"The Satellite of 'Dite,

the Fanfic of Riffing of Other Fanfics"

By: Jaimielée Rocket and Maelstrom

EMAIL: jaimielee_rocket@hotmail.com

Disclaimer I: To whom this concerns, it belongs to you!

Smut: Uh~ debated

Violence: Hm~ debated

"Episode Seventeen: What it takes Part 2,

Angie Nearly Dies in Hot Pants"

Disclaimer II: Jessica and Cleo belong to me, Kasey belongs to Maelstrom and Angie belongs to She-wolf. Joel and the 'bots would go under Disclaimer number one along with Dr. F and TV's Frank. "What it takes" belongs to Hitmonchan.

A Big Thanks: To Hitmonchan! (Refer to episode 14 for the whole "Thank you." ^_^)

NOTES: It was originally 25 pages long, so I split it. I'm sorry for that, Hitmonchan. After some tinkering and heavy decision making, I have decided to replace "The Attack of the Rabid Jigglypuff" with the second half of "What it takes," thus why I lied at the tag end of "Vengence." I moved the Jigglypuff story to number 19, replacing the second part of Lady Amber's lovely story "The Xena/Team Rocket Crossover." She hadn't been writing enough on it, so I put it on the "To wait" list until she gets AT LEAST ten pages written. Then I'll either hafta do more rearranging, or make it episode 36. (Yes, I have episodes planned up till that far.)

So, anyway, here's the conclusion to "What it takes!" It moves off training and stuff, and it gets slightly odd. ^_^


"Servo!" the voice of Angie called from off the bridge to the small red 'Bot who was on the bridge. "I don't think this is gonna work."

"C'mon, try!" Servo begged. "It's gotta work. Crow already has his invention prepared, I hafta prove mine's better so I can present it!"

"But, but, GOD, it hurts!" she whined pitifully.

"Suck it in. Your from Idaho, aren't you?"

"So?! What's that gotta do with anything!"

"Don't you face this dilemma every day?"

Angie's head appeared over the desk as she crawled in on her knees. She was shaking as if struggling with something from below. She briefly rose taller, still vying against some difficult thing, and it could be seen that she wasn't wearing a jump suit, but a T-shirt with the faded print of "Gizmx" on it. She hollered in frustration and fell to the ground. Her legs, which were bare, appeared over the desk, and kicked wildly in the air as she continued to wrestle with the object.

Finally, her legs stopped kicking and rested on the desk. Grumpily, she muttered in a tight voice, "Servo . . . in Idaho Falls . . . only insane sluts stuck in the Eighties wear hot pants."

Servo considered this, then replied haughtily, "Well, you got them on, didn't you?"

Angie wiggled her toes as if to show vexation, and shouted, "Who in their friggen right mind would invent utility hot pants for girls!?!"

"I dunno, someone in mind of helping super heroines."

She sobbed from below, "But it hurts so much! A belt is one thing, but the pockets and every available crevice of this limited buttocks room clothing is FULL of items! I have a grappling gun or something jabbing me in the thigh!" She paused, and whimpered, "I think I need a Band-Aid."

"Shush! Here comes Joel and Crow." He turned to said people as they entered the bridge.

Joel was holding a box marked "Crow's invention" and Crow had a somewhat arrogant feel around him. "So, Servo," the golden 'Bot began, "did you invent something in time for us to compare them? For, as we know, the winner will be able to present their brilliance to Dr. F. And, as we still know, my brilliance surpasses even yours."

"What a long-winded way to say things, O so brilliant one," Servo shot back, even though it didn't sound much like an insult. "But, YES, I managed to invent something to outstrip your so-called 'brilliance.' It's the utility hot pants, (like the utility belt), for women! For when you needed a whip and a ray gun in a hurry, even a simple caulking gun, it's all here. And you can look sexy while doing so!"

Setting down the box, and smiling good-naturedly, Joel said, "That sounds really useful, Servo. Well, where is it?"

Servo hovered back a few steps to show--

Angie's feet still propped on the desk.

One can almost sense that her face is a bright red. "Hi, Joel~"

"Hi, there. Why don't you get up so we can see it clearly?"

"I--" she paused. "--can't get up."

"Oh." Joel scratched the back of his head. "I think we'll go with Crow's invention."

Laughing, Crow declared, "Great! Just in time, for the Mads are calling!" He guffawed some more in Servo's face for good measure.

Servo hovered off crying in shame.

Angie wiggled her toes again, and she grunted in immeasurable pain, "Can I get a pair of scissors?"

Deep 13:

"Ooo," Dr. F flinched as he saw Angie's little predicament. "Apparently, Servo had good intentions in mind, but that very easily could be used for evil." He paused to consider this. "I could give a pair of those to Wonder Woman, and finally getting her off my back." He blinked, and, realizing he had mused that outloud, hemmed. "Anyway, Frank's setting up our invention, so why don't you go on with yours. It's always best to save the best for last, you know." He chuckled a bit at his "witticism."

Satellite of Love:

Angie--out of the hot pants, Servo--not crying, Crow and Joel chuckled back, their voices implying that Dr. F was a complete imbecile.

As Angie took Crow's box, and as she and the 'Bots ducked under the desk, Joel introduced, "As everyone knows, cigarettes and booze are really really cool! But the fact that you can die from horrible diseases and such really kinda take the glamour away. So, we've come up with a simple way to solve this. Fake cigs and beer!"

Angie and the rest stood up, holding the invention. She held a can of beer, and a puffing cigarette in her mouth, Servo held onto a can, and Crow had many cigarettes in his mouth.

Smiling, Angie proclaimed, "It's so good, and good for you, that this is my fifteenth cigarette and beer!"

Crow hacked, then stated, "I have thirty-two cigarettes in my mouth. Neat, huh!" He coughed some more.

Servo just babbled something. Obviously, he was too drunk to say something coherent.


Dr. F watched this with amazement. "You can do THIS much, and not die from health hazards? How? How, I say!"


"Simple," Joel said, shrugging. He held out a can of beer. "This truly isn't beer!" He turned the can so the writing could be seen. The word "beer" was on it, but clearly, it had once been part of the word "ROOT beer" with the word "root" scratched off. "And the cigarettes are truly those candy cigarettes that has flour to look like smoke! Sure they were made illegal, but we figured that if we prove that we are aiming this at adults and not children, they'd let us do so."

"See," Crow added, hacking and puffing away, "we figured that most alcoholics and chain smokers wouldn't know the difference if not told."

Servo belched loudly and mumbled something vulgar.


Dr. F's mouth was agape. Turning away, he said, "How . . . uncreative. I think you're losing your edge. . . . Ahem, Frank!" he called loudly. "Have you got the invention ready?" There was no reply. "Frank?" He walked off and, a moment later, he shouted, "Frank? Dear Lord, no!"

TV's Frank was drunk off his butt with Crow's fake beer, sprawled out on his side on the floor. How he got drunk, Dr. F couldn't figure out. But, either way, he was pissed. After dealing a swift kick to his assistant, (to which he didn't feel), he said to those above, "Oh, you will pay for this! Our invention was REALLY neat, but thanks to YOUR invention, I think Frank ate it!"

Frank moved a little and held up a furry purple thing. "Only half of it, sir."

"Give me that!" Dr. F snarled, snatching this purplish, once-used-to-be-whole-and-alive invention from Frank. He shook it furiously at the camera, saying, "Now you're in for it! I wasn't going to send you this fanfic, but a lighthearted one that was actually kinda cute! But you blew it! Frank, send them the second half of 'What it takes'!"

Frank's response was a burble of some sort.

Sighing, Dr. F sent the fanfic instead.


Servo was missing, and several "beer" cans was stacked where he had once been standing. Now, panic reigned as Joel stood to the side, holding out his arms. He was shouting, "Servo! Don't do it! Jumping to your death won't solve anything!"

"I'm gonna do it, Robinson!" he screamed from above, his words slurred. "Ya'd better back off, I'm gonna do it!"

Angie sobbed hysterically and was gripping Joel's shoulders, shaking him a little. "You hafta save him, Joel! You just gotta! Don't let him jump!"

Crow stood behind her, holding onto a cam-corder. "C'mon, Servo! The film's running, give the camera what she wants! Jump! Jump!"

"I will!" Servo screamed. "I will jump!"

Angie shrieked. "He's jumping! Catch him, Joel!"

But then, the fanfic/movie sign went off. "We've got fanfic sign!!" Joel shouted as he, Angie and Crow bustled off, allowing Servo to scream all the way down his jump of death.


(everyone is seated already, Crow in the first seat, Joel the second and Angie the third. Struggling, Servo managed to hover in and sit in his seat. Instead of his left arm, he had a feather duster, and his dome was replaced by a fish tank. The fish can be seen swimming around.)

ANGIE: What happened to YOU!?

SERVO: (angrily) What do you THINK happened?

ANGIE: (pause) Sorry.

JOEL: Cute fish, Servo. What's his name?

SERVO: Bob. Bob Servo.

CROW: Bob . . . Servo?

SERVO: It's a GOOD name!

CROW: Whatever.

>What it takes, Part 2

>By: Hitmonchan

SERVO: Bob Servo likes Hitmonchan.

CROW: Suuuure, Servo. Did you bust something when you fell?

SERVO: (angrily) LOOK AT ME!

CROW: Sheesh! Sorry!

ANGIE: Uh, Servo, I need that feather duster after the 'fic . . .

>>Chapter four

>>Jesse awoke the next morning without having anymore bad dreams.

JOEL: She had been dreaming about Diglett's tearing up her lawn again.

ANGIE: To make it worse, she later dreamt she put out Diglett poison, but Arbok accidentally ate it instead.

CROW: Wasn't there a movie about that?


>showered and dressed as usual, and she snapped at James during


SERVO: (Jessie) Dammit, I said NO tobasco sauce on my eggs this morning!

>Nothing out of the ordinary. Then the boss called them

>into his office in order to give them a new assignment.

>"Now then, Jesse, James, this assignment is very important to Team

>Rocket. You cannot screw up.

JOEL: (Giovanni) That's why I'm putting YOU on this mission! Wild, huh!

>Here's the basic idea.

ANGIE: (Giovanni) See, writing is simply composed of lines. IT IS NOT THAT HARD!

>In Saffron City,

>we need you to take over the Silph co. building.

>"Why?" asked James.

CROW: (Giovanni) Pokémon Yellow just came out in America, and you guys need to be there to face up against Ash.

SERVO: (J&J) Oh greaaaat . . . A whole new culture to screw up in.

>"Well, they are manufacturing something that we want. A new kind of

>pokémon. It is supposed to be top secret, but we have our ways of

>finding things out.

JOEL: (Giovanni) Ever heard of a thing called a NEWSPAPER? I was quite shocked to know that such a thing existed!

ANGIE: Maybe Wired magazine got a hold of this info.

>"Right boss."

>"Now then, here is a backpack with all the things you will need. Your

>journey begins now. GO!" They left the office and went to the upper

>level of the secret underground base. From there, they emerged into

>an alley in Saffron.

CROW: (James) Gee, those teleportation thingies that were installed last week really come in handy!

>Because, as every good Team Rocket member knew,

SERVO: . . . it doesn't matter how bad you screw up, just as long as your hair isn't mused up, you're a-okay.

>the base led to every known city in the pokémon world.

SERVO: So there are . . . tunnels?

JOEL: It off course was a long and tiring journey, and during the night it got REALLY cold. But Giovanni stood strong by his assumption that thousands miles of concrete was a GOOD idea.

>They made sure

>that they were in Saffron, and they were, so they found a place to

>sleep for the day, for they had to go during the night, of course.

>Jesse closed the blinds, and they laid in opposite beds.

ANGIE: Well, then, what was the point of closing the blinds if you weren't going to *share* the same bed?

>Meowth had

>slept all day before they had arrived,

CROW: Not a real cat, but a catlike simulation.

>so he stayed up to wake them

>when it was time. James didn't want to go to sleep, but he knew he

>must if he didn't want to fall asleep on the job.

SERVO: (James, whiny) But, Jessie! Blink 182's gonna be on SNL tonight!

>So he finally

>slept. He was falling. He knew that if he fell any longer he would


>"Jesse! Help me!" she was standing there, not knowing what to do.

>Then she finally saved him. But as soon as she did, she was in

>danger. Then there was that freaky black haired kid.

JOEL: (James) Goku?! Get outta my dreams, you monkey-man freak!

>"No, Ash! Leave

>her alone!" but Jesse was already gone.

ANGIE: (Jessie) Ash is taking me on a shopping spree! Bye-ee!

>Then James awoke. He looked

>at Jesse. She was tossing and turning in her sleep. She suddenly sat

>straight up.

>"Have another bad dream?" James asked her. She nodded. And without

>saying a word, she got up to splash her face with water.

CROW: (Jessie) It's good for the pores!

>Then she

>went back to sleep, as did James.

SERVO: Ahhh, valium. It does the trick, quick.

>Meowth woke them around 11:00.

JOEL: (Jessie) Meowth! We've only been asleep for a half an hour!

ANGIE: (Meowth) Oh, so's ya meant wake ya at eleven in th' MORNIN'?

CROW: The next morning, Jessie had a lovely pair of Meowth slippers.

>"Okay guys, we may very well all be killed, but we gotta do it.

SERVO: (Meowth) Th' toilet's been clogged fer a month now. It's time we attack!


>guys need to have some caffeine or something before we leave.

>Changing the way you sleep can affect you, and you need to stay


JOEL: (J&J) But why? We get HIGH on LIFE! Whee!

>They both had a cup of coffee,

ANGIE: It was Starbuck's, now they're broke.

>and took showers to wake them

>up. By the time they were ready, it was midnight.

>"Okay, put on your black suits."

CROW: (Jessie) Meowth! They're not BLACK suits! They're African-American suits!

>Meowth called into the bathroom as

>James was changing. Jesse was already dressed in black from head to


SERVO: What, are they going to an EXTREME funeral or something?

JOEL: Maybe they're helpers in an EXTREME kabuki play.

>Finally, they were ready. They hopped out the window and climbed

>down to the alley.

>"Okay you'se guys, we're here." Meowth announced, all the while


ANGIE: (Meowth) NEVER scale a wall with your keys in your pocket!

>Jesse and James pulled out grappling hooks.

>"No, no! We're goin' in at the bottom and workin' our way up because

>we don't know which lab the pokémon is in!"

>"Yeah, but we can't just go in through the front door!"

CROW: Maybe if it's the doorman from "Rhoda" he'll let you in.

>"Yes we can! But foist I'm goin' in a disabling the alarm system.

SERVO: Meowth's accent went away, and now it's back.

JOEL: (Meowth) Disablin' th' alarm system's easy, foist ya rip out all th' wires wit yer claws. . . .

>Wait right dere." He ran off and about five minutes later,

ANGIE: . . . shots could be heard, and Jessie and James had a moment of silence for Meowth.

>he came

>running back out.

>"Okay, dere's only one guard at the entrance, and the alarm system

>just died. Come on!"

CROW: (Meowth) But there is a few large and rabid Rotweilers you will have to watch out for.

>* * * *

>>A pretty girl is walking around on the street by the Silph co.


SERVO: And in Idaho, a plain girl picks a potato . . . What's your point?

>She looks a bit lost.

JOEL: (girl) Uhhh, I'm looking for somebody to love.

>"What are you doing out this late little missy?" asked the guard

>standing there.

>"I'm.....looking for a good time. Is it possible to find one around

>here, big boy?"

ANGIE: (girl) And possibly someone cute to have a good time with, big boy.


>"Sorry sweetheart, but I've got to work." the girl leaned forward and

>wrapped her arms around his waist.

CROW: Oh my God, the man's choking! Quick, do the Heimlich Maneuver!

>"You....sure?" she said sexily.

SERVO: Not a real adverb, but an adverb-like simulation.

>"Well I......." Then she punched him really hard in the stomach and

>then hit him over the head with her fan, knocking him out.

JOEL: Unfortunately for her, he likes it.

ANGIE: Oh, yuck, that reminds me of a show I watched once from Canada. All the way down to this dude's death, he giggled lewdly.


CROW: Canadians are weird.

ANGIE: Well, the ones who came up with that show, at least.


>guys, come on!" she yelled in a distinctively male voice.

>"Good woik James!" said Meowth.


>James quickly changed back into his

>black clothes, and then they all waltzed into the building.

CROW: (Jessie) We paid for those dance lessons, and gosh darnit, we're gonna use them!


>inspected the alarm system just to make sure they were safe. Then

>they proceeded downstairs to the basement.

SERVO: This time, they fox trotted down.

>All of the known labs were

>marked on the map they had, and Jesse pointed out that there was one

>below them. They went down to inspect it. They split up and looked

>around. James went over to the eastern corner to look.

JOEL: He was mauled by a caged and rabid Growlithe.

ANGIE: How ironic.

CROW: Meanwhile, Meowth stumbled upon a skinning machine, and Jessie electrocuted herself.

SERVO: Giovanni shoulda known better.

>He moved his

>hands up and down the walls looking for a secret passage. After all,

>they wouldn't leave a new pokémon in the middle of the room.

JOEL: If you wanted a plot device, they coulda.

>He kept

>going until his had went straight through the wall.

>"Jesse, come quick!" She ad Meowth ran over to see what was wrong.

>"Look!" he demonstrated.

>"Come on!" Jesse pulled them all into the mystery wall.

>"Whoa.....look at this place." James gaped. Jesse looked around in


ANGIE: (Jessie) There are so many pigs' heads hung on the walls!

>"Look, over here!" called Meowth. He was standing next to a big cage

>of some sort. Inside was a little ball.

>"Is that the pokémon?"

CROW: Watch out! It's an Electrode! --kaboom!--

>"Inside the ball, or the ball itself?" asked James.

>"I dunno. But I hope it isn't a relative of Voltorb!" said Jesse.

>James agreed.

SERVO: Aye, matey.

>Meowth picked up the thing, and pointed out the little

>button on it.

>"I don't think it's a pokémon." he announced. "But it might be a


JOEL: And upon pressing said button, they discover that it was a Voltorb, bred with a BELLY BUTTON!

>"You're right about that." said a voice behind them. "It is a

>pokéball. With a very special pokémon inside. But you shall never see

>it. Get them boys."

ANGIE: The narrator turned on them! Ruuuuuun!

>James drew his gun. "Meowth! Get the pokémon out

>of here!" James shrieked, "Jesse, you get out too!" he added,

>remembering his dreams.

CROW: (Jessie) Out of what? The closet?

>"Oh, I'm afraid none of you are getting out." the mystery man

>announced. Several people dressed in black uniforms surrounded them.

>They all held guns.

SERVO: (James) Not unlike us!

JOEL: I think the other members of Team Rocket have come to get rid of them.

>Meowth tried to make a run for it, but was

>stopped by the mystery man.

ANGIE: (announcer-type voice) And who is your mystery date today!

>He stepped out into the light. It was Ash.

CROW: The Deadite Killer!?

SERVO: Ashley Wilks!?

ANGIE: (faintly) I think I'm getting the vapors!

JOEL: No, you guys, Ash Ketchum.


CROW: Even Ashley Wilks is more threatening than that guy.

>"Hello, Team Rocket. So you finally captured my Pikachu.

SERVO: (Meowth) Yeah, an' th' Boss made it int' a hat!

ANGIE: (Jessie) It's quite striking, really. We believe it will be the next big craze!

>Took you

>long enough. I guess it was one of your little secrets that you are

>actually competent.

JOEL: (James) Actually, our little secret is that we have remarkable dumb luck, though none as great as yours.

CROW: (Ash) Are you implying something?

JOEL: (James) How else did you get your Pokémon and badges, by sheer talent? Feh!

SERVO: He needed to face the facts sometime in life.

>Welcome to my little secret.

ANGIE: (Ash) I collect doilies.

JOEL: And they all scream in terror.

CROW: I know I sure would.

>Yes, I'm the leader

>of a gang. We call ourselves, The Pokémon Gang."

SERVO: Creative name, dumbass.

>"Real original name Ash,

SERVO: That's the nice way to say what I just said.

>but I don't see what all this has to do


ANGIE: (James) . . . chocolate pudding and muffins.

>"Silph co. hired our Team to protect this new pokémon from Team

>Rocket, and we did. We also stole it for ourselves. We are an

>underground agency.

JOEL: You know, at this point, I think Giovanni can sue for copyright infringement.

CROW: Only if he patented Team Rocket beforehand.

>By the way, if you should make it back to

>Headquarters, it will be no use, because we've already taken over."

>He laughed. "Well, I got my Pikachu back." The electric rodent

>climbed onto his shoulder. All the while, James had his gun pointed

>at Ash's head. "I'd put the gun down if I were you, James.

SERVO: (James) If you were me, I'd cry in shame.

>Or your

>girlfriend gets it." He pointed to a huge man who held Jesse with her

>arms behind her. James lowered his gun.

>"Put her down. Or I'll kill you!"

ANGIE: It's a circle of pain that probably won't end till ten pages later!

>"I'm not sure that you're in the position to make threats James."

JOEL: (Ash) What with your elbows twisted in all those funny angles.


>said with fire in his eyes.

CROW: (Ash) Oh, dammit. Hey, lead goon, get me some Visine!

>"You're just plain evil! You take away the good name of pokémon

>thieves. Or bad name, I guess."

SERVO: (James) Did you say that, Ash?

ANGIE: (Ash) I thought you had.

JOEL: Jeez, first the narrator turns on them, and now he stops narrating!

ANGIE: Maybe it's the angry narrator from Mad Jack.

>"Too bad Team Rocket wasn't competent enough to even know about my

>whole operation. Oh well, looks like Team Rocket is blasting off for

>the last time." He laughed evilly. Finally, James took action. He

>shot the leg of the man who held Jesse, and he started forward,

>almost letting her go. But not quite. James leaped forward to grab

>Jesse, but the man got her again,

CROW: (man) I almost didn't let you go, then I caught you again! It just makes sense!

>and James shot him in the arm this

>time, barely missing Jesse.

SERVO: (Jessie) My HAIR! I'd much rather DIE!!!!

>He dropped her, and he grabbed her and


ANGIE: Sooooooo . . .

JOEL: James has her.

ANGIE: Oh, ah!

>He tried not to think about leaving Meowth behind, but then it

>hit him.

CROW: If he left Meowth behind long enough to be killed and distract Ash, then maybe he could get away!

>"Jesse, keep going! I'm going back for Meowth and the pokémon!" He

>set her down and ran back into the fury.

SERVO: (Jessie) Thanks for the wedgie carry!

>"There he is! Grab him!" yelled Ash. James shot as many henchmen as

>he saw. He was only shot once in the arm. There was the man with

>Meowth. James ran to the furry pokémon and punched the burly man.

ANGIE: Hey, it's Big Ed again!

JOEL: Boy, James can never catch a break.

>Then he shot him dead.

CROW: He shot him dead. He shot him dead like a dog. He shot him dead like a dog on the highway.

SERVO: Oh, I like that song!

ANGIE: And he lay in his blood on the highway, with a bunch of lace at his throat.

JOEL: All right, no more New Age for awhile. And it goes, "They shot him down on the highway, down like a dog on the highway."

CROW: Freak.

JOEL: Hey!

>"Come on Meowth!"

>"Wait a sec!" He ran back and retrieved the pokéball. Then they ran

>at full speed to the exit.

ALL: (sing) Go Speed Racer! Go Speed Racer!

ANGIE: Oh, God, that was so lame I now feel dirty.

>"Not so fast." said Ash, as he blocked the door to the exit.

CROW: (James) Like hell that's gonna stop me, little man. Trample him!

>Ash shot

>James in the arm, and James fell. He tried to get back up, but they

>were already tying him up.

SERVO: Muscle men, kinda dumb, but really quick.

>Meowth had gotten away though. That was

>the only good part about the whole thing. And the pokémon was safe

>too. James sighed and awaited his death.

>"How're we gonna kill him boss?"

>"We're just going to leave him for now. I think we'll take him back

>to our new headquarters."

JOEL: (Ash) Man, we really pitted our last HQ out, didn't we?

>They took James back to what used to be

>Team Rocket headquarters, and they put him in the same dungeon that

>Ash Misty and Brock were in. Misty and Brock were still in there.

ANGIE: (James, cheerful) Well, hullo there!

CROW: (Misty and Brock, cheerful) Hi!

>"What, didn't Ash let you out yet?" James asked them when they threw

>him in there.

SERVO: (Misty) We're in time out for drawing on the walls with our crayons.

>"No. We refused to cooperate with him." Brock answered. Misty could

>only sob.

JOEL: (Misty, sobbing) I just watched "Shindler's List"!

>"What do you mean, cooperate?"

>"He wanted us to join him, but we realized that he was as bad as Team

>Rocket. Sorry."

>"It's okay. I kinda wish now that I had never gotten involved with

>Team Rocket. But then I'd be unhappily married to Jessebelle." he

>sighed. "No, Team Rocket was the only way for me."

ANGIE: What he doesn't know, is that if he had married Jezebel, she would have stopped whipping him, and would have become a loving and peaceful wife, and he would have lived the rest of his life in bliss.

CROW: Nah, I think the life of a criminal and being shot in the arm is much better than having a beautiful and adoring wife.

JOEL: How do you know? Maybe she'd keep on whipping him after the marriage.

SERVO: So? That's sounds like a plus to me!

ANGIE: Sick, Servo! (pulls out the makeshift feather duster arm and hits him with it.)

SERVO: Ow! Hey, watch it! You'll spill, Bob Servo!

>Brock nodded, but didn't say anything.

>"Just when I thought I loved him...." a small voice whimpered. James

>said nothing.

>"And.....I think he loved me too." Brock and James stayed silent.

JOEL: (James) Brock, did you say that?

CROW: (Brock) I thought you had.

>Misty went back to crying softly. James went to sleep.

>>* * * *

ANGIE: (in a pleasant voice) And that night, four fairies descended upon them . . .

>>Jesse and Meowth had found each other,

SERVO: Oh, so now THEY'RE in love?

>and had escaped. Now they

>didn't know what to do.

>"Well Jesse, they captured Headquarters. There's no reason to go back


>"Yes there is." Jesse said.

>"What? No! Let's just live off of this magical pokémon! Whatever it

>is! There is no reason to go back!" Jesse nodded, and said, "Yes

>there is."


JOEL: (Jessie) My make-up kit is there!

CROW: (Meowth) Gasp! And so is my favorite yarn ball!

>"James." She wanted to cry, but no tears would come. "If you're not

>coming, then I'm going without you."

>"No, no....I'll go. After all, we can just use this pokémon to get

>him out."

ANGIE: (Meowth) Hopefully it's a lock pick type Pokémon . . .

SERVO: Somehow, some way, they managed to store Autolycus in a Pokéball.

>"Right." They went back to Headquarters, and hid for the rest of the

>night. When the morning came, they made plans, and the next night at

>midnight, they prepared to strike.

>"Okay, Meowth, it's now or never."

JOEL: (Meowth) Actually, we can do it tomorrow, or even a month from now. But that's besides the point.

>"I'm voting for never, how about you?"


>"Alright already, let's go." Jesse patted her gun in her pocket, and

>they went in. The guards at the door wer quickly taken care of by

>Jesse's gun, and they went inside.

CROW: (a guard) Hey, miss, is that a gun in your pocket, or are you glad to see me? No, wait, that didn't come out right . . .

>They knew this place like the back

>of their hands/paws,

ANGIE: (Meowth, looking at back of paw) Hey, where'd that SPOT come from! And that brown hair!

>and they quietly made their way down to the

>cellar, where the prisoners were kept.

SERVO: (Jessie) I was also thinking of picking up some jam preserves while I'm down here.

>Jesse, of course, had to

>assume that James was still alive, and she just kept hoping. The had

>made it as far down as the cellar, when they saw three guards coming

>toward them. Jesse knew she shouldn't shoot for fear of making too

>much sound, so she knocked them all out with her sleep powder, from

>James's Victrebell. They continued down a long hall and finally came

>to James's cell. Two of the brats were in there with him.

>"James! James! Wake up!" He stirred, and awoke.

>"Jesse, what are you doing here? It's dangerous!" Get out of here!"

>"No. Meowth, where are you?"

>"Right here! I stole the key from the guard. Here." Jesse opened the

>door, and James woke Misty and Brock.

>"James, what are you doing?"

>"Believe me, we might need their help."

JOEL: (James) Misty's insistent crying, and Brock's nodding silence may come in handy!

>"All right, I trust you." They all got out, and just when they were

>about to escape,

CROW: . . . a minotaur attacked.

ANGIE: (James) I think we somehow stepped into the wrong story.

>"Well, well, well. I'm surprised! I didn't actually think that Jesse

>had a big enough heart to come to James's rescue." Ash laughed. "Well

>now, if you just hand over the pokémon, then I'll let Brock Misty and

>Meowth go. unfortunely, I can't just let you two off the hook. So

>Meowth, hand it over, and you'll be spared."

>"Never. Dese guys are my friends."

SERVO: But secretly, he's giving the ball to Ash and is preparing to run. . . .

>"How positively touching. I've got tears in my eyes.

JOEL: (Ash) It's hay fever season, and it always gets me. Visine!

>Pikachu, go get

>the pokéball. Pikachu, looking tired walked out of the shadows.

CROW: Hey, it was nice of Ash to narrate that part for us.

>"Pikachu! Use Agility to steal the pokéball quickly!"

>"Pikachu, don't! Please." Misty begged the electric rodent.

>"Pikachu?" it questioned. Pikachu suddenly turned to Ash. "Pi-

>pikachu?" (Are you really gonna do this?)

>"Yes Pikachu, we've been over this!"

ANGIE: Oh, how sad is this really? I mean, REALLY. When Ash's best friend won't listen to him.

SERVO: I'm not surprised.

JOEL: (ASh) Dammit, Pikachu, get the Pokéball! Don't make me bring out my paddle!

>"Pika." (Then I'm leaving.) Pikachu ran into Misty's arms.

>"Oh Pikachu, I knew you wouldn't do it!"

CROW: (Misty) YOU were the one I've always loved!

>"That's okay, after all, Pikachu was too weak anyway. Charizard, go!"

>The huge lizard came out.

>"Pokéball, go!" Meowth finally took action. He threw out the mystery

>pokémon. A huge white thing came out. James stared at it until his

>eyes hurt.

ANGIE: James, kinda stupid and--kinda stupid.

>It took shape. It was a huge bird, only it had two arms

>plus wings, and its feathers were all white.

ANGIE: Hey, wait a minute! That's Birdramon's ultimate form from "Digimon"!

>"What...is it?" asked Ash.

>"Don't you know?" asked Meowth.

ANGIE: I just told you! It's that Garudamon, or whatever her name was.

>"No, I was too scared to open it!

CROW: (Ash) And, let me tell you, I'm wetting myself profusely now!

>The huge white shimmering thing opened its mouth to speak.

>"Yu-Yuno Yudono." a glittery voice called out. "Yuno-yuno-yu." It

>sounded as though it were singing.

SERVO: Maybe THIS is what Missingno was supposed to look like.

JOEL: What a rip off, I want a Pokémon like THIS!

ANGIE: Maybe it'll be in Pokémon Gold and Silver.

>"Meowth, what'd it say?" asked Jesse.

>"I-I-It said.....My name is Yudono. Where is my Master?" Then he

>shook his head. "Yudono, I am your Master, me, Meowth!"


>"It says, you are the one that brought me out here, but you are not

>my Master. An honest mistake."

CROW: Like hell, he said something like, "Who took my yo-yo?"

>"Then, who is your Master, Yudono?" asked James bravely.

SERVO: (in French accent) Iz it Ernst Hemingway? NO! Because he iz an AMERICAN author!

>"Yudo! No-nodu!"

>"It says dat James is its master!"

>"But how.....am I......your Master?"

>"Yuno, yudo, yu-yu!"

>"It says dat it does not know itself, it only knows that it is you."

JOEL: You know, this would make a lot more sense if it were an SI author getting this magnificent Pokémon.

ANGIE: That's what makes it such a cool fanfic!

>"If I'm your Master, should I command you?"


>"It said, you are my Master, so you should decide."

>"In that case....fight that lizard!"


>"With what?"

>"I don't know your attacks!" The huge bird flew at Charizard and

>attacked with an attack somewhat like Wing Attack, only it attack

>with both wings, and then scratched with its talons. Charizard

>fainted on the spot.

>"Charizard, return! Go, Bulbasaur!" Yudono easily defeated all of

>Ash's pokémon. Then he yelled out, "Kill that bird!"

ANGIE: (James as Sora) No! Birdramon, I LOVE you! Ooops . . .

>"Yudono! Freeze them!" James yelled, not even sure how he knew it

>could. It froze all the henchmen, and all that was left was Ash.

CROW: (James) Now, stomp the little pip-squeak!

>Misty went over to him.


SERVO: (Ash) They offered me candy and an instant win at the Pokémon League, I couldn't help it!

>"Misty......I.....don't know......I love you, Misty."

JOEL: (Misty) Don't blame your turning evil on me, you little twerp!

>"Fine time to tell me Ash.

ANGIE: Then she kicked him in the shin and ran off giggling.

>You abandoned everybody you loved for

>power. Pikachu, Brock, me......." Her eyes turned downwards. Then she

>did the thing she had always wanted to do. She leaned forward and

>kissed him straight on the mouth. He kissed her back. Then she pulled


CROW: (Misty) No, I like Brock's kisses MUCH better.

>"I'm sorry, Ash. But........you have to be stopped."

>"I understand. I hope someday I'll be okay again."

SERVO: They're speaking as if EVIL is a thing that comes and goes, like a cold or the flu or something!

JOEL: (Misty) Maybe one day they will find the cure, Ash, it's a dream of mine.



>"Are you thinking, what I'm thinking?"

ANGIE: (Pinky) I think so, Brain, but how are we going to get the Yudono to do a tap dance?

CROW: (Brain) Sigh~

>"I....think so." And without finding out what she was thinking, he

>leaned in and kissed her. She didn't pull back as he had feared. They

>kissed longer and longer.

SERVO: (Jessie) JAMES!!!! Why are you kissing Misty!?

JOEL: (James) What? I thought it was you!

ANGIE: (James) The stupid narrator forgot to mention who was speaking!

CROW: (Jessie) That's your excuse for EVERYthing!

>In the background, Yudono went back into

>its pokéball.

SERVO: (Yudono) I need to go to the bathroom--gag!!!--

>Meowth gagged. And the music swirls as this scene is

>captured forever in Jesse and James's minds.

JOEL: We'd like to thank Eric Clapton for making a special appearance in our fanfic today.


ANGIE: Well . . . That was simple.

CROW: Next time I come across a psychotic guy, I'll get a gal and have her kiss him, thus giving me the win.

>>Jesse sat in a chair in front of a desk. James sits at a desk next to


>"Well James. We did it."

SERVO: (Jessie) We've both finally reached our dreams of becoming Office Ladies!

>"Yeah. We cleared Team Rocket's name." A young boy enters.

>"I'm here to challenge to leader of Viridian City gym!" Jesse looked

>at James, and then down on her very obviously eight month pregnant


JOEL: That's what she says, but she's actually been pigging out on Ho-ho's and Twinkies.

>"You'd better take this on James."

>"Right." He stood, and went to battle.

>>-The End-

ALL: (sigh dreamily)

ANGIE: That was lovely. (leans on Servo's fish bowl head)

SERVO: Awwww . . .

>>Author's note:

>>I had no idea where I was going with this story, but now that it's

>over, I think it was pretty good.

CROW: (author) A little strange, a little psycho, but good.

>Originally, it was just going to be

>about Team Rocket going into training, but it turned out even better,

>in my own humble opinion. Anyway, I'm glad I'm done writing it, but

>it was a lot of fun, so to all of those reading this, I hope you

>enjoyed my first Team Rocket Fanfic. Yay!! Ash is Evil!!!

ALL: Huzzah!



JOEL: What in the world?

ANGIE: Omigod, you're not telling me that . . .

SERVO: Hitmonchan was the Yudono?!

ANGIE: Dare I even think it?

CROW: How weird, an SI Pokémon . . .

JOEL: Nah, I think we're overreacting. I hope . . . We should ask her.

ANGIE: Hey, Hitmonchan, lady, person, thing! Were you the Yudono!?



>>Disclaimer-I don't own any of the characters in this story. They are

>all members of the TV series, Pokémon, which I watch and enjoy. Any

>similarities of this fanfic to another is purely coincidental.

ANGIE: (author) No way, no how, did I copy from Digimon.

JOEL: She more than likely didn't.

ANGIE: It was a remarkable coincidence, at least. C'mon, I'll show you.

(all exeunt)


Angie sat between Joel and Crow on the bridge, and she was putting the finishing touches on a drawing. She held it up and it was a quick sketch of the Yudono from the fanfic. It was white, with an eagle-like head, two arms, wings and legs. "From the short description in the fanfic, this is what I suppose the Yudono looks like."

"I kinda saw it in a blackish color," Crow stated skeptically.

"The description said WHITE!" she snapped at him.

"Crow, shush," Joel reprimanded calmly. "Let Angie continue with her paranoid examples."

She smiled at him, and sighed, "Thanks." Clearing her throat, she said in a normal voice, "Now, this sheet has a picture of Birdramon's evolution from 'Digimon.' " She held it up. "See, legs, two arms and wings. The head is different, since Hitmonchan didn't describe the head, and this Digimon evolution looks like a Native American style thing." She held up the Yudono next to the Digimon evolution, (whose name I have forgotten). "Now, imagine if the Yudono had this weird helmet thing on its head, and the Indian-like wear. Can't you see how I would mistake the Yudono for this Birdramon evolution?"

Crow and Joel studied both pictures for a bit, and after some consideration, Joel said, "I GUESS I can kinda see it--"

"No, Joel!" Crow barked angrily, surprising both the man and Angie. "I don't see the similarity!"

"You're just in denial!" Angie shrieked back.

"It's your fevered and delusional mind that's telling you they look alike! You imagined Yudono like that Indian bird thing, so that's why you think it looks like it. And I still say Yudono was black!"

"You JERK! It said WHITE! WHITE feathers!"

As they argued, Joel just sighed and turned to walk off to do some chores. But, just then, Gypsy "ran" in, looking worried. She stopped in front of the man and said in a low, and frightened voice, "Joel! Servo won't leave me alone! He keeps making me watch Bob Servo do the Pepsi trick from that one commercial!"

When he was about to say something soothing, Servo entered with the fishbowl. He was whole again, with his dome and right arm back, but he had grown attached to the goldfish Bob Servo and he was obsessing over it, like he is wont to do. "Joel, Gypsy, come look at this!"

Gypsy hid behind Joel's back and shook her head nervously "no." Joel patted her flashlight eye, saying, "I'll handle this, go see if you can make Crow and Angie stop arguing." When she left, he turned to Servo and asked, "What's all this about, Servo?"

The robot set the fishbowl down. "Well, Joel, Bob Servo is a talented little goldfish. Bob, play dead!" The fish rolled onto its back, floating up to the surface. Joel didn't know why, but this trick gave him the creeps. "Okay, now, watch. I'll get some Pepsi," Servo ducked under the desk as he spoke, leaving Joel to grimace and stare at this freakish fish. The red 'Bot popped back up, holding a Pepsi can in his arms. "Now, I will pour out a solitary drop of Pepsi, and Bob Servo will jump up to drink it!"

Shying back a step, Joel asked, "But--- is that healthy? Will Pepsi in a fish effect it like if you give a mouse Coke?"

"I dunno," Servo answered nonchalantly. "After twenty-six times in a row of this trick, Bob seems perfectly all right." Joel quirked an eyebrow. Bob Servo wasn't moving at all. "Now, Bob, here comes some Pepsi." He let out a drop, but Bob Servo did nothing. "Bob?" Servo began nervously, as a few drops of Pepsi landed on the fish, it never giving a reaction. "Bob? Bob!" He sobbed, hysterical, and peered into the bowl. "Bob! It's Pepsi! Get up and do the trick! Bob!" He dumped the whole can on the goldfish, then he dropped the can itself on the poor pet. He began to cry into Joel's side. "He seemed so healthy, Joel! What happened!?"

"Well, Servo, it's life, really." He put his arm around Servo, and led him away from the fishbowl. "Lemme tell you about the birds and the bees, okay?"

Servo sniffled loudly. "Okay, mister . . ."

As this happened, Gypsy had become intertwined with the argument.

"Crow, I have to agree with Angie. It does look a lot like--"

"NO! IT DOESN'T!" he yelled.

"YES, IT DOES!" Angie shouted back.

"NOoo--! Gag!!"

Angie had begun to throttle him. "It does SOOOO!!!!"

Meanwhile, down in Deep 13:

TV's Frank still laid sprawled out on the floor, dozens of Crow's "Beer" cans littered around him. Sluggishly, he reached for another can in a six-pack that was by his side. But before he could open it, a foam bat swung down and hit him square on the face. Frank was so "drunk," that this instantly knocked him out cold.

Dr. F stepped forward, the bat perched on his shoulder, and he told the unconscious man grimly, "Frank, this is an intervention." He held up the foam bat and whacked Frank's head a few more times, before noticing that the fanfic experiment had ended on the Satellite of Love.

He cleared his throat and straightened his tie, throwing the bat at Frank before saying, "Oh, uh, Joel. Uhm . . ." He rolled his eyes in thought. "I kind-of forgot to monitor your experiment, what-with Frank's drinking and all, soooo . . ." He grinned that evil grin of his. "So, you will be forced to watch it again." He reached for the button, "Tah-tah!"

Groaning, Frank came to, struggling to his hands and knees. Dr. F kicked back, hitting Frank right on the nose. "Intervention, Frank! Intervention!"


ALL FROM THE SOL: Fanfic sign! Again!?!?! Wahhhh!


I finished the second half! Great! And it wasn't as long as the first. ^_^

Haha! Birdramon's Ultimate form IS Garudamon! I found that out about 2 weeks after finishing this. ^_^

And that "Ernst Hemingway" joke came from a stupid, student-made video about France that Maelstrom had to watch. Imagine some French guy speaking English in a bad accent, talking about some café that Ernst Hemingway sat in, and then some old guy passing by and this French narrator saying, "Iz it Ernst Hemingway?" She said the narrator kept dissing on America, and during one part, they showed the "joy" of bread making in France where they make it fresh everyday and never using any "chemicals" like us stupid Americans. Sounds okay, right? Well, imagine these bread makers standing in their UNDERWEAR, and one of them hiking up their boxers and scratching their ass, then going back to kneading the bread! (lol) It still cracks ME up when I think of it! And then, then imagine a happy old lady eating said bread! -snort!- Sigh~ I hope I watch this movie next trimester in French. "These people are SWEDISH! See how they SLEEP! And they're SWEDISH!"

And, I don't know why, but in my own mind, I thought Dr. F kicking Frank in the face and saying, "Intervention, Frank! Intervention!" Was extremely funny. I'm probably the only one that has this feeling. . . .

Oh, and one more thing. Is it QUINN the Eskimo, or KWIM the Eskimo? Hmmm~

Hey, does anyone know where this quote is from?

???: True, I like comic books, but I don't like girls because I'm a homosexual.

I found it on a drawing sheet idea, and I didn't write where it came from. But it's odd and funny. ^_^

(o/~) Feeling GROOVY! (o/~)


"I'm.....looking for a good time. Is it possible to find one around here, big boy?"

"Sorry sweetheart, but I've got to work." the girl leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his waist.....Then she punched him really hard in the stomach and then hit him over the head with her fan, knocking him out. "Okay guys, come on!"......

"Good woik James!" said Meowth.

© 2000, (my first MSTing of the new year!), Jaimielée Rocket and Maelstrom

(Next "week's" episode:

"Episode Eighteen: Team Rocket's Day Off, Untitled Romance and Untitled Bashing")