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The following is an exerpt from the book To Ride a Silver Broomstick by Silver RavenWolf & can be found on page 187.

This page is to be read as follows:Plant = Stone = Intention. Each listing is divided by the corresponding element.


Marigold, Carnelian, Health
Heliotrope, Citrine, Success
Sunflower, Tiger Eye, Career
Buttercup, Amber, Ambition
Cedar, Quartz crystal, Goals
Beech/Oak, Red agate, Personal finances

Night flowers, Moonstone, Psychic pursuits
Willow/Orris root, Aquamarine, Psychology
Birch, Pearl, Dreams/Astral Travel
Motherwort, Quartz crystal, Imagination
Vervain, Fluorite, Women's mysteries
White rose/Iris, Geodes, Renincarnation

Red rose, Carnelian, Passion
Cock's comb, Bloodstone, Partnerships
Pine, Ruby, Courage
Thyme/daisy, Garnet, Swift movement
Pepper, Pink tourmaline, Energy
Cinnamon, Sugalite, Business/logic
Beech, Amethyst, Gambling
Buttercup, Turquoise, Social matters
Coltsfoot, Lapis lazuli, Political power
Oak, Sapphire, Material wealth

Fern , Aventurine, Wisdom
Lavender, Bloodstone, Healing
Hazel, Hematite, Communication
Cherry, Moss agate, Intelligence
Periwinkle, Sodalite, Memory/education

Myrrh/moss, Jet, Binding
Hemlock, Smokey quartz, Protection
Wolfsbane, Amethyst, Neutralization
Coltsfoot, Black onyx, Karma
Nightshade, Snowflake obsidian, Death
Fir, Lava/pumice, Manifestation

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