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Quotes by Not-So-Famous People
(a.k.a. my friends)
Fall 2000

Abstinance makes the head grow weaker. -Me

Melissa can be our....fuck. -Me

They don't sell shampoo at On-Cue or the liquor store. -Me

If you are in the vicinity of a black hole, I don't think you'd be running a space program. -My astronomy teacher

You can talk amongst yourselves about the universe. -My astronomy professor

Are you guys in the back back now? We are going to the universe. -My astronomy professor


Is my head an isosoles triangle?
-Philip, Tonya

What's my name?
-Philip, Jessi

You bummy bummy bum bum bum bum ba ba ba ba ba ba ba boo boo boo be be be ba ba ba ba. -Philip

I can't wait for the day when I'm considered "not ass". -Jessi

This was an interesting article on how forensics could be used to link victims in one or more different murders to one murderer by examining the signatures used by the murderer in the different murders. -John

Why can't you be quiet when we cheat? -John

It's so cold, poor little [girl]'s fat roll just about froze off! -Tonya

What would you do without me?
I would stink and be hairy.
-Tonya, Sara

You have to consumate twice. -Tonya

This is very much completely wrong. -My music theory teacher

Are you drink yet? -Melissa

I'll show some boobs! I'll show Tonya's! -Melissa

Move the chips; I'm gonna dance! -Melissa

Everyone should do a "T.J. Check" every time they enter a room. And if there's no T.J. there, they should be sad. -T.J.

I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but she's really stupid. -T.J.

Yep, that's upside-down as hell. -T.J.

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