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Units Deployed In Operation Desert Storm

Units Deployed In Operation Desert Storm


 III Corps Artillery                      Fort Sill, OK
 VII Corps Artillery                      Augsburg, Germany
 XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery           Fort Bragg, NC
 1st Armored Division                     Ansbach, Germany
 1st Calvary Division                     Fort Hood, TX
 1st Infantry Division (Mechanized)       Fort Riley, KS
 2nd Armored Division                     Fort Hood, TX
 2nd Corps Support Command                Stuttgart, Germany
 2nd Armored Division (Forward)           Garlstedt, Germany
 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment             Nuremberg, Germany
 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment             Fort Bliss, TX
 3rd Armored Division                     Frankfurt, Germany
 92nd MP Co. (Attached to 3rd AD)         Darmstadt,Germany
 A Co.26th Sig Bn                         Germany  
 3rd Arm. Divi. Combat Aviation Brigade   Frankfurt, Germany
 3rd Infantry Divisions                   Wuerzburg Germany
 7th Medical Command                      Heidelberg, Germany
 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade       Fort Bliss, TX
 43rd Air Defense Artillery               Fort Bliss, TX
 11th Combat Aviation Brigade             Illesheim, Germany
 12th Combat Aviation Brigade             Weisbaden, Germany
 13th Corps Support Command               Fort Hood, TX
 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized)      Fort Stewart, GA
 82d Airborne  Division                   Fort Bragg, NC
 52 AD                                    Fort Bragg, NC
 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)    Fort Campbell, KY
 197th Inftry Brgde (Mecha.) (Separate)   Fort Benning, GA
 HQ, Third U.S. Army                      Fort McPherson, GA
 HQ, VII Corps                            Stuttgart, Germany
 HQ, XVIII Airborne Corps                 Fort Bragg, NC
 7th Medical Command                      Germany
 5th Special Forces Group                 Fort Campbell, KY
 513th Military Intel. Brigade            Fort Monmouth, NJ
 HHB 6/41 Field Artillery                 Germany 
 533rd MI BN(3rd Armored Div.)            Germany
 759th MP BN, 16th MP Bge (ABN)           18th Airborne Corps,Ft.Carson,CO. 
 914th Med Det (OA)                       Germany
 75th Med Det (OA)                        Ft Meade MD.
 202nd Support Bn                         ?
 204th MI Bn                              Augsburg Germany
 Elements of the 66th MI BDE              Munich Germany
 Elements of the 527th MI Bn(CI)          k-town Germany
 24th Trans. Co.                          1st ID Ft.Riley, KS
                                 assigned to 7th Trans.Grp Ft.Eustis,Va
                                 fell under 180th trans Bn Ft.Hood TX
 3D41st Combat Support Hospital           Fort Sam Houston, Texas


*U.S. ground forces have formed into three separate groups for Operation Desert Storm. First is the 18th Airborne Corps, composed of the 82nd Airborne, the 101st Air Assault, and the 24th Mechanized Infantry. In addition, the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment and French forces are attached to this command.

Marines make up the second force. The 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions are combined in NE Saudi Arabia. The 1st is composed of the 1st, 4th, and 7th Marine Expeditionary Brigades and the 2nd comprises the 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade.

The main attack force is the 7th Corps, recently relocated from Europe. The 7th is composed of the 1st and 2nd U.S. Armored Divisions, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment. In addition, British tank units are attached to this force.

Selected Army Guard and Reserve Units
activated as part of
Operation Desert Shield/Storm

Major Combat Units

 1st Bn, 108th Armor                      Georgia
 1st Bn, 121st Infantry (Mechanized)      Georgia
 1st Bn, 141st Field Artillery            Louisiana
 1st Bn, 156th Armor                      Louisiana
 1st Bn, 198th Armor                      Mississippi
 1st Bn, 230th Field Artillery            Georgia
 2nd Bn, 121st Infantry (Mechanized)      Georgia
 2nd Bn, 156th Infantry (Mechanized)      Louisiana
 2nd Bn, 198th Armor                      Mississippi
 3rd Bn, 141st Infantry (Mechanized)      Texas
 3rd Bn, 156th Infantry (Mechanized)      Louisiana
 48th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized)       Georgia
 1st Bn, 142 Field Artillery Bde.         Arkansas
 2nd Bn, 142 Field Artillery Bde.         Arkansas
 142d Field Artillery Brigade             Arkansas
 152d Armored Bn                          Alabama
 155th Armored Brigade                    Mississippi
 256th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized)      Louisiana
 E Troop, 348 Armored Cavalry Regiment    Georgia
                         Other Units
 1241 Adjutant General Co.                Guard
 1207th Quartermaster Co.                 Guard
 1207th U.S. Army Hospital                Reserve
 314th Public Affairs Det.                Reserve
 322nd Mil. History Det.                  Reserve
 318th Chemical Co.                       Reserve
 907th Chemical Det.                      Reserve
 123rd Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 715th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 1208th Quartermaster Co.                 Guard
 1659th Transportation Det.               Guard
 490th Chemical Det.                      Reserve
 851st Combat Support Group               Reserve
 173rd JAG Det.                           Reserve
 81st Transportation Det.                 Reserve
 287th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 1167th Transportation Det.               Guard
 731st Combat Support Bn.                 Guard
 226th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 778th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 638th Ordinance Co.                      Guard
 1128th Transportation Co.                Guard
 377th QM Co (POL OPS)                    USAR   AL
 781st TRANS Co                           USAR   AL
 1208th QM Co (Water Pur)                 NGR  Lineville, AL

 299th Engineer Co.                       Reserve
 296th Medical Co.                        Guard
 374th Medical Co.                        Reserve
 1122nd Transportation Det.               Guard
 348th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 2221st Quartermaster Co.                 Guard
 2220th Transportation Co.                Guard
 419th Quartermaster Bn.                  Reserve
 316th Quartermaster Co.                  Reserve
 2668th Transportation Co.                Guard
 224th Transportation Det.                Guard
 1113th Transportation Co.                Guard
 343RD Air Amb Det                        USAR  Hamilton Field CA
 146th Mobile Aerial Port                 ANG, supporting VII Corp.
                                          & 3rd AD
 1157th Transportation Det.               Guard
 1158th Transportation Det.               Guard
 947th Med Co (CLR)                       NG   Pueblo

 142nd Medical Company		            Guard
 344th Military Police Co.                  Reserve
                    District of Columbia
 207th JAG Det.                           Reserve
 547th Transportation Co.                 Guard
 380th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 372nd Military Police Bn.                Guard
 834th AG Postal                          USAR
 3220th U.S. Army Garrison                Reserve
 337th Ml. Bn.                            Reserve
 160th Military Police Bn.                Reserve
 351st Military Police Co.                Reserve
 810th Military Police Co.                Reserve
 351st Adjutant General Co.               Reserve
 320th Military Police Co.                Reserve
 146th Transportation Det.                Reserve
 322nd Quartermaster Det.                 Reserve
 138th Aerial Surveillance Co.            Reserve
 743rd Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 325th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 325th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 873rd Quartermaster Det.                 Reserve
 347th Medical Det.                       Reserve
 442nd psc                                USAR
 461st Adjutant General Co.               Reserve
 3299th Dental Det.                       Reserve
 Operations Center Augmentation           Reserve
 3297th Army Hospital                     Reserve
 433rd Chemical Det.                      Reserve
 337th Ml Bn.                             Reserve
 1015th Combat Support Co.                Reserve
 145th Medical Det.                       Reserve
 190th Military Police Co.                Guard
 1148th Transportation Co.                Guard
 988th Combat Support Co.                 Reserve
 Third U.S. Army                          Reserve
 165th Quartermaster Co.                  Guard
 48th Armored Brigade                     Guard
 138 Med Collecting & Clearing Co.        Guard
 1138th Military Police Co.               Guard
 419th Transportation Det.                Reserve
 416th Engineer Command Det.              Reserve
 300th Adjutant General Det.              Reserve
 1544th Transportation Co.                Guard
 339th Transportation Det.                Reserve
 1244th Transportation Co.                Guard
 724th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 387th QM BN (POL TERM OPS)               USAR   Danville, ILL
 822nd MP CO                              USAR   Rosemont, ILL
 89th  MP BGDE,                           USAR
 22nd  Support Comm.                      USAR  ( in Dharan- customs)  
 800th MP BGDE                            USAR
 108 MED BN                               NG     CHICAGO, IL
 838th Transportation Det.                Guard
 209th Combat Support Co.                 Reserve
 209th Combat Support Co.                 Reserve
 358th MP Co.                             USAR
 425th QM Co.                             USAR  Jeffersonville
 1133rd Transportation Co.                Guard
 4249th Military Police Det.              Reserve
 915th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 358th MP Co.                             USAR

 170th Heavy Equip. Maint. Co. 	          Guard
 13th Quartermaster Det.                  Reserve
 129th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 842nd Quartermaster Co.                  Reserve
 475th Engineer Det.                      Reserve
 467th Engineer Det.                      Reserve
 3346th Dental Det.                       Reserve
 137th Transportation Det.                Guard
 217th Quartermaster Det.                 Guard
 2123 Transportation Det.                 Guard
 1087th Trans CO.                         Guard
 1086th Transportation Co.                Guard
 872nd Medical Det.                       Reserve
 1190th Deployment Control                Reserve
 1191st Transportation Terminal           Reserve
 1192 Transportation Terminal             Reserve
 1090th Transportation Det.               Guard
 1093rd Transportation Co.                Guard
 321st Logistics Center                   Reserve
 1083rd Transportation Co.                Guard
 3673rd Comp. Service Co.                 Guard
 256th Infantry Brigade                   Guard
 812th Med. Co. Air Ambulance             ANG
 159th MASH Unit                          ANG
 812TH AIR AMB CO                         NG New Orleans
 619th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 3620th Transportation Det.               Guard
 372nd Military Police Co.                Reserve
 352nd Civil Affairs Command	          Reserve Ft Meade
 417th Transportation Det.                Reserve
 1176th Transportation Terminal           Reserve
 200th Military Police Co.                Guard
 290th Military Police Co.                Guard
 400th Military Police Bn.                Reserve
 200th Transportation Det.                Reserve
 202nd Transportation Det.                Reserve
 46th JAG Det.                            Reserve
 704th Transportation Det.                Guard
 324th Adjutant General                   Reserve
 1058th Transportation Co.                Guard
 803RD MED GRP                            USAR  BOSTON MA
 5064th U.S. Army Garrison                Guard
 460th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 1009th Transportation Det.               Guard
 1461st Transportation Co.                Guard
 180th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 109th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 477TH AMB CO                             USAR Duluth, MN
 1181st Transportation Terminal           Reserve
 114th Military Police Co.                Guard
 365th Combat Support Det.                Reserve
 479th Ordinance Co.                      Reserve
 193rd Transportation Bn.                 Guard
 162nd Military Police Co.                Guard
 112th Military Police Bn.                Guard
 386th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 296th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 173rd QM Co (POL OPS)                    USAR   Greenwood, Miss 
 786th TRANS Co                           NGR    Greenwood, Miss
 624th Engineer Det.                      Reserve
 858th Combat Support Det.                Reserve
 1138th Military Police Co.               Guard
 358th MP Co.                             USAR
 370th Quartermaster Bn.                  Reserve
 1012th Combat Support Co.                Reserve
 172nd Transportation Co.                 Reserve
                         New Jersey
 253rd Transportation Co.                 Guard
 328th Transportation Det.                Guard
                         New Mexico
 281st Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 53nd Engineer Co.                        Reserve
                          New York
 211th Military Intel. Co.                Reserve
 1302nd Military Police Det.              Reserve
 10th Transportation Det.                 Guard
 139th Transportation Det.                Reserve
 142nd Transportation Det.                Reserve
 423 Medical Det.                         Reserve
 318th Transportation Agency              Reserve
 719th Transportation Co.                 Guard
 623rd Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 336th MED. DET.   *deactivated '96       Reserve
 401st Civil Affairs Co.                  USAR, supported 1st Armored Div & VII Corps
                       North Carolina
 991st Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 1450th Transportation Co.                Guard
 540th Quartermaster Det.                 Guard
 121st Transportation Det.                Guard
 1454 Transportation Co.                  Guard
 431st Quartermaster Det.                 Reserve
 805th Military Police co.                Reserve
 211th Military Police Co.                Guard
 398th Combat Support Co.                 Guard
 385th Transportation Det.                Reserve
 315th Quartermaster Det.                 Reserve
 210th Military Police Co.                Guard
 171st Combat Support Co.                 Reserve
 337th Ml Bn.                             Reserve
 382nd Public Affairs Det.                Guard
 3274th Army Hospital                     Reserve
 29th Transportation Det.                 Reserve
                        North Dakota
 132nd Quartermaster Co.                  Guard
 134th Quartermaster Det.                 Guard
 131st Quartermaster Det.                 Guard
 308th Engineer Det.                      Reserve
 2361 Mobile Signal Comm. Center          Reserve
 79th Quartermaster Det.                  Reserve
 1001st Combat Support Co.                Reserve
 758th Combat Support Co.                 Reserve
 828th Combat Support Co.                 Reserve
 837th Combat Support Det.                Reserve
 870th Combat Support Det.                Reserve
 342nd Military Police co.                Reserve
 838th MP Co.                             Guard
 350th Evac Hosp                          USAR Columbus
 641st Quartermaster Detachment           Army Guard

 2120th Combat Support Co.                Guard
 206th Transportation Det.                Guard
 1185th Transportation Terminal           Reserve
 442nd Combat Support Co.                 Reserve
 635th Quartermaster Det.                 Reserve
 298th Transportation Co.                 Reserve
 228th Transportation Det.                Guard
 475th Quartermaster Det.                 Reserve
 347th Quartermaster Co.                  Reserve
 131st Transportation Co.                 Guard
 14th Quartermaster Det.                  Reserve
 121st Transportation Co.                 Guard


365th ENG. BN., Reading, PA. Reserve (USAR)


387th Trans Co (PROVISIONAL) Fill from AD, USAR & NGR 377th Trans Co (PROVISIONAL) " " " " & " The 387th had COMMAND AND CONTROL of the AJUN Compound the night the SCUD hit. The units from PA would not have been in the building 24 hours earlier or later. Puerto Rico 394th Quartermaster Bn. Reserve 311th Quartermaster Co. Reserve 219th Quartermaster Det. Guard 276th Combat Support Co. Reserve 430th Combat Support Co. Reserve South Carolina 265th Quartermaster Det. Guard 596th Transportation Det. Reserve 3271st Army Hospital Reserve 3273rd Army Hospital Reserve 413th Chemical Co. Reserve 187th JAG Det. Reserve 132nd Military Police Co. Guard 747th Transportation Det. Guard 371st Chemical Co. Reserve 450th Ordinance Co. Reserve 941st Transportation Co. Reserve 120th Rear Area Operation Center Reserve 941st Trans Co USAR So. Carolina 251ST Evac Hosp NG Columbia SC South Dakota 57th Transportation Det. Guard 747th Transportation Det. Guard 452 Ordnance Co. Reserve Tennessee 332nd Medical Brigade Reserve, Nashville 130th Combat Support Ctr. Guard 176th Combat Support Det. Guard 3397th Army Garrison Reserve 776th Combat Support Co. Guard 251st Combat Support Co. Guard 1175th Quartermaster Co. Guard 360th Quartermaster Det. Reserve 212th Engineer Co. Guard 382 Medical Det. Reserve 1032d Trans Co NGR Bristol, TN 401st MP Co. (EPW) Disbanded USAR Nashville, TN 1174 TH TRANS CO (MPT) Army Guard 844TH ENGR. BN. (CBT) (HVY) USAR, Attached to the 20th En Bde Texas 4005th Army Hospital Reserve 327th Chemical Co. Reserve 302nd Military Police Co. Reserve 601st Transportation Det. Reserve 541st Transportation Det. Reserve 1104th Transportation Det. Guard 340th Combat Support Co. Reserve 383rd Quartermaster Co. Reserve 149th Adjutant General Co. Guard 15th Quartermaster Det. Reserve 644th Transportation Co. Reserve 114th Evac Hosp USAR San Antonio Utah 120th Quartermaster Det. Guard 142nd Military Intel. Bn. Guard Virginia 91st Transportation Det. Reserve 145th Transportation Det. Reserve 986th Medical Det. Guard 1033rd Transportation Co. Guard 986th Air Amb Det NG 424th Tansportation Co. AR, Ft Eustis Washington 144th Transportation Det. Guard 907th Engineer Platoon Reserve West Virginia 328th Quartermaster Det. Reserve 313th Military Police Det. Reserve 646th Quartermaster Co. Reserve 388th Quartermaster Det. Reserve 351st Ordnance Co. USAR,Active? Wisconsin 432nd Civil Affairs Group Reserve 304th Transportation Det. Reserve 343rd Transportation Det. Reserve 826th Ordnance Co. Reserve 107th Combat Support Co. Guard 340th Transportation Det. Reserve 1122nd Transportation Det. Guard 890th Transportation Co. Reserve 1158th Transportation Co. Guard 13th EVAC Hospital Army Nat'l Guard 44th MASH Unit Reserve

USAF Reserve Units Deployed

64th AES (Aero Evac Unit) USAF Reserves, Dobbins ARB, GA

USN Reserve Units Deployed

PWC Subic Bay USNR 286th Fleet Hosp.#22, became #6 USNR, Midwest area Mobile Construction Battalion #20 USNR

USMC Reserve Units Deployed

1st Bn, 25th Marine Regt. USMC Reserves, NH, MA, NY, and ME 3rd Bn, 25th Marine Regt. USMC Reserves, only certain elements 12th Marine Artillery Regt. USMC Reserves, only certain elements

USAF Units Deployed

5th Combat Command USAF 20th Special Ops Squadron USAF Special Ops Comm. 354 tfw USAF

USN Units Deployed

Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74 USN (SeaBees) Kabrit, Kafji, Kuwait City, Manefa, Bahrain, Al Jubail, & Al Mishab.

USMC Units Deployed

MWSS 273 USMC 3rd Marine Regiment Hawaii 2nd Supply Bn. 2nd FSSG.Ammo Co. Camp Lejeune, NC HMLA 367 Camp Pendleton

US Coast Guard Deployed

Port and Security Unit 303 USCG