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Hello all! Welcome to mah group pix album. I know da pix are kinda blurry. Sowwie....I'll try to scan dem clearly next time aight? ^_^

Datz iz mah sista and I at da border between da U.S. and Canada.

The 1st row from L 2 R: Tha?o-my sister, Tina, and Thie^.n
The 2nd row L 2 R: Ho^`ng, Ha(`ng, A'nh, and I...
Dis pic was takin' on mah sista's birthday.

Datz da Homecoming pic of mah friends and I...Da guy with black or blue vest name'z Quoc and da other guy name'z Danh (he'z mah bo^' tre~ hehehe j/k). Da girl with dark red dress iz mah sista - Thao. Da one sat in da middle iz mah best friend - Anh. And of course da last one iz meh! heheh ^_~