Why Pay Attention to Sacred Geometry?
Sacred Geometry is an ancient science and a key to
understanding the way the universe is designed. It is a
"map" of the step
by step movements that Spirit makes as it moves
from pure energy into matter, to create the physical
world as we know it. It
is the "language" of creation which exists at the
foundation of all life. It is these repeating geometric
patterns that are the
basic building blocks of our physical bodies, the
plants and animals, the planets, solar systems, stars,
galaxies and
The basic geometric shape is a spiral form that is
seen abundantly in nature in seashells and sunflowers.
This design is
called a toroid and can be seen in its 2
dimensional form on the Merkaba Repatterning cards. The
3 dimensional form looks
like a donut and is called a tube torus. A
math tutor can
help you learn more about this type of geometry.
This design carries the blueprints or codes of
creation down through the multidimensional matrix,
toroids within toroids
forming a framework where matter begins to
coalesce as it descends into more dense levels of
creation. It forms sacred
geometric energy fields around every natural thing
and being in the universe. It is this energy field that
gives birth to matter. It
has been described as the formative matrix, the
field of formative causation or the morphogenetic
In it's simplest form the
geometry of this field
is a star tetrahedron. When this sacred geometric shape
is set spinning on a
computer, the first shape it forms is a tube
torus. These star tetrahedron fields of crystalline
energy and information that
surround the body are referred to in ancient texts
as the Merkaba. This Merkaba field carries our etheric
blueprint and is
made up of tiny crystalline geometries that
frequently are "stuck" and are not moving in a coherent
fashion. This is where the
majority of our karmic patterning is stored.
So what is the point of all this? For one thing
the activation and spinning of the Merkaba field clears
distorted, incoherent
energy patterns that are stuck there, these
patterns are creating our "karmic" experiences. In
addition, our physical bodies
follow the blueprints that are stored within this
coded informational geometric grid. When we remember
that the Law of
Alchemy states: "Whenever you change the energy,
you change the manifestation of the mass", we begin to
see the
importance of accessing and altering the energy in
this field of formative causation.
This allows a deeper connection to our Higher Self
for healing and accessing greater states of awareness
and some believe
it to be the key to the transition to the 4th &
5th dimensional levels. As if that weren't enough to
pay attention to, we now have
the science of quantum physics telling us that the
driving force behind this manifestation energy into
matter is the intent of
consciousness. So it follows that if we can access
and activate our memory of how to manipulate these
sacred geometric
fields by our intent of consciousness, then quite
possibly we could coalesce matter from the sea of
energy we live in -
manifesting the fishes and the loaves.