Military Info Page 2
This page last updated: 09/12/2002
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Information is on all my family surnames, however, the information may NOT all be related to my actual ancestors.
Tennessee Records
1890 Civil War Veteran Census Tennessee
(*From the book of the same title by
Name of Veteran: current residence:
enumeration district: survey#: name of
widow if any: veteran alias names if
any: rank: unit: dates of enlistment &
discharge: P.O. Address: disability
incurred: remarks by census taker:
(*I also include the page in the book
the name and info appears.)
DISMUKES, Robert: D-87-2: Pvt: A Co.
111th TN Inf.: 1/1864-66: Nashville PO:
prisoner 9 months. (pg85)
LEWELLING, Alford M.: He-571: Pvt: G Co.
6th TN Inf.: 3/1862-11/1862: Law PO:
Conf?. (pg189)
LEWALLEN, Campell: S-213-3: Pvt: I Co.
12th KY Inf.: 11/10/1861-65: Glenmary
PO: rheumatism, loss of hearing. (pg189)
LEWALLEN, John: A-13-3: Pvt: B Co. 1st
TN Inf.: 6/1/1863-8/1865: Prosise PO:
diarrhea. (pg189)
LEWALLEN, John: S-216-1: Pvt: B Co. 1st
TN Vol.: 8/1/1861-65: Huntsville PO:
blind. (pg189)
LEWALLEN, William: S-213-1: Pvt: A Co.
1st TN Inf.: 6/1861-65: Huntsville PO:
head and lungs, from measels in army.
LEWALLING, John W.: D-138-3: Susan widow
of: Pvt: 9/1864-4/10/1865: Glass PO:
Conf. (pg189)
LUALLEN, James W.: C-24-2: Pvt: I Co.
9th TN CAV.: Agee PO: lung-affects of
mumps. (pg195)
LLEWLLYN, William: K-161-2: Pvt: I Co.
9th TN CAV.: ?-1865: Knoxville PO:
wounded in the back. (pg192)
Tennessee Pensioners War of 1812
(*From book of same title by Zella
DISMUKES, Paul: 1832, age 71, served in
VA line, drew pension in Jackson County,
TN. (pg36)
Records of Commissions of Officers
In the Tennessee Militia 1765-1815
(*From book of the same title compiled
by Mrs. John Trotwood Moore.)
DISMUKES, Daniel: Ensign: 20th Reg.:
7/11/1814: Davidson County Commissions.
HEARN, George: Ensign: 35th Reg:
6/9/1812: Overton County Regiments.
HEARN, Howell: Ensign: (Volunteer)
Company of men not subject to militia
duty: 8/31/1813: Overton County
Commissions. (pg210)
LEWELLEN, Charles: Lieutenant in
Volunteer Rifle Company attached to 13th
Regiment: 10/1/1813: Anderson County
Commissions. (pg196)
Roster of Soldiers from North Carolina
in the American Revolution
(*From the book of the same title by
Baltimore Genealogical Publishing
TYLER, Moss entry#91413
TYELR, Moses #403, Pvt, musc., Taylor's
Company 10th Regiment- Col. Abraham
Sheperd: served 3 yrs.
TYLER, Owen #89602, 90881, 91536: Pvt.
Rainford's Company: served 84 months and
was granted 640 acres 10/25/1783 by
C.Ivey. (pg238)
TYLER, Thomas entry#22; #90497
TYLER, William: Pvt, Wilson's Company
10/1/1777 3 yrs service 10th Reg. Destd.
TYLER, Owen entry#1133:granted 640 acres
in Davidson County, TN on the middle
fork of Barton's Creek. (pg105&157).
TYLER, Owen: III #1183, assigned by John
Murley, Private.
ROACH, Jordan: entry#533: granted 400
acres 1783 Washington County, TN,
"joining William Cobb and Callihan's
lines". (pg13).
1st Arkansas Union Infantry
Owen, Aaron
Owen, Francis M.
Owen, John
Owens, James
Owens, John
Owens, William
2nd Arkansas Union Infantry
Owen, James F.
Owen, Walter B.
Owen, William B.
Owens, George B.
Owens, William
3rd Arkansas Union Cavalry
Rank of PVT.
Owens, Charles
Owens, Harvey C.
Owens, Thomas
Owens, Thomas D.
Owens, Zachariah
4th Arkansas Union Cavalry
Owen, William
Owens, George W.
Owens, Henry
14th Arkansas Confederate Infantry
Owen, William
Owens, J.W.
Owens, Rufus
27th Arkansas Confederate Infantry
Rank of PVT.
Owen, T.H.
Owens, Jessee R.
Owens, Rufus
Owens, William
Owens, Zack
8th Alabama Infantry
Owens, Lewis G. PVT Co. A.
10th Alabama Cavalry
Owens, Marquis L. PVT Co. -?-.
11th Alabama Cavalry
Owen, James S. PVT Co. K.
Owens, James PVT Co. D.
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