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Climate Regions of North America

Study the map, then answer the questions below

1. What is the major climate in the area of the United States directly north of the Gulf of Mexico?


2. What are the two places in North America that mostly have cold, wet climates?


3. What type of climate does the West Indies have?


4.Where can you find a region with a climate that is hot and wet all year?


5. In general, which part of North America is the driest, the eastern part or the western part?


6. Compare the differences in the climate regions of Mexico with those of the United States, except for Alaska.




7. Compare the differences in the climate regions of Canada with those of the United States, except for Alaska.




8. Compare the climates north of 40 degrees N with the climates south of 40 degrees N.



9. What kind of climate is found in high mountains?


