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My Virtual Award Site

I had recieved this Angel Award on 4-26-99 for expressing Love,Poetry and/or Spirituality..I would like to thank Angel for awarding me this award..I will treasure this award and her with my very all!!!
Angel's Homepage

  • This was awarded to me for visiting one of my favorite sites as you all know I love to crochet and basically mess with anything that is crafty...


    This was awarded to me on {5-16-99)Thank you Kimmy~!

    This was awarded to me on {5-17-99} Thank you ~!
    You should visit this site I loved it :)...~!

  • Niks Crafty Room
  • This is an award given to me by one of my truest and dearest friend Nikki thank you girl love ya...

    This is another award I just recieved...This is making my day I love knowing that I am doing a good job thanks you all~!

    I just recieved this award from a really kewl person..Thank you Ryan....It feels good to know that someone out there loves angels just as much as myself~!

    Stop in and see Ryan's Site it is so kewl..*S*
    Ryan's Page

    Amberswords Page
    Thank you

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