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What are chakras?
The word "chakra" is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel." They are 7 main points (with several dozen others) that are basically the energy centers for the body.
The first chakra is the ROOT or BASE chakra at the bottom of the spine. This chakra is associated with the color RED. It is a very important center as it has so much effect upon the rest of the body. Stress can be easily relieved by working with this chakra.

The second chakra is known to some as the SACRAL chakra- it's point is linked to sexuality as well as the spleen area. This chakra is associated with the color ORANGE.

The third chakra is the SOLAR PLEXUS & is located just below the navel. This chakra is associated with the color YELLOW. There is often a great amount of physical energy and power within this chakra or emanating from it. This chakra is also the psychic store- house of mystical energy. This chakra is said to direct our awareness of self within the world. This is the seat of our emotional life and existence.

The fourth chakra is the HEART chakra. Connected to love and compassion. This chakra is the center of feelings of love, harmony and peace. It is located in an area in the center of the chest, between the two nipples. The colors associated with this chakra are GREEN and PINK. The heart chakra is used to help people suffering from emotional traumas and problems in their relationships.

Fifth is the THROAT chakra. Linked to individual creativity and communication. It is located in an area which corresponds to the center of the throat. The colors associated with this chakra are either BLUE or TURQUOISE. When people suffer from headaches (perhaps migraine) and tension within the neck and shoulder muscles  Often the basic cause is that the throat chakra has become blocked.

Coming in sixth is the BROW or THIRD EYE chakra. This chakra forms the seat of both intuition and also awareness. It is seen as the seat of perception, often perception beyond our physical senses. This chakra is located between the two brows on the forehead. The color most associated with this chakra is PURPLE.

And last is the seventh- The CROWN chakra. This chakra links to the persons spiritual connection with the universe around them, the link with the divine. This chakra also balances he interior and exterior energies of a persons existence, linking them to the world around them. this chakra links to the persons spiritual connection with the universe around them, the link with the divine. This chakra also balances the interior and exterior energies of a persons existence, linking them to the world around them. It is the chakra through which you obtain the highest understanding and the highest knowledge. The color most associated with this chakra is WHITE.

Crystal & Chakra Association

~ROOT-Red & black crystals or stones such as Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Obsidian, Red Jasper & coal.

~SACRAL-Orange crystals or stones such as Carnelian, Amber, Rutilated quartz and Orange Calcite.  

~SOLAR PLEXUS-Yellow crystals or stones such as Citrine Quartz, golden calcite and golden Topaz.
~HEART-Pink/Green crystals or stones such as Watermelon Tourmaline, Apatite, Rose Quartz & Rhodonite.

~THROAT-Blue crystals such as Sodalite, Lapis, Azurite, Blue Lace Agate & Kunzite. ~THIRD EYE-Purple crystal or stones are used here. Amethyst, Fluorite, Sugilite, Charoite & violet Mica.  

~CROWN-White/Gold crystals or stones such as Clear Quartz, Apophilite, gold Citrine, and Selenite.

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