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Last Updated . . .

August 20, 2002 (Tuesday) - Updated the Not-Famous section. And forget about that "changing the background color" thing.

May 26, 2002 (Sunday) - Yeah, I know, it's been a damn long time. But I'm back now; everything is ok! My new system is going to be to change the background color every time I update.

March 4, 2001 (Sunday) - A long-overdue update was in order.

December 16, 2000 (Sunday) - Added one Unknown quote and updated the Not-Famous section.

October 9, 2000 (Sunday) - Updated and added a Fall 2000 Not-Famous section.

August 17, 2000 (Thursday) - Updated all sections!

August 6, 2000 (Sunday) - Update. Also, moved a quote that was formerly "Unknown" to the Famous Section, thanks to the help of alert reader Sylvain Porret.
Here is the correction: "Here is my secret. It is very simple: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eyes." -Antoine de-St. Exupery

July 18, 2000 (Tuesday) - Not Famous update.

July 3, 2000 (Monday) - Update. I finally added a Summer 2000 section. I just realized that this page has stuck with this same format for over a year! Do you think I should change the format or not? Let me know. (By signing the guestbook or e-mailing me at

June 1, 2000 (Thursday) - Updated the Famous and the Not Famous section.

May 19, 2000 (Friday) - Update.

April 24, 2000 (Monday) - Big fat update. You may notice the new search engine powered by Very exciting stuff. Go use it.
I also decided to do away with the categories page. It was too much work and caused me to not want to update the Famous section. If you want a quote on a certain subject, search for it!

April 15, 2000 (Saturday) - Update in the Not Famous section.

March 25, 2000 (Friday) - Updated the Not Famous section with things I found written on a napkin from before Spring Break. Hmmm, I bet the people at would be proud.

March 19, 2000 (Sunday) - Huge update in the Not Famous section. This is mostly because of Spring Break and our trip to Panama City Beach. Heh.

March 6, 2000 (Monday) - I am trying to get a mailing list started from Sign up for it, please, so I will know if it works.

March 4, 2000 (Saturday) - Updated.

February 28, 2000 (Monday) - I didn't really update. Since June 13, 1999 I had a counter from and apparently is now dead. So I have a new counter. Not being able to remember exactly what the counter said I decided to start this one at 2000. As an added bonus, I updated the Not Famous page. Doesn't that count for something?

February 6, 2000 (Sunday) - Updated. Also changed some of the names with multiple people (Amanda, Chris) so that they have an initial beside them.

January 28, 2000 (Friday) - Revisions! Woohoo! I added a page of categories so you can find quotes on different subjects. Also, I further divided up the Not-So-Famous People section.

December 31, 1999 (Friday) - Updated. Also fixed several errors pointed out to me by Eric. Thank you, Eric. I would just like to say Happy New Year to you all and I hope we don't all die in a nuclear explosion. (I am remaining positive!)

December 4, 1999 (Saturday) - Updated.

November 13, 1999 (Saturday) - Updated. That's about it.

October 19, 1999 (Tuesday) - Updated. Thinking about adding a mailing list. Let me know what you think about this.

October 4, 1999 (Monday) - Added Amanda's quote. Just so you know - the reason it wasn't on there before is because I lost the little piece of paper it was written on. Sorry!

October 3, 1999 (Sunday) - Updated. I also added an "Archive" of the nonfamous quotations. This is to separate them a bit. Perhaps in a few years we will look back on all this and be, like, "I remember that year, aw yeah." or something.

September 12, 1999 (Sunday) - Updated. From now on, I am going to update whenever I feel like it. Neener neener.

August 16, 1999 (Monday) - "Weekly update". Ha! Sorry this is so outdated, but I have been exceedingly busy. I fear that the weekly update may soon change to monthly update or something.

August 1, 1999 (Sunday) - Weekly update. Sorry there aren't many new quotes this week. I have been all kinds of busy.

July 25, 1999 (Sunday) - Weekly update. Also, redesigned the top of the main page.

July 23, 1999 (Friday) - Add an "H" after Jason H's quote to avoid any confusion with Jason D.

July 19, 1999 (Monday) - Finally get to finish updating.

July 18, 1999 (Sunday) - Learn the importance of having backup files. Due to this unfortunate incident, the weekly update is postponed.

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