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Hi, Thanks for visiting my page, I am 41 and thats an old picture. I live in Tennessee. I enjoy reading jokes, so feel free to forward them to me.. I like listening to ALL types of music, drinking Dr.Pepper, playing softball in the summer, roller skating in the winter and traveling, even though I don't get a chance to travel very much.. I will be adding new links from time to time..So you may visit my page anytime you like.. If you would like to chat sometime you can find me Lady_Anna_Belle on yahoo or email me.

MyGlamor Shot


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Special Thanks...

I would like to thank everyone who sends me jokes and forwards.Some times I get funny stories, sad stories, amazing stories, unbelievable stories, but the jokes really make my day.. Thanks for making me smile..

Paul, MichaelW, Juanett. LadyBlueEyes, MikeL, JanTeacup, CrystalSue40 Mr.Pogo, HotPepper, Liza, Relo, Shannon, LoriFlower, BeefyBuns, DevilBis, Carmen, Lynn, Cybermoose, Yorkie, Addie-Rose, Sparkle and anyone I may have missed.

Keepem comming...
*If you would like to be added to my joke list*
*email me*
This page was made by Me on 12/5/96...Updated on 12/25/04...Viewed best with Webtv or Netscape.

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