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Lewallen Reunion 2000 Pg 4

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Group Photo

Photo taken on day 1 of the Lewallen Reunion 2000.

Descendents of Daniel Luallen.


Relaxing after a big lunch are Fran & Floyd Flynt from Arkansas and Berni Schapiro from Ohio.

Family gathering

In this picture are members of the Florence Lee Lewallen Dismukes family.
left->right= Luther Dismukes(in the background) came all the way from Oklahoma; Ardelia Dismukes Schapiro from Ohio; Susie Dismukes Ward of Oklahoma; Fran(daughter of Luther) & Floyd Flynt from Arkansas; Ida Dismukes Overby from Oklahoma with her daughter Sharla Robbins standing with her back to the camera also came from Oklahoma to see family and share in the fun.