It's fun to sit back and laugh at the experiences we had,
not only of ourselves, but sharing those of others...
Back in the old drinking days,
When it really wasn't all that funny, and sometimes even disgusting.
You Might Be An Alcoholic If: loose your car at least once a week. think alcohol abuse is spilling your drink. buy your morning drink with a roll of pennies.
...on the way to the bathroom, someone's always stepping on your hands. don't have any friends, just drinking buddies. quit calling in sick. You let your wife do it. pee in the kitchen sink while mixing another drink.
...selling beer cans seems like a weekly bonus. celebrate getting out of jail by getting drunk. decorate your Christmas tree with chains of beer tabs. visit to a friend's house is complete until
you've puked on their carpet.
...your job is interfering with your drinking.
...the toliet seat keeps hitting you in the back of the head. think the sun shining in your face is God's flashlight telling you to get up and go home. throw-up on purpose so you can hold more.'s normal to drive with one eye shut so not to see double. order a keg of beer for your kid's first birthday party. measure distance by how many beers it takes to get there.
...your main prayer is "God, get me out of this and I'll never drink again". get the shakes so bad you could thread a sewing machine while it's running. think your only drinking problem is when you're out. are getting to the point that you're throughly disgusting.