Obits. for George W. Dismukes
Accident Report & obit. for Gaston Barbee Dismukes Sr.
Ada, Oklahoma News Reports
The following information is the property of the submitter and may NOT be used for profit or gain, nor shall it be reproduced without written consent.
From: seaweed@brightok.net, Jackie Uhles submitter
(Jackie is the descendent of Mollie Dismukes daughter of George W. Dismukes.)
Date: Thu, Jul 15, 1999
Subject: DISMUKES->Oklahoma
"From the Ada News"
"George Williams Dismukes Dies at age of 82 Born in Tennessee, Lived in Ada nine years. Served throughout the Civil War."
(From Saturdays Daily.)
"After an illness extending over a year which a few days ago developed into pneumonia, but assumed an alarming stage only Thursday evening. George Williams Dismukes, one of the oldest and highest honored citizens of Ada and Pontotoc County, quietly passed into the great beyond Friday evening at 7:15 Death occurred at the home of G. B. Dismukes, a son on thirteenth and Broadway streets, with whom he has made his home since coming in this city."
"Native of Tennessee George W. Dismukes was born in middle Tennessee on August 31, l827,being at the time of his death 82 years four months and 28 days of age. He came to Ada nine years ago and has been here continously since that time, He was first married in the year of l853 at Pittsburg, N. C. and his wives, of which there were four, have been dead for many years."
"Deceased was a devoted christian, being a member of the Baptist denomination, and his death calls for sympathy of a great number of friends. A Confederate Veteran. Then the great Civil war broke out Mr. Dismukes was one of the first to enlist and, shouldering his gun, he went into the conflict and did valiant service through the entire four years."
"The funeral service was conducted at his son's home this afternoon at three o'clock the body interred in Rosedale Cemetary."
July 3, l9l9 Ada Evening News"
"Pioneer Citizen Risks Life to Save Boys in Front of Auto."
(From Thursdays Daily. BULLETIN Later-)
"Mr. Dismukes died at 2:45 this afternoon."
"G. B. Dismukes, for nineteen years one of the best known citizens of Ada, lies at the point of death in a local hospital as a result of an accident at the Frisco passenger station this afternoon."
"The accident took place at l:50 o'clock. Mr. Dismukes was driving in his Ford mail truck to meet the Santa Fe train which comes in at that time. A
troop train was coming south on the Frisco and several boys were crossing the railroad to see the soldiers."
"Mr. Dismukes started to cross the Frisco but was forced to slow down his machine to avoid running over the boys. Before he had had time to clear the track his car was struck by the engine and crushed to pieces. The car was thrown down the embankment east of the railroad and his mangled body
thrown onto the small bridge just south of the crossing."
"Mr. Dismukes son Gaston, was soon on the scene and he was taken to the hospital for treatment. It was found that both legs were broken, the right leg in two places, his side and head crushed, and other injuries received which make his recovery almost impossible. The doctors say they hold out no hope."
"Five doctors were called in to dress his wounds."
"Gaston Barbee Dismukes was hit by a train and killed on June 27, 1919.
He went to meet a troup train that was supposed to stop, and did not slow down going through town. He had a choice of hitting some young boys who were there to see the train or slowing down. He almost made it accross the tracks and was hit by the train, dying about 2 hours later in the doctors
"He was born near Orehill, N. C. in l854. He came to Miss as a small boy and then to Grayson Co. Texas where he married Miss Francis Hall. They were the parents of 9 children, Walter of VanCover Washington, B. J. of Coosa Okla, Mrs. Will Ritchie, Glendora, Calif., Mrs. S. W. Taylor of Sasakwa, and Cleveland H. Dismukes of Stonewall."
"Rev. C. C. Morris preached the sermon. He was a mail carrier between the train and the postoffice for 8 years."
(*Hit the back key to return to the Dismukes Surname Page.)