Dealing with difficult customers
“Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the
rest as it happens.” Epictetus
Nothing can ruin your day like dealing with a difficult customer.
Luckily, most customers
(depending on your job) are pleasant. So, what can we do to help
prevent burnout and increased stress as we deal with the difficult
What you can say to yourself:
I will not allow the difficult, unpleasant person to make
me upset, angry, or frustrated. I will not allow this person (who I
hardly even know) to ruin my day, or make me unhappy, because in the
scheme of things this person is not important enough to control my
life (is anybody, really?)
Be clear about your goals when dealing with a difficult customer. A
normal reaction may be to want to get even, but will usually have a
negative effect. Instead, be practical and realistic here. For
Goals: I want to deal with this person
professionally. I want to end this nasty interaction as
quickly as possible (which means NOT throwing gasoline on the fire).
You do not have to like the nasty person, but for your own benefit
you should continue to act professionally and calmly, and to avoid
anything that will prolong the interaction. It is to your benefit to
do so.
Successful employees often take a mindset similar to:
When this customer is gone, I want to look back at the way
I acted (regardless of how it turned out), and say, with pride, that
I acted professionally, and constructively, and did not stoop to the
childish (aggressive, nasty, etc.) level of the unpleasant customer.
I never ever want to feel that I acted badly.
The reason you should work to learn how to defuse angry people is
FOR YOU. The benefits and advantages of doing so are overwhelming in
terms of reducing stress, enjoying the job, and feeling a sense of
job satisfaction.
Information from
“No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys.”
Doug Horton
Tips on handling difficult customers while retaining your
sanity and your self-respect:
• Make sure you’re not the one being difficult: If you
occasionally encounter difficult customers, that’s simply the price
of doing business. But if most of your customers are being
difficult, perhaps you should have a little talk with the person in
the mirror.
• If a difficult customer wants to “pick a fight,” don’t be drawn
into his or her craziness: it’s not worth it, and besides, you can’t
• Remain calm: a few deep breaths and some rational self-talk should
• If you’re not sure how to respond, don’t say anything: resist the
temptation to make the best speech you’ll ever regret.
• Don’t let one customer ruin your day: after the unpleasantness is
over, forget about it and get on with your life. And don’t waste
time thinking about what you “should have said.”
• Think of all the great customers you serve and forget about the
lousy ones: Most people are basically good, thank goodness!
Process for Helping Difficult Customers
The following describes a process that can help as you deal
with difficult customers:
1. Let customers vent
• Find out what is on the customers’ mind (listen).
• Discover what the customers think will resolve the issue.
2. Offer to help
• Once customers have stopped venting, they are ready to get down to
resolving the problem. Your offer of help signals your willingness
to participate in the process of resolving their problem.
• “Let’s see if we can work together to help you”.
3. Get to the root of the problem
• Active listening, Asking open-ended questions.
4. Define success for the interaction
• Success may not be defined by total resolution of the problem or
5. Offer a solution
• Paraphrase the customers’ problem and its cause as you understand
• Identify the solution you are ready to implement. This can be
either the total resolution of the issue or the success you can give
the customer at this time.
Remember the success must match the customers and be
something they will value.
• Explain why the success leads to getting the customers’
problem resolved.
6. Gain verbal agreement
• “Do you think my proposed step will resolve this problem for you?
7. Present a roadmap of the next steps
TIP: Once finishing with a difficult customer,
if possible, take a few minutes to regroup
before working with your next customer.