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Currently, we live in middle Tennessee, near Cookeville.  Part of the family lives up north, in the beautiful bluegrass state of Kentucky.  Family interests include horses, gardening, roses, beef cattle, coon hounds, and doing things together.  With four generations of us and site visitors providing input, we hope to have an interesting web site.

The boys grew up, got married, now have children of their own, Grandkids so...., after a long career in the military, we thought about settling down and spending some quite time in a relaxed atmosphere.  Were we wrong or what?  Two sons, two daughters-in-law, two granddaughters, two grandsons, and two mothers-in-law keep us on-the-go.  We still dream though, of one day settling down and spending some quite time together in a relaxed atmosphere.  The only difference is that now we realize that when that time arrives, we will probably be old-old-old and the rocking chairs will be our "relaxed atmosphere."

Our kids started arriving in the mid-60's, puttering around with gardening has been an on-going affair for many years, and Appaloosa horses joined our family in 1982.  Our oldest son got involved with beef cattle in 1992/1993 but has kept a full-time job that has kept him going in the recent periods of roller coaster cattle markets.  His wife works full-time also.  He also has a love for Treeing Walker Coonhounds and that can become a time-consuming situation -- work away on a job-site during the week, make the long drive home, tend to the cattle, then spend a night or two in the woods with the hounds.  That can get a feller in hot water with a wife, if you know what I mean!  The younger son loves to hunt and fish, and feels that work sure does interfere with those two habits.  But, he's keeping a job to support those habits.  Now, as most folks know, deer hunters and fishermen can modify a true story to a degree seldom matched by anyone but a few of the top politicians and some of the better-known lawyers.  He has, however actually killed a couple of deer and caught a few fish.    They have been known to spend a lot of time in the woods during deer season, and more than a few nights on the lake with fishing poles.  She also works full-time to "support their habits."

Ethan and Seth 1999
Ethan and Seth, June 1999
(Click on photo above for more photos)

Garry, Jack, Ethan
Male bonding,
down home style
Garry, "Jack," & Ethan
Since around 1992/1993, my wife has spent considerable time and effort planting, caring for, replacing, feeding, weeding, and battling Japanese Beetles in an attempt to have some roses between the house and the barn lot.  She has produced some really beautiful flowers.  Hopefully, we will one day save enough of these beautiful flowers from the Japanese Beetles in order to get a few nice pictures and maybe enter a couple of the flowers in our local county fair. 

I've been dabbling with this computer and trying to learn a little about HTML and building web pages.  I found some real help in a couple of fellows, Joe Barta's Web Tutor at Professional Web Design, and Joe Burns at HTML Goodies.  Joe and Joe are helping this Joe learn something about HTML.

Thanks for dropping by our web site.  Enjoy.  Come back and visit now and then.

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