumi. They shrugged and went on about their business.

VEGETA: (Satoshi) Hey, Takeshi, did you hear any weird, moaning sounds last night?

JESSIE: (Takeshi) I-I don't know what you're talking about!


KASEY: We lost a star.

BROCK: It must have died from shock and horror.

VEGETA: Give thanks that it wasn't a LEMON.

JESSIE: Thank God for small favors.

>That morning, I remember. Kojiro came back unusually late, and I just knew he was hiding >something. I had been worried sick.

>>"Kojiro! Where have you been?!"

KASEY: (Musashi) And why are you wearing PANTS that aren't your own!

>I caught Kojiro off guard. "I dunno..." He looked at me like the child who is trying to hide her >colored masterpeice on Mommy's white wall.

BROCK: (weakly) I think the author is using moments from her own life to describe Kojiro's looks.

VEGETA: And again with the "she" stuff.

> Just then, he grabbed me, and pressed his lips to mine. Our first kiss!

JESSIE: Little do I know, he's actually trying to suck my soul out.

>We pulled away slowly, and he said, "I'm sorry, Musashi."

>"For what?"

KASEY: (Kojiro) I left my gum in my mouth when I was kissing you.

>"It doesn't matter. Just I'm sorry. And...I love you." Then he turned and walked away.

>I called out to him, "Kojiro! Don't leave me, please don't leave me." I began to cry.

VEGETA: (Kojiro) For God's sake, woman, I'm just going to the grocery store! I'll be right back!

>That was the last time I ever saw my nightbird. So many questions I had never gotten answers >for. Then I found a letter by my sleeping bag.

BROCK: (Musashi) It was from Kasumi, and it said she wanted to get to know me.

JESSIE: Will the cycle of pain never end?!

>>Dear Musashi, I have a secret that I can tell no one. I can no longer live with this secret, but I >can't tell it to you. I must leave this world now. I'm going to the sea that I love so much. Just >know, just know that I did love you,

KASEY: (Kojiro) But, yet, I slept with a guy, and not you. Oh, wait, damn! I wrote that in pen!

>and where ever I end up, you'll always be a part of me.

VEGETA: (Kojiro) Unless if a Gyarados finds my body and decides to eat me.

>Love always,


>>Without thinking, I ran to the cliff where I knew he would go to when he took walks. I don't >how I knew, I just did.


>I noticed a similar letter when Satoshi, Kasumi and I returned from a Pokemon Center.

>>Dear Takeshi, I have a secret that I can tell no one. I can no longer live wih this secret, but I >can't tell it to you.

BROCK: But, wait, isn't that secret that he can't tell, is what THIS Takeshi and he did together on the cliff?


BROCK: Nevermind.

>I must leave this world now.

JESSIE: (Kojiro) I didn't make this month's rent, and God is kicking me out.

>I'm going to the sea that I love so much. Just know, just know that I love you, and where ever I >end up, you'll always be a part of me.

>Love always,


>>I paled.

BROCK: I also got very sick. Excuse me a second. (pulls out a paper sack, and leans over it for awhile)

>Kasumi asked me what was wrong, but I just shoved her away

ALL: Hey! Boo!

>and ran to the cliff. I knew that's where he'd be. Only he wasn't there. Musashi was.

>"What are you doing here?!" she snarled.

>"I'm looking for Kojiro." Musashi quickly softened.

>"I am too."

>Without a spoken word, she knew that I wasn't her enemy, but her friend.

KASEY: (Musashi) So, YOU'RE the one Kojiro's been seeing! You FLOOZY! Rocket Launcher, HO! --kablooey-- The end.

>I took her hand, and said, "I don't know what happened."

VEGETA: (Takeshi) I think I was drunk for a straight year, and I did things I never would have done sober.

>The next day, we met on the beach, at the bottom of the cliff. We were the only ones who cried >for Kojiro. The only ones that honored him.

JESSIE: Well, we WERE the only ones that knew he was dead.

BROCK: (stands to throw the bag away) Ahh! Much better!

>We planted a rose bush nearby, in memory of him.

BROCK: The rose bush died within three days, since it couldn't survive in the sand with salt water. But, still, it's the thought that counts.

>Ah We cried for our little nightbird, who'd taken flight and was now gone from us forever.

>And th-at leads up to here.


KASEY: The hell? Three X's mark the spot? I think the pirate that wrote this treasure map was drunk.

>And so the winter is relly here now.

VEGETA: I suppose that's what those white things are that are falling from the sky.

>And the blankets that I love

JESSIE: . . . were eaten by moths over the summer.

>I am surrounded sometimes

>By too much love

BROCK: My aunts have come for a visit.

>>Musashi's tear striken face looked to Takeshi. "I, I understand now."

JESSIE: Even though I'm really pissed off. Rocket Launcher, HO! -kaboom!-

BROCK: (dully) Aaaah . . .

>Takeshi put his arm around the shaken girl.

KASEY: (Takeshi) Next time you go swimming, be sure to bring a towel!

>They thought of the times that were spent with Kojiro. No word was spoken. The two stood >forever more.

VEGETA: Doth quoth the raven?

JESSIE: So . . . we died there.

BROCK: S'pose so.

KASEY: Hey, wait! It didn't explain why they were in black.

OTHERS: (they stare at her)

KASEY: Uhhhh . . . wait. Did she mean dressed in black CLOTHES? Like in mourning?

OTHERS: Yah . . .

KASEY: (slaps her forehead) Duh! How could I miss it?

>>And the darkened eyes

>Through the net of the lace

>In the darkness

>It's hard to see her face

VEGETA: Through the lace. Hold on, if I take of the lace, maybe I can see her face! Boy, what sense that makes!

>Pulls back the net

>And you feel the touch

>Of her fingers.

JESSIE: And you may kiss the bride!

ALL: Huzzah!

>>From that day on, whenever the waves crashed, Takeshi and Musashi would think of Kojiro. >The two never left the cliff.

BROCK: We built a cozy little cottage and spent the rest of our days there, in bliss.

JESSIE: So, now WE'RE together?

BROCK: Boy, I'm the biggest tramp!

>No one ever came to find them. Perhaps the others understood, perhaps the others didn't care.

KASEY: Satoshi and Kasumi DID try to find Takeshi, but they got lost.

>And forever more, Takeshi held Musashi in his arms as they cried over their nightbird.

VEGETA: I think you two ARE together now.

JESSIE: O-kay.

BROCK: Well, it's better than living happily ever after with Kojiro, I guess.

>>And you see...she turns the eyes

>And you see the eyes of a nightbird

KASEY: (woman) Pervert! Stop watching me as I dress!

>The ones who sing at night

>The ones you dream of

VEGETA: . . . truly don't like you, and they wish you were dead.

>Finally...the nightbird

>Finally...the nightbird


JESSIE: (announcer-type voice) Tonight, at the Globe! "The Nightbird!"

ALL: (cheer and applause)

>>Lyrics are to "Nightbird." c 1983 Welsh Witch Music. BMI/Sweet Talk Music/Three Hearts >Music. ASCAP. Found on the album Wild Heart by Stevie Nicks.

BROCK: Stevie Nicks? What the . . . Oh, whatever. All I know is that now I have been traumatized.

KASEY: You're handling it well.

BROCK: Well, after reading one about me and Ash, I kinda learned to live with it. But, trust me, I'll wake up in the middle of the night tonight, crying.

JESSIE: Thank GOD James wasn't forced to come in here.

VEGETA: I think we would have drowned in his tears.

KASEY: Well, guys, we made it. It's over.

(they all stand to exit)

BROCK: It wasn't as bad as I thought.

VEGETA: You were crying like a little baby.

BROCK: I was not!

VEGETA: And this bag of bile will help you to remember this special event.

BROCK: (pulls out a Pokéball) I'll show you, monkey-boy! Go, Onix!


(Brock and Vegeta run out of the theater, Jessie and Kasey following behind)


Even though it wasn't as bad as everyone had thought, they all cried in one way or another when giving their review. Vegeta was crying because Onix had crushed his tail, Brock and Jessie were just disturbed, and Kasey kept on thinking about how dense she had been not to realize that Musashi and Takeshi were in black clothes.

Prime couldn't find a way out of the forest, (he kept on reminding Rob that Primeape's don't have good sense of direction, but Rob still wouldn't listen). Rob let Persian lead the way for a bit, until he was bitten by an Ekans. He laid on Rob's pack, refusing to set foot on the ground until they left the forest.

And Rob only had a couple more days until the festival started, and the Gastly posing as the Maiden would appear.

Later that day, Kasey pulled a chair up to the counter, and began to draw. But then she fell asleep, drooling on her comics, and Cleo came over and fell asleep on her head. It was a very slow day on the satellite, and they weren't missing much.

But then Cleo heard a rather strange noise. She lifted her head and discovered that it was "night time," (which is only the lights being dimmed and everyone going to bed), and they were all alone. But the cat swore she heard a noise, like a clanking, and she thought she heard an unfamiliar voice speak. Then, she spotted this person. It was small, made of metal, and it was walking toward she and Kasey, holding two objects in its hands. It circled around the redhead, Cleo watching it do so in a shocked stupor.

The new being popped up from behind the counter, and it shouted, "Hey, are you KASEY?"

Cleo howled in fright, and Kasey woke up with a start and a scream, throwing Cleo off her head. She blinked, and rubbed her eyes, and she turned her head to see who had disturbed her nap that had been relieving her of all the bad memories of "Nightbird."

Her eyes went wide, and her mouth fell open. "C-c-c-c-c-c" she stuttered, before finally spitting out, "CROW?!"

It was the golden 'Bot, in the metal, and the objects he had in hand was the note Jessica had written and her glasses. "Hi!" he said cheerfully. "You're Captain Kasey, right?"

Cleo hopped onto the counter, and she stared distustfully at the robot as Kasey answered, "Ye-yeah, that's me. Are you REALLY Crow? Rob didn't say he was bringing YOU aboard."

Crow cleared his throat. "Well, uh, he doesn't know that I'm here. I fell into a wormhole, and I ran into your ship, and a guy named Bardok let me in, and a voice, not unlike Magic Voice, told me that you were here. So, hi."

Kasey slitted her eyes, and she thought this over. "It IS possible, but how do I know you're not some alien parasite that feeds offa memories and wishes and the such. What if this is a dream. What if you're a HOBGOBLIN? Huh?"

"If you call me a Hobgoblin one more time I'll give you SUCH a pinch!" He held up the note and the spectacles. "These are from Jessica, who's on our satellite."

She took the noted and read what was inside it:

Dear Kasey,

How are things on the SoD? I'm having fun on the SoL with Mike, Tom and Crow. They're great fun. I like them. Sorry about the choppiness 'coz as I am writing this, Crow breached the hull and we are trying to save our asses. Thought I'd say hi. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the SoD, but I still have yet to find Angie and a way out of this Entertainment Dimension. Gotta go, about to die.


Cap'n Jessica

One of Kasey's eyebrows lifted. "This doesn't sound like Jessica's writing. I'm sure that even if she were about to die, she'd make sure it sounded eloquent."

Crow shrugged. "Well, she told me to give you her glasses as authenticity."

She studied them closely. "They're silver rimless, and the ear pieces have been chewed on, like Jessica's . . . but these could be ANYone's glasses." She put them down on the counter. "I'm sorry pseudo-Crow, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She pulled out a communicator. "I'll just call Bardok, and after thoroughly chewing him out for letting someone aboard without telling me, he will show you the way out."

"Oh, too bad. I was hoping to have a quick look around this place. But I guess if I hafta get moving along."

Kasey smiled at him. "You have very good manners for a fake Crow." As she was about to contact Bardok, Cleo let out a loud "meow." Kasey frowned and glared at the calico. "What is it, Cleo?" She placed her paw on the outside flap of the note, as if telling her to look at it. The girl picked it up and flipped the flap so she could see it. Her eyes began to sparkle, and her smile broadened.

"What is it?" Crow asked.

She shoved the note in his face. "Look! It's a kitty head! A kitty head drawing!"

Crow pulled back, muttering, "Yeah, so?"

"It's Jessica's signature kitty head! No one but her uses it! This really IS from Jessica!" She stared at him now, upsetting him a little. She had a little too much love in her eyes for his comfort. "And you really ARE Crow!" She wrapped her arms around his spindly little neck and yanked him up into a hug. "Yay! I met CROW! Crow T. Robot! You're my favorite!" She continued to hug him, humming a happy little song.

The poor 'Bot glanced at Cleo, and he squeaked out, "Help me!"

Cleo merely cocked her head and licked her tail, showing that she didn't care at all. Crow then began to believe he made a terrible mistake by digging a hole in the Satellite of Love.

"I'm never doing this again!"


Okay, I hope it was better than I thought it was. I'll go back a retouch on a few things, but I just didn't get very creative with this episode. It was just one of those days where you don't care anymore. So, I apologize for the lame host segments, and any lame riffs. ^_^ Hopefully, Vegence will be better. After skidding on ice and into a ditch for the first time, I wasn't in much of a mood for finely tuned comedy. But after re-reading it, the riffs weren't that bad . . . Just the host segements. Oh well . . . any MSTing authors know what I mean when I say I just couldn't think up anything good today.

This is a long quote, so you all had better enjoy the hell outta it! (From "Ego Trip")

OLD Dexter: Hello!

ADULT Dexter: Hi!

Young DEXTER: Hello!

OLD: Hmm.

ADULT: Hello!


OLD: What?

ADULT: Hello!

OLD: Hi!

ADULT: Hello!

DEXTER: Stop it.

OLD: Who?

ADULT: What?

OLD: Hello!


DEXTER: Stop it.

OLD: What?

ADULT: Hello!

OLD: Hi!


DEXTER: Stop it!

ADULT: What?

OLD: Hello!


OLD: Huh?

ADULT: Hello!

OLD: Hi!

ADULT: Hello!

OLD: What?



ALL: . . . .

OLD: Where are my presents?

That's my favorite line. And I can't say this enough, ADULT DEXTER IS SOOOO CUTE! ^_^ I'm weird.


I had bought Kojiro a boquet of roses, and prepared a picnic with his favorite- doughnuts.

© 1999, Jaimielée Rocket and Maelstrom

(Next "week's" episode:

"Episode Fourteen: Vengence,

Jessica Gets Blood Sickness")